Cream corn is pretty amazing, lets add cream corn, someone good on this site should change username to cream corn.
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Please note that these requirements are guidelines to give you an idea of how we select new members from amongst the applicants
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Yeah its preference, I prefer forums to chat since thats kinda how I grew up, using forums, back in the good old 90's where the only chatrooms I remember were terrible AOL ones.
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I was not a good researcher at 5-7, sorry :-)
I just stuck to forums.
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I would be interested in joining any part of the group. Public or private. I'm awesome, I swears.
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could i please join, i love getting involved in contests and events and i will be an active member
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Ahh classic Steamgifts ban reason, when will they learn....
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I am interested to join the private group. But I think my comment/entry ratio may be a problem... :/ But you said, the rules are flexible, so maybe there is a chance for me? I'd really like to participate in those poker tournaments :) (And other tournaments also)
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Nice research, well done. You could also notice I'm no longer sitting on 0 wins. That probably makes me white and fluffy.
Anyway I'm pretty sure how this conversation ends.
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I don't meet the requirements. I guess I don't participate in these forums enough.
I am pretty sick at the moment, so sorry if this is a really dumb question, but I am dealing with a killer headache that has not gone away all day, so when you say
Members are required to have at least 15 points' worth of giveaways shared only with the other members of the private part of the group every two months.
You mean like giveaways that cost 15 points or more in total on steamgifts, every month, for the group? Like in my brain, points just aren't computing. I also now want to creepily join your group chat because it specifically said not to. My brain is weird when sick, also when not sick. I'm sick.
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Yes, but that's only for the private portion of the group though. If you simply want to join the group and not the Notable Gifter (the private portion), you don't need to make giveaways every 2 months. It's even written in OP.
We are NOT looking for people to make giveaways, and you will never be expected to.
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The non-gifting potion is still awesome, got a great chat.
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15p/$ worth of giveaways every two months, not every month.
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As suggested by Fad, you could always apply here to join just the main group. There are no obligations to do giveaways and we have a very active chat. You are welcome to check out our chat room as a guest. Just remember: DO NOT ask for invites in chat. Later if you decide you want to join the private gifting subgroup just ask an admin for details. Hope you get to feeling better, cheers. ;)
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By very active chat he means this of course:
motorkar entered chat.
kangarooster disconnected.
kangarooster entered chat.
.Raik! entered chat.
dimon222 disconnected.
dimon222 entered chat.
Reyolcan entered chat.
motorkar entered chat.
kangarooster disconnected.
kangarooster entered chat.
.Raik! entered chat.
dimon222 disconnected.
dimon222 entered chat.
Reyolcan entered chat.
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Notable Odds - A close-knit gaming community on Steamgifts since February 2012!
Deadline to make applications: June 3, 2013
UPDATE: Recruitment open
Greetings, community!
It's my pleasure to announce that the Notable Odds is recruiting new members for both the open and private portions of the group again. The open part of the group is open for anyone to join, assuming they meet some minimal requirements.
By being a member of the Notable Odds, you will be able to participate in many events that we organize, such as Creative contests(Writing/Drawing/Photography/Singing, with prizes), poker tournaments (with prizes), inter-group battles in TF2 and other games(and co-ops), maybe even some giveaways now and then and etc..
We are looking for people who:
1) are active;
2) nice to chat with;
3) and interested in playing games together and joining contests/events.
We are NOT looking for people to make giveaways, and you will never be expected to.
We are not interested in beggars, cheaters, or annoying people in general.
If you're interested in being a part of our community, please make a comment below indicating your interest, and whether you wish to also be considered for the private part of the group, and make sure you meet these requirements:
1) A good Steam rating
2) A good comment/entry ratio(2:1), my profile as an example
3) To keep the number of members manageable: at least $50 contribution value on
4) Not someone who was just kicked from the group due to inactivity.
Those wishing to join the private portion are subject to a few further requirements. In addition to meeting the usual requirements and abiding by the usual rules:
Applicants should have a minimum gifted value of $150.
Members are expected not to leak private giveaway links (obviously).
Members are required to have at least 15 points' worth of giveaways shared only with the other members of the private part of the group every two months.
Some final information:
1) If you are interested in joining the giveaways part of the group, you will have a better chance if you participate in the group and show us that you are a nice fellow. We still re-evaluate that kind of membership at the beginning of every month.
2) The admins reserve the right to kick people out of the group without explanations. However, this only happens when people are caught disrespecting SG rules, leaking private links, or disrespecting people in general.
Notable Threads:
Groups Poker Tournament #1-Groups Poker Tournament #2-Steam Gift's Poker FFA Tournament-First Invitation-Second and Third Invitation-Forth Invitation-Fifth Invitation_First Public Invitation-Second Public Invitation-Third and Forth Invitation-Fifth Invitation-Seventh Invitation-1 year old "invitation"
Please note that these requirements are guidelines to give you an idea of how we select new members from amongst the applicants*. They are ultimately flexible and if you are interested in joining, you should feel free to say so in this thread.
*We use them as rough benchmarks for character, experience, activity, participation, and similar qualities we desire in applicants. We very frequently take mitigating circumstances into account.
TL;DR? - You won't be invited ;)
Feel free to join our chat. It’s open for guests, but don’t beg for invites there, don’t idle, and don’t attempt to add or message group members privately to ask for invites.
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