The Pre-order deal was better a while back when it came with the same bonus as it does now, plus GTA:SA. Personally, I plan to wait until it has been out for a bit before I get it. Waited this long already, what is a few more months. Maybe in the Summer Sale (bonus cards too!)
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Yes, right now the only bonus is kind of useless. Better off getting it after we find out how good or bad the port is. GTAIV was a pretty good game (on consoles) but a terrible port for PC.
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yeah, if you want to wait an extra 3 or 4 months to save $15. I'd rather just play it day one.
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Or wait an extra 12 and save an extra $45+ plus the bank interest. Also enjoy it with all the patches and available DLC (if any). I hate playing games Day One, especially when it is a port. I've Day One'd games before and didn't get any extra thrill out of it other than a sense of feeling foolish for spending so much on it once it is just rotting in my library a month (sometimes a week) later.
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GTA V won't be under $20 for at least 2 or 3 years, it's an expensive game. Of course there is no reason for you to pre-order it if it's going to rot in your library. There are many people who want to play the game daily and have been waiting a couple years to do so. Also it's not a direct console port, it's much more than that.
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What I meant by "Rot in my Library" is after it is completed a few times, odds are I will not be replaying it for quite some time. I desperately wanted Saints Row 3, pre-ordered it and played it like mad for a week or two. beat it a couple of times to see the other choices played as both genders to feel the differences in NPC dialogues, etc.... but I had never went back until a friend asked me to co-op years later. Said friend had just picked it up in the Humble Bundle for a fraction of what I paid and it came with all the DLC (which I had bought separately and still was missing quite a bit of and ended up patching that up with said HB) it was at that point I realized... they were enjoying the game a few years later brand new to them and were enjoying it and had a better experience for it. When I played, it would crash quite a bit, all that had been fixed. I now wait for the GotY of games or massive discounts before buying. That's only my opinion. I should put the caveat that I pre-ordered GTA IV (Retail) and wasn't able to play it despite having better than the system requirements due to what a bad port it was. My new computer (which is old now) was when I could finally play and enjoy it. GTA V's $70+tax is out of my price range for a game right now anyway as I just replaced my video card due to the old one frying. Plus I played GTA V already (Pre-order for PS3 with blimp but the PS3 itself and all the games/accessories I had were all stolen.. I mean... "misplaced by the delivery company and will be returned when found" when I moved a while back.), so I guess that helps me in waiting.
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I'll be playing GTA Online until GTA 6 is released. Saints Row is something you play for fun, beat it, and never touch it again.
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I say no - all you get by preordering is some in-game cash for multiplayer (that noone really cares about, as it breaks all the time) and single player that for once will just make things easier = less intresting, plus if you really want in-game money so much you may just edit game with some simple editor like cheat engine.
The price for the preorder is exactly the same as it will be for full game, you don't get any actual story/gameplay bonus content for preordering, no price reduction, no bonus games - nothing. So why would you preorder, freeze your money for at east a month (maybe they will delay release AGAIN ;p) and basically pay the same amount of money you'd be able to pay when game gets released, and when there are reviews, reports on port quality, performance etc.
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which in this case is plain stupid. Because you may as well buy it the exact moment it releases (you will already have some reviews and reports, you will pay the same amount and receive same game)
I can understand preordering to get bonus games or DLCs. It's a risk, but if the game end up being good you end up saving money on additional content. But preordering game for full release price with no bonuses in return is just plain stupid.
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Are you confused or something ? Not everyone has 1gb lines and can download 50gb in 10mins. Most people will take at least a couple of hours to get the game. If they want to be able to play as it launches, they need to pre-order.
No one is preordering for the free GTA online money, its nothing.
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In such a case just download Steam game files from torrents and buy the game as it releases to be able to launch it ;p Torrents will be up max 1h after preload starts set up by ppl who do have big bandwitch ;p It's not necessary to put up 60$ 1+ month ahead just for being able to preload.
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You are assuming things for a place you live in. A lot of ISPS block P2P traffic and hence torrents isnt really an option, or many other reasons. For me it would be my ISP gives me unlimited traffic to Steam servers so my best option would be using Steam.
Besides all that, i have good hope in GTA5. Xbox One/PS4 are just PC hardware now, they are not custom hardware. This means they pretty much ported the game a year ago to 'pc hardware' and the result was good. That combined with the information that the team that did Max Payne will be doing the PC port, it should be fine.
The reason other GTAs and most ports are horrible is because porting a game from Xbox360/ps3 to PC is a massive task, and its just not worth it for the devs, or not worth doing it right at least. But now these days the consoles are just PC hardware and therefor we really shouldn't see any 'bad ports' on the level we use to.
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I think ISPs only throttle P2P traffic, which makes them really shitty ISPs anyway because P2P traffic can also be legal. Blizzard uses BitTorrent for its downloaders for example. If your ISP throttles P2P traffic, you should switch to one that doesn't because P2P isn't only used for piracy.
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On the other hand I believe this game has so much content, so many stuff to do, that in order to have extra content as preorder bonus, they would have to remove something from the main game and sell it as dlc. Like may publishers do, which is rather disappointing.
So personally, I'm ok with the in-game money bonus, I don't mind starting my game with a flashy tuned car ;)
About the game "quality", pretty much everyone knows how the ps4 version looks/plays, and I think we can only expect imporvements over that, nothing less... Now if they mess the port up so bad.. what can I say, it will be the fail of the year....
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Yes, they do. But I want to believe that the delays are for the better because Rockstar want to release the game when it's perfect.
They would'nt delay the publishing if it's not for a good reason, I guess they want to fix more bugs and make sure the port from console to PC is good enough for releasing the game.
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Another thing people seem to forget, is that PS4 and Xbox One are PC hardware, unlike PS3 and Xbox 360. So in theory, the 'heavy lifting' of the porting process has already been done and showing results on PS4/Xbox one, and it had to be done well cause console games always sell well.
Its a lot easier to take a game from PS4/xbox one to PC than oldgen consoles.
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me too, i'll wait for TB's Port Report and if it's a decent port i'm buying it first time it goes on sale (at least -20%) :)
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A lot of people have been going by the GTAIV release, others are going by how it's the same team that ported Max Payne 3 over to the PC which was known to be spectacular. I have it pre-ordered, I did it back when they offered GTA:SA. If you think the game is worth full price and want to play it day one then preorder it. If you can wait, then wait until it's on sale later on down the line.
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I do think the game worth full price because I appreciate the effort they are doing for this game, plus GTA is a game series I really like since I was a child. Pre ordering bonuses are the less I care for, my only interest is playing GTA V as soon as I can because I want it badly
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It's a preorder and that means that we can't say if it's really worth to purchase at the moment. We all know GTA V is a great game on consoles, but there is a possibility that it will be just a really bad port on the PC.
Also, I don't think that those preorder bonuses are worth much.
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I don't really care about the bonuses, just about the game. Plus when I asked on the thread's topic if it's worth it or not, I meant that people would reply me if I should also pre order, or shouldn't pre order right now, based on their thoughts and considerations they did them selves to decide what to do with it.
Thanks for your reply!
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Like with everyone else, I would wait just to see what the port is going to be like. Apparently Max Payne 3 was a great port so it should be fine, but there's really no harm in waiting.
Personally, the pre-order bonuses are poor and not worth taking the small risk it has a bad launch, is a bad port, etc. I'd just check some port reviews on release and then if all's good just buy it the day of release or soon after launch once there's lots of info about the port. You really aren't missing much without the pre-order bonuses.
But if we ignore all the ports stuff, the game itself is fantastic. With the single player you get, well admittedly more familiar GTA, but it's got enough tweaks to make it feel different and fresh (heists, gameplay tweaks, etc). It's far superior to GTA IV, and it really goes back to how I felt playing San Andreas - Just endless things to do, such attention to detail, no restrictions, boundless fun, etc. All in all, if you like GTA you really can't dislike this. I did feel it was more of the same, but that's not always a bad thing.
For me, where the game really shined was GTA Online. I know it gets a bad rep for being buggy and poorly thought out (which it can be) but regardless it is so much fun. If you have some friends to play with you can literally have endless fun. The activities Rockstar gives you actually tend to be the least fun, at least to me. You'll want to do some races, missions, etc at first but if you're like me you'll eventually only do these as a means to earn money. The real fun comes with the endless things to buy (properties, cars, modding cars, weapons, upgrading weapons, clothes, tattoos, etc) and, in all honestly, just messing about with some friends in freeroam became the most common thing we would do. In my eyes it's very much a "make your own fun" game. Also the recent heists update is pretty interesting, but in usual Rockstar fashion they are a not the easiest things to even get started (you have to wait for phone calls, messages, etc rather than just being able to select them from a list of missions you want to play like a normal game would do). The same goes for a lot of the missions online, they are given to you by chance not by your choice. So if you want to repeat your favourite missions whenever you feel like, that's not the way Rockstar does it unfortunately. That's the biggest annoyance with Online, but otherwise it's great fun.
So yeah, a game well deserving of your money whether you want it for single player, multiplayer, or both. I'd just wait for port reviews first.
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Thank you very much for this thoughtful reply, you've helped a lot.
Is bad port really a big deal? Is it something that they can fix days after? is it so bad?
I want to play it more than any other game right now, and the bonuses really are poor, but taking them now is better than nothing when
I will buy it in the future.
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bad port may be a pretty big deal - it's something that made some games almost unplayable on PC (Deadly Premonition anyone?). Also unless you know how well is it optimized and how well it runs - it may end up being unplayable on your machine - just because you have for example GPU/CPU from another company that they optimized for. And Rockstar have a history of port optimization fuck-ups.
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you can pre-order it from Nuuvem for 34$ its not the steam version tough.
I preorder it because lest face it... good port or not, im gona play the shit out of it.
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Wait till we get some reviews on the port. They usually come up on the day of or just prior to release and you are not missing anything except some in game cash.
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GTA V for PC is not a port. I don't know why people keep saying that it is. It was developed in parallel with the console versions. (Hit Ctrl+F & search for 'PC')
If you really can't wait to play it, buy it so you have the option to pre-load. If not, then wait a few days & see how the reviews are.
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Is GTA V pre order worth it? I do not know what to do
I want to see other's oppinions and suggestions, so feel free to reply.
Thanks in advance
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