CTR? crash team racing? man i miss that game.... flies away
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CTR is the only PS game I still have. Such good memories! Penta Penguin is by far the best
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Considering the ps1 is the only console i own i had tons of fun with friends with these games.Football was fun also and simmular games like crash.Shame i didn't had the "Splitter" thingy for us to play more so we had to wait for our turn ;/.
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yeah man, those were awesome.
too bad they don't make more games like that, and if they did, the extra scenes would be dlc, the extra characters would be dlc, and all the other kinky things wouldn't be there, and the gameplay would still be worse.
sad how things are turning out for gaming :<
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Fuuu i just found out that my mom threw my old PS1 games when she was cleaning.Damn i had other good CDs with music and movies in that box.DAAMNN
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i didn't had many but damn i was pissed yesturday.She said that she was cleaning the useless stuff from basement so they don't pile up.At least she told me that then then id might saved those cds from recycling.Oh well at least my PS1 is intact :P
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Offcourse but i'm also a gammer anything wrong with that?
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"Of course, but I'm also a gamer. Anything wrong with that?"
And thus, the grammar nazi departs from this topic.
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7h sleep 6-10 "student" deppends(fresh man) i reacently had free time but now is passed.Used to play waterpolo broke up with gf few moths ago(4 to be presise then i had more spare time and started to play these games)
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Wrote it in a hurry and i'm not hanging out on forums that much.That is why it looks a bit cheesy:P.
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Heh yeah i'm terrible at spelling.I did apologize did I :)
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Well, if it isn't joke, it's always funny when people make mistakes correcting someone.
And if it's joke, kinda in wrong place, seeing how OP knows he isn't best in English and might learn wrong form.
At least with you I'm pretty sure it's joke :P
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I have problem with spelling mostly but also in pronouncing.English isn't my native language and i don't use it much around except for reading.I understand quite well.I also don't pay much attention when i'm writing on the net.In fact i noticed the you are welcome part form r3tr4t but like i said i don't pay much attention when writing.
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By the court of Grammar Nazis and our constitution you are condemned to rewrite the correct form of your grammatical error forty thousand times in your notebook.Sharpen your pen and go do your work heretic. XD
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awwww, I wanted to make a comment about tightening it up but I'm a bit to late to the party...
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it was oposite thing for me.Idk maybe because i played bishock last.I must admit the story in bioshock is a bit hard to understand,at least hardest for me.I enjoy similar stories that will make your mind spin but this is the hardest i ever come opon.And the outcome was just..I have no words for that.I presume you like similar stories as well considering you have the bunny of Donnie Darko movie.
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I was mindfucked, to be honest i couldn't sleep the night i finished it. About AC3, I did not mean it bad, the game is great too, but the ending with Desmond and whole Earth... i was so excited about the story for years and then boom, it's "over" and it did not leave something to think about. As you say i love "stories that will make your mind spin", Frank (the rabbit) is an amazing character (creepy).
Would you mind telling me why did BS disappoint you?
(Sorry for grammar, do not have time to think about it right now)
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I hate 2 things actually.Spoilers
First,they chose really hard theme(question,theory) with the parallel universes of which only speculations and theories exist how it works.I liked their choise but the thing i didn't like is how they overused it in the game.At some point in the game will get that unpleasand fealing what is real and what is not.The whole looping throw the worlds and no indications wheater you are back in your "mother world" was too much i belive the writers themselfs were a bit lost.I hate when they extreamly confuse you and then in the last moment throw a lot but they "intetionaly" miss few important details so you have to brainstorm for that few days.
Second,the whole journey all and the characters like you and elizabeth never existed because the main antagonist Comstock never lived and all events never happend.We don't know what happens with Ann(eliz) and we know that Booker DeWitt dies before the Prophet was born(at least in the world presented to us in the game).Good thing you reminded me of Donnie because this is exactly similar story(showing him the results of his actions and that he choses to die in the end so he can prevent the events he saw to come true).
The whole point of bioshock games was you in the mist of chaos where there is no hope to do something good.From all 3 games the first one's ending is most fulfilling(i was the good guy saved the girls).The efford paid off i suffred but i saved those girls from worse and they know that.You are the Hero in the end.Bioshock 2 i don't remember much of the plot much but i remember the end you are doing similar thing but you have to die and again you are the hero.They know your story and sacrifice.The last one was difficult for me because that never happend in reality.No one never existed nothing was real unlike the previous games.They just compicated things too much.It didn't fulfill me at the end.I don't know how to explain it i hope u can understand what i mean.And don't worry my english is worse :P
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and i was disapointed of bioshock because of these 2 things but still its better game of AC3.I wasn't dissapointed of ac3 because that was basicaly what i was epecting but still its a good game.
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AAwwwww... i haven't finished Bioshock 1 a 2. I finished Infinite first because i wanted to avoid spoilers. But that doesn't matter. Imagine there are two worlds (actually just infinity plus one), in the first one, DeWitt refuses baptism, becomes a drunkard and has a daughter Anna. He is in debt so he agrees to trade her for clear shield. But in the second world, he accepts baptism and makes a whole flying city. In the end DeWitt let Elizabeth/Anna to kill Dewitt in the second world (also, he can't have children in this universe). This is the "plus one", Anna was never born here and there is no Dewitt/Comstock to travel through universes and no one to steals Dewitts Anna in the first world. When she kills him, new universe is created (∞+2) and they live there together and Columbia never existed. Sorry for being Cpt. Obvious but it also helps me to get it straight. Donnie was laughing in the end because he didn't have to die. The old lady survived her trip (even thought she was crazy). It was just very IRONIC, the turbine could have fallen anywhere else, but it landed on him. Have you seen Mr. Nobody? Or Source Code? Butterfly Effect? The Jacket (2005)? All great movies....
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First of all sorry i didn't know that you didn't played the 1 and 2 so sry for spoiling it for you ;/ .
Second it still fresh to me i just finished the game yesturday but this is what i got form the brainstorming all night and still is confusing as hell.Like i said they just spill the beans in the last moments but "few important ones" are left out so you have to brainstorm over and over again for few days till you get it.I just want a confirmation of my actions and not left out in uncertanty.Still confused a bit about the worlds when they looped into diffrent worlds withoth knowing where are they going back or getting inot another world last thing i remember they were in a world where brooker was a leader of the Vox and they stayed in it so it wasn't the origional one.Damn i don't know what to write any more my head hurts :D.I need some rest of it.My point was they they should stop overdoing it.Spin stories are good and i like them as long as they stay in rational levels.
As for movies Source code is one of my favorite movies i have watched.I havent watched the rest but other simular movies i liked Seven pouunds(my favortie too),Shutter Island(this and source code i rank them better than inception),Lucky Number selvin,Deja Vu,K-PAX,Pan's labyrinth(reminds me a lot of bioshock),Fight club,Prestige The Illusionist .Those are all i can think of not all with "confusing" story but worth watching.
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I don't understand your point. You say you would recommend all of them, but say you are losing hope.
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my bad for the cheesy text.If you played the games you will understand of what "cons" im talking about.But if u didnt i still would recommend them because they are mustplay tittles.Nothing is perfect offcourse.And for the losing hope part again u have to finish the games to see what i mean.
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I have finished most of the ones you mentioned but you say they are enjoyable as long as you don't play them all at once. Again, I don't really understand what you mean.
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Just one word Depresing.I pay attention to the story a lot so few more games like this in a row without leting some steam out and i would have to go to a specialist to give me some medicine.That was A JOKE like EDI would often say :P
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I think he means that games these days are alright but don't have the same charm and fun gameplay as older games made.
I'll agree that the story for Bioshock infinite was amazing entertaining and good, but the gameplay itself was a bit lackluster.
(I would have had a satisfied experience if I watched a movie with the Bioshock infinite storyline)
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It wasn't as awsome as the preveous games but it was still good in my list.
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well i don't pay attention to the genre.I do care about the story in the game.In that terms they all offer epic "adventures"if you will
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You wont say it so I will, AC 3 was bad. If it were anything other than assassins creed the average review would be around 50 if not less. Game breaking bugs, visual bugs, poorly written story and characters (hey, I know I trained my entire life to kill you, but why dont I follow your orders for awhile instead?). None of the side stuff mattered save to get money, which was worthless as even on starting gear nothing at any point in the game posed a threat and collecting things was pointless. Endless mechanics were introduced and then became entirely pointless.
The only reason it got any praise at all is the franchise that was behind it, standing on its own it was a pretty bad game.
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Last year seemed to be the year for crap games (and disappointing overhyped games), but this year seems to be faring better.
Also I haven't finished Infinite yet, but so far I am loving it. They story has really only confused me once so far (I'm not sure if they forgot to elaborate on something, or if it's on purpose), but I love it. I really hope the ending is good! I hate it when a good game has a crap ending.
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There are still enjoyable games, of course you're not playing them like Rayman Origins.
You're playing "MATURE GAMES FOR MATURE PEOPLE" games, and in no way do they have the same feeling of games that can be enjoyed at all ages like the Rachet and Clank series.
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I was playing them because of that reason only.I like stories like that in movies or games i have read some books too offcourse but im not a bookworm.Im a mature person and i uderstand this kind stories.But i wasn't expecting their outcomes to be "similar".AC3,ME3 and bioshock inf. come out reacently yet again they are similar in some way.I'm just saying they have to bring something new in the future.And if you ask me i made big mistake playing them one after another it was too much for me.
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Well i made my own ending(in my head)for mass effect even extend it in a future for one more adventure with shepard.I actualy tryed to write a fan fic but droped out because my english is a bit rusty,no time and Patience :).
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You want awesome games that aren't shooters/thrillers/actiony?
FTL(A bit of action but not status quo)
Thomas Was Alone
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play it when it came out had few days of nonstop fun :)
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Same. Im 21 yo now. And I kinda have the feeling that Ive seen them all.....Nothing thats really able to surprise me or keeps me playing for a long time....
Even Infinite bored me after 5 hours. I will never understand why ppl hype BS : Infinite, srsly. Bioshock in rapture was SO MUCH BETTER.
Probably my time has come to quit gaming. 21 yo is the pension age for a gamer anyway I guess.
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Try going to Desura, they have loads of unique things
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Tnx for advice but i have games to play.I was just posting my thoughts about the games here.I think i would give a try to good old Total war or something simple i might actually install again world of tanks.
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Well, personally I haven't played Assassin's Creed 3 or Mass Effect 3 to truly know the horrors of their endings, but I have done my spoilerific research into them(before playing them, lol). BioShock: Infinite... well, I can sort of see your point even though I didn't look at it that way.
My advise would be try fun games that have no story whatsoever to lighten up. With other words indie games... with other words what everyone else suggested and you already said you'd consider.
To make this post less pointless try these two. Short(at least in case of the second one) but fun fun fun. And no... predictable story(or any story). ;)
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It's not so much that games suck now, it's more that AAA games seem to forget what made gamers love games in the first place. Really, I think a big part is graphical advances. Graphics advanced a lot and that's a big part of development costs, so the AAA devs spend a large majority of their budget on pretty graphics and then don't have anything left for good gameplay and story.
Best thing you can do is to really consider looking at other sorts of games. There are definitely plenty of fun games out there, they just aren't necessarily the popular AAA games. Look at indie games and also games from smaller developers. The big thing is to not make pretty graphics and hype be the main reason why you buy a game. You'll have a lot more fun that way.
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Well actually the COD games have good quality SP story.
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I can't even remember the last time I haven't properly played a AAA title in years =/
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just the end but i fixed that with my own end.Though beceause i overanalyzed(first time i was "opsesed"to understand more) i noticed some plot holes which gave me more liberty to tweak the story as i see fit.Overall i'm i like the game with few of my "tweaks" in the end the point of the game was to write your own story deppending of the choises
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The problem is that they are trying to make games more like interactive movies than challenges . . . . except that the developers seem to be oblivious to the fact that they usually create the most cliché-filled plots conceived since B-movies.
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Why you ask?Because the last few mouths i finished assassin's creed 3 and mass effect trilogy(first time) and Bioshock infinite yesterday.I'm not saying the games are bad (they are awesome)but for those who played them will understand why i'm angry.I won't say anything else so i don't want to spoil anything for those who heven't played them yet.I strongly recommend all of them but i would sugest not to play them one after another.Instead try another game before playing anything mentioned above(trust me it would be much much easier).As for me i think i need to went my "steam" off on something more simple of just dust off my old PS1 and play some Crash with go-carts.After that im planing to go throw Dead space Trilogy(played the first one cupple of years ago but i'm gona replay it for the story)and i really hope it would be "different" compared to the tittles mentioned above which have "something in common".I really wish the game developers reconsider in the future because this "thing" is getting old if you get what i'm meaning.
Sry for broken english :P
Edit:Ok what i mean is the endings are disappointing and depressing in all of them AC3,ME3 and BI considering they all come out recently
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