Should cg Do something?
IDK. It seems like you have been essentially doing the same thing he has been. Including threatening people on ST, misusing the rep system, etc....
If you mean me, just let me know when
and if you gona talk about COD4 problem and people deserve only 1 -rep
i would tell you that " scamming a user punishment " was Permanent BAN
Pretending you are a victim doesn't really make you a victim.
I'm not a victim, i never said that, all i asked was a a help to prevent that from happening again, i can defend myself his reviews is almost done, and he is tired from spamming my trades
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People like to express opinions about everything before even starting to understand what is the subject of the discussion or to hover the mouse over the links. Thank you for this beautiful kind of calling out.
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Idk why I clicked that first link but I'm glad I did. You almost had me, haha
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Lol - I saw some it unfold over there - you were playing create / delete ping pong for all to see. Went back a few hours later and you were both still at it. Very undignified by all parties involved in my opinion.
For what it's worth, I don't think he was completely wrong - it was not your place to call out a scammer - only the person scammed. Of course he overreacted, but there are reasons why ordinary members are not supposed to assume the role of a moderator. The same rules apply here, and rightly so. Not saying he's not a scammer btw - just that you will get resistance if you try and assume a role above your pay grade.
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you were playing create / delete ping pong for all to see
He was spamming, not me , i didn't play, was only changing my name
For what it's worth, I don't think he was completely wrong - it was not your place to call out a scammer
As a high rep user, i do really care of the community health and this guy scammed my friend, and made a fake proofs, but the community decided that scammer is innocent
you won't believe me if i said that i have spent more than 8hours collecting evidence for nothing belong to me
a word thank you form the victim was enough for me for all i did
you can see all the guys i have left them a negative review, all are scammers/alt account if you have any questions just let me know
just that you will get resistance if you try and assume a role above your pay grade.
true, i'm getting resistance, in the last vote, 25 guys voted against me but also many more voted with me ,too many people tanks me for what i'm doing
if you think i'm enjoying doing this, you are really wrong , i dont have a good avatar because of scammer, i was working with only 2 threads to help the community ( my psa thread )
and the top of that, every time i fight with a scammer i'm risking my reps but still doing that, not for me,for the community
in the end, i will be more than glad if some mods will control the site, or some other traders take that from me, all of these will be ended
scammer will be instantly banned for only 1 scam, because now you can sell people with 20 negative and still trading
have a nice day
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But here's the thing: If I'd been accused of scamming by someone I'd had no contact with based on 3rd party evidence, guilty or not, I'd also be inclined not to engage with you, or would possibly be upset with you. It's cool that you care - and maybe even noble that you want to make the place better for all. But - if you go outside the boundaries of the rules in an attempt to achieve that end, then don't get upset by the consequences - something you clearly have done, else you'd not have come and aired the dirty laundry on this site.
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But here's the thing: If I'd been accused of scamming by someone I'd had no contact with based on 3rd party evidence , guilty or not, I'd also be inclined not to engage with you, or would possibly be upset with you.
Please just dont let us talking in general , we are talking about this case, if i did left negative to an innocent, just came after me, so please don't talk about possibilities
now let us back to the subject, he was clearly scammer ( i have many evidences if you still not believing )
you can have a brand new account with only 2 games, but in the same time you have ton of bundle leftovers
when you see that, you should know that something is wrong
i will glad to see your original account with a lot of -reps , using alt account means you are/were a scammer
this was all the truth, i saw his original/main account and it was for a scammer
if you go outside the boundaries of the rules, then don't get upset by the consequences - something you clearly have done
i won't tell you that using more than 1 account is against of the rules ( the scammer and his alt ) , i'm only saying the rules doesn't apply on scammers , the rules are for honest people
else you'd not have come and aired the dirty laundry on this site.
You might have understand my thread wrong, he has threatened me, but i wasn't afraid ( he has already offered me to stop everything before i post this thread if bended the knee )
This thread was only as a report/suggest so may the admin do something
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Left you message, also i had the right to leave him - rep for his rude only
Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user. It should not be used (i) to post negative comments when you disagree with someone's offer, (ii) for revenge or retaliation when someone leaves you negative feedback, or (iii) for unrelated comments or trading experiences not directly involving you.
i did an offer and he was very rude
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Yes he was rude, but you then basically accuse him of using alt accounts of another scammer (that you have also accused without having direct dealings with). I looked through the evidence and it's circumstantial at best. He now has 2 strikes against his name from 2 people that did not deal with him directly. Your evidence of scamming is that of the account you accuse him to be an alt of, and your link between them is because they have a few games in common? No dude - you really need to slow down a bit, I think. You also come across a bit entitled when you say things like: "As a high rep user, i" and "NVM, i dont trade with alt/low level accounts".
But really - I couldn't care less about the case anymore, so am not going to bother discussing further, as I have seen enough to draw my own conclusions. I think you are out of line. No wonder you are upsetting many people. Am out.
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we ( me that that guy ) were checking his account before and after the trade
he just redeemed the game on his main after the deal done and this cant be a random thing
the truth is clear and btw, i have traded with the main account then changed my review
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Hello steamGifts community
One of steamtrades dude is totally out of control and this dude is already has a Permanent Suspend here
As a start he left me a negative reviews, i tried to add him to discuss and solve the problem but he blocked me
When i replied the negative review, he started to change it every 10 seconds ( from positive to negative and so on )
so people cant vote on it. so i removed my reply and waiting him to go offline so i can let people vote ( but he is online all the day )
After that he started to threatening me as we are in the jungles then started to spam me, i have got more than 3k messages from اhim so far
I hope cg or some of the mods help me to solve this , or at least add block option
Thank you for your time
Best regards,
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