Hello, i am a new trader and would like to learn more about how to use TF2 keys and tradable items to make my price. I saw a post yesterday, but now I can't find it anywhere in my history. It had some really nice information useful to newbies like me. I would like to know how some trades get to for example 4.1 keys? I remember it has something to do with other TF2 items, like to Tour of Duty Ticket i think, but i can't remember it in great detail. I would appreciate any form of help, tutorial, or a link to posts that explain this in more detail.
Thank you all for your time, have a majestic day

4 years ago

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I was never a particularly active trader so I'm no expert but back in the day a Tour of Duty Ticket was 0,5 keys. A Sack of Gems should be worth 0,2 Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys. Maybe some TF2 weapon skins or Steam trading cards for 0,1 but tbh I've never really seen anybody use something smaller than 0,5 increments when setting prices in keys.

You can also open a Sack of gems and then use loose gems for very small sums. (500 for 0,1 keys and so on)

4 years ago*

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Closed 3 years ago by SvProlivije.