I like reading books. But I really love reading fantasy books and I'm always looking for an opportunity to increase my reading list. So I was wondering if you can recommend me some of your favorites? I'm especially looking for series but single novels are fine too. My favorites are "A Song of Ice and Fire", "First Law", "Locke Lamora", "Stormlight Archive","The Witcher", "Discworld" so I guess I'm interested in something similar.

Here's an optional GA for you ^^

7 years ago*

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Silverwing/ darkwing/ firewing series by Kennith

EDIT: also a book called darkwing that can be read alone. hands down favorite book.

7 years ago*

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Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately it hasn't been translated to my native language.

7 years ago

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Malazan book of the fallen (havent read it myself, but my brother loves it). Rothfuss Name of the Wind is apparently also great (that one Im gonna be reading after I read all the Witcher books, Im reading Times of Contempt as I write this haha).

Dunno what else to suggest, you already mentioned a few, and Ive been seriously neglecting reading ever since I started going to college, cause every goddamned time I start reading something for fun, I feel like I should be reading something for college. Weird stupid thing that Im trying to get rid of. :)

Also not a book, but I really loved reading the Walking dead comics, if you think you might like it give it a go, it is really a great comic, even better than the TV show.

7 years ago

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And I had the same kind of problem when I was in school. :)

7 years ago

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Kushiel's Legacy by Jacqueline Carey is an excellent read. I've read the first two trilogies and loved them, haven't started the third yet. Its a little light on fantasy elements and leans more towards an alternate history, though the main character is touched by a fallen angel.

Sara Douglass' Wayfarer Redemption is a really good read, much heavier on the fantasy elements.

I'll second The Dark Elf Trilogy and subsequent books. As said previously Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman are great authors, I'd also suggest the Dragonlance Chronicles and check out their others in the Dragonlance series.

7 years ago

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Also the Cleric Quintet. Not sure what the best starting point for Drizzt is. I read them in the way they were published, The Icewind Dale Trilogy first and then the Dark elf one...

7 years ago

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I read The Dark Elf Trilogy first and I would recommend it that way too. Its a great introduction to the main character and is the chronological order. The Cleric Quintet is also pretty good too.

7 years ago

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Thanks for all of the suggestions!

7 years ago

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Came here to suggest Carey. Her books are excellent.

7 years ago

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The Dark Tower by Stephen King (mixture of fantasy / end time / western)
The Night Watch series by Sergej Lukjanenko/Lukyanenko (just the main series; there are new short stories from this universe, but though his name is on the book cover, the stories are written by other authors)
The Orcs series by Stan Nicholls (especially the first part)

Series for children, but might also appeal to adults:
Magic Moon by Heike and Wolfgang Hohlbein (nowadays he writes more books than other people writing shopping lists, but there are a few gems, mostly the older ones)
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

7 years ago

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+1 for dark tower

7 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestions!

7 years ago

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+1 for the Night Watch series

7 years ago

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If you liked Lies of Locke Lamora, I very much recommend the book Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick. Really good reading :)
The Paladins series is also apparently great, I've experienced the first two books in the form of interactive fiction and liked them very much.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the suggestions!

7 years ago

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Okay well the discworld novels were some of my favorite when I was younger. A similar series in terms of fantasy and humor would be the Myth Adventure Novels by robert asprin

In terms of pure fantasy I'm slight hesitant to recommend it but I really liked the elvenbore/elvenbane/elvenblood series hOWEVER its a unfinished series and the author died leaving the 3d book on a clift hanger (about to start a war) which is kinda annoying.

Now currently my favorite author is brandon sanderson and I would recommend anything by him focusing on The way of kings series (Stormlight archive) for an epic (has like 1000+ pages)
or the mystborn series cause they are honestly really really good

7 years ago

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I loved Stormlight, and Mistborn is next on my list. :)

7 years ago

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Okay, I'm back from my evening/aftermidnight walk so here's more that no one mentioned but are good/great:

  • Anne McCaffrey, series about Dragonriders of Pern
  • Tolkien, Hobbit + LotR (I assume you've read it, but hey, no one mentioned it so...)
  • Dmitry Glukhovsky, Metro 2033 (more SF/post-apocalypse, but a nice read)
  • Stephen R. Donaldson, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
  • Roger Zelazny, Amber Chronicles (among my favorites)
  • Garth Nix, The Old Kingdom Trilogy
  • Lois McMaster Bujold, Vorkosigan Saga
  • James Patterson, The Jester
  • Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl (more for kids, but great read, funny and smart)
  • Maria Semyonova, The Wolfhound series
7 years ago

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Tolkien, Hobbit + LotR (I assume you've read it, but hey, no one mentioned it so...)

I did:P

7 years ago

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The Amber Chronicles are awesome, can't believe I forgot them.

7 years ago

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Thanks for all of the suggestions! There is quite a few my reading list was missing. :)

7 years ago

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I was going to recommend you The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, because I love these books, but I'm afraid they're not your cup of tea ^^" too much 'young adult', I guess.
But maybe the Black Jewels from Anne Bishop?

7 years ago

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Yup, I prefer blood, sweat and tears more than a supernatural romance or something like that, I'm a weird girl. ;D
But thanks a bunch for the suggestions anyway!

7 years ago

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Not weird at all :3 Sometimes I prefer romance ant fluffy things, sometimes I get lost in horror and thrillers. It just depends on my mood ^^ And while the Lunar Chronicles are sweet and full of romance, the Black Jewels well... not so much ^^"
But you wrote that you like the Discworld books (no surprise, they're great :D) Just in case you didn't read it yet, don't miss 'Good Omens' by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.
Happy reading ^.^

7 years ago

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Any book by Tolkien

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The Riddle-Master trilogy, by Patricia A. McKillip The books disappeared into legal-limbo, some years ago, but you may still be able to find a copy. If you do, it is quite good.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Me and my kid are listening to Way of Kings right now! I'm sure you know about Mistborn and Reckoners, but just in case you should really check them out as well, they are great.

7 years ago

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Thanks, I really like Stormlight Archive so I think I'm gonna enjoy his other books!

7 years ago

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Surprised no-one has mentioned David Gemmel - Druss The Legend + addons, the Waylander Series, The Rigante Series.
Then there's the classics like:
David Eddings' Belgariad Series.
Terry Brooks' Shannara Series (Now being made into an MTV Series - Season 1 out now on DVD).
Melanie Rawns' Dragon Prince Trilogy, followed by her Dragon Star Trilogy, Her Mage Captal Series (book 3 is in progress - but has been for 15 years - health concerns).
Kim Harrison's Hollows Series - Modern Day but Witchs', Vamps', Were's etc.
Christopher Stasheff's Warlock Series.
Sci/Fi type fantasy?
Ed Howdershelts 3rd World Product's.
Anything by E E Doc Smith or Robert Heinlein.

7 years ago

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Was going to suggest The Belgariad and The Malloreon as well. That said, those are the only fantasy books I have read (when I was much younger).

7 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestions!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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+1 to the Belgariad
+1 to Shannara series.

7 years ago

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This recent and increasingly common phrasing, "Recommend me (X)", confuses me for a split second, as the object of the verb is syntactically ambiguous. In my fantastic imagination, it's as if you are requesting that fantasy books provide you with a letter of recommendation about you - perhaps for a job in a bookstore or maybe an ice cream parlor. The confusion only lasts for so long though, because I start thinking about ice cream. That being said, I would like to recommend that you read:

  • The Book of the New Sun, by Gene Wolfe

It is fantasy that (d)evolves into science fiction, but can be read as fantasy, if you're so inclined. "Magic's just science that we don't understand yet." and all that. And, since the science of the magic in these books isn't really explained/explored, the story remains largely a fantasy book in my opinion or at most a very soft science fiction. Soft... soft like chocolate vanilla swirl with banana, caramel, and hazelnuts...

7 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestion and for making me go to the store to get some ice cream :)

7 years ago

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Roger Zelazny, "The Chronicles of Amber".
Awesome 10 books. :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Neverending Story by Michael Ende, one of the best fantasy books around.

And ANYTHING by Terry Pratchett.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Oh BOY well I do love me some China Mieville - his stuff skips the line between sci-fi and fantasy, very modern. He's most known for his Bas Lag books, but my favorites from him are Embassytown, which is a spectacular sci-fi about what contact with an alien species that's truly alien would be like, and The City and the City, a modern fantasy story about two cities which exist quite literally, spatially, on top of each other. It reads like a neo-noir.

I also love me some Robert Jackson Bennett. While his first book was kind of a snoozer, he hit his stride with Company Man, a gaspunk thriller, and hit a god damn home run with American Elsewhere, a modern cosmic horror that takes southwestern, Area 51 gothic to not just the next level, but the next 10 levels. I read half of it on a plane ride and never had one go so fast. His fantasy-fantasy stuff for you, though, is his Divine Cities trilogy - two are out, and the last one is either just out or nearly out. It has really unique, sick worldbuilding, and it's written intelligently but refreshingly modern. Like, people talk the way they'd talk now. It's so smart, and thrilling, and just well done.

Anything by N.K. Jemisin is a true joy to read, and I was introduced to her through her Inheritance trilogy. I loved them, though I thought the third book was only okay. It deals with a world where there were three Gods, and one conspired to kill another and have the third imprisoned. The human race that imprisoned said god and all of the god's children rule over everyone else - literally with the power of god. The first book is about an outsider coming in, unchaining their gods, and fucking them up, and the second is about the conspiratorial god brought low and having to make penance by living amongst humans. Great romance, too c;

Most of my other recs are sci-fi, though, (and lol some of these were, too) If you want to dip your toe into the genre, The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers is probably one of The Best books I had read in a while with how fresh it felt, how focused the plot but how expansive the worldbuilding, and how well-made the characters were. I very much did cry at the end, which is rare for me.

7 years ago

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You mentioned quite a few I haven't heard before. Thank you for all of the suggestions!

7 years ago

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Hey, man, of course! And if you're having trouble keeping track of everything, one of my favorite sites to use is goodreads.com. It's a heaven and haven for book nerds, has pretty much every book in existence in its database (including comics, manga, ebooks, even Homestuck, for god's sake) and has a lot of tools and lists for you to organize and keep track of what you're doing.

I have kind of a fautly memory, so being able to organize books into 'shelves' (lists) makes it real easy for me to come across a thread like this and just go 'AH! Let me consult THIS list - ' and not forget anything amazing.

Here is my profile, if you'd like to be friends!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the link, it sure will be helpful to organize it all! I'm gonna add you as soon as I complete my profile. :)

7 years ago

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Ok, I've added you. ;)

7 years ago

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Accepted! Nice to meet you, and I wish us together good luck on reading as many good books as we can c:

7 years ago

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maybe i missed them, but i didn't see in this list anything about Conan saga (Howard) and Elric saga (Moorcock). if repeat, please potato me.

7 years ago*

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Thanks anyway. :)

7 years ago

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+1 to Elric.

7 years ago

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If you can swing to sci-fi Dune has a lot of fantasy in it and it's a must read in my opinion.

It's practically space Game of Thrones decades before Game of Thrones wrote a word.

7 years ago

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I prefer fantasy, but I also read scifi, and I'll take any good scifi recommendation as well. Thanks!

7 years ago

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Read the first Dune (1965) book for sure, I don't recommend the rest though.

7 years ago

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I.d Give a +1 to Dragonlance Chronicles by Weiss and Hickman

Also - Trudi Canavan - http://www.trudicanavan.com/books/the-black-magician-trilogy/
black magician trilogy - might not be perfect in all aspects - but very easy to read and so easy to become absorbed in :)

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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I've recentely read one of Dave Gross's novel of Pathfinder Tales - Lord of Runes - and I liked it a lot. It's not really comparable with some of the ones you're read, it's not Epic Fantasy, on the contrary, you could say is almost mundane, but I liked the characters and I don't think I've ever read about a world that's quite so high-magic (and I've read my fair share of Sword&Sorcery novels). There's no need to know about Pathfinder (the roleplaying game) to read it, but I think I appreciated it more because I'm a gamer and that's kind of my world too :)

[Please note that "Pathfinder Tales" collects different sagas, and that 'Lord of Runes' is not the first one in the saga written by Dave Gross]

7 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestion!

7 years ago

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Skoro jesteś z Polski, to polecam "Oko jelenia" Andrzeja Pilipiuka.

7 years ago

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Dzięki! Na razie muszę skończyć serię Wędrowycza, to wezmę się za jego inne książki . :)

7 years ago

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I enjoyed The Saga of Pliocene Exile and The Galactic Milieu Series by Julian May.
My first recommend would have been Robin Hobb, but already mentioned in the first comment. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Last fantasy book I read was from the Kane saga, Darkness Weaves and it was fun.

Now I've started the Dark Elf Trilogy with Homeland.

From my past reads I'd reccomend:

  • Earthsea Cycle by Ursula Le Guin - she does mostly scifi but all her books are great. This is a non typical fantasy that challenges your preceptions
  • American Gods and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Happy reads!

Edit: nice suggestions on this thread :)

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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I enjoyed the first trilogy of The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever (second one was less good to me, and third one was never translated into my language) very much.
Paul Kearney's Monarchies of God is very, very good. I warmly recommend it. I also started the Sea Beggars, but only first book exists in my language.
The Belgarion novels from David and Leigh Eddings are also quite good if you like long stories.
Also I can't resist mentionning one of my absolute favorite writers: Dan Simmons. He's more into sci-fi than fantasy, but if your "motor" is imagination, you must give this man a try. Hyperion / Endymion is a no-brainer to me, Illium / Olympos is also very good, and of course the awesome Carrion Comfort.

7 years ago

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Thank you for all of the suggestions! My reading list has gotten so big. :)

7 years ago

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The Dark Tower
If you have apprehension because you've seen the new movie or trailers for it, don't. The books are NOTHING like the subpar movie.

7 years ago

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Dark Tower series is still ahead of me, but I haven't seen a movie and I don't intend to, at least not before I finish the books. Thanks!

7 years ago

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