So I've been offline and away for quite some time

Can I get some summary of Steam nowadays, pretty please?

I'm from Ru/CIS ghetto, can I buy RoW games from Steam Store to giveaway or everything is region locked, no exceptions?

What are currently used Firefox extensions for steam market and inventory? Stacked items, cards quicksell etc.

Why can't I buy games as steam gifts for future giveaways? It asks me to send it to someone right away.

Are IdleMaster and Steam Achievment Manager still viable?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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1.No. Steam gift purchases made in RU/CIS can only be added to library if recipient is in RU/CIS (territorially, not account-linked as of now, so VPN works).

2.Augmented steam + Steam Economy Enhancer

3.Inventory gifts do not exist any more, apart from 2-3-4 packs that spawn additional regionlocked copies.


5 years ago*

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thanks, mate

5 years ago

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you can only buy row games from sites as keys. you can also now only buy games and send them to people who's store has a price range around yours.

there are no more gifts from the steam store except from rare games that give 2 copies or more copies like 4packs. your account will use on of said copies.

IdleMaster and Steam Achievment Manager do still work but the way cards drop have changed abit but the new idle master updated the way it idles for them

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Well, they already answered so i won't say again but i am just wondering, what happened :D

I mean 1000 days is a lot :D

5 years ago

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I use idle master still and is more than viable. The other questions have been answered by the people above me. I don't use SAM but I am pretty certain that it still works fine.

5 years ago

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I've tried to use IdleMaster and the process is unnecessary complicated. Steam login + mobile auth, meh.
ASF is pretty good, too bad I didn't hear about it earlier. I set it up once and now I just carry it on flash drive to plug and launch on any machine when needed.

5 years ago

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Лази, ето ти, дорогой? Ты из тюрьмы что ли вышел?

5 years ago

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Переехал в другой город, потом уезжал работать, много где побывал, вернулся обратно. Ни в тюрьме, ни в армейке не побывал, сам в шоке как время пролетело.

5 years ago

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You should have stayed away XD

5 years ago

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While gifts are region restricted... you can also create region restricted giveaways here now, which you couldn't before.
Also GoogleLens translates words you point your phone towards in real time.
We live in an amazing world. Too bad the end is near.

5 years ago

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I said 1000 days, not 1000 weeks, whoa

5 years ago

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Sadly Valve decided make it impossible to gift games from cheaper regions to more expensive ones, as well as making it impossible to buy games to gift later. The result is that gifting is mostly limited to games bought on 3rd party sites like Humble Bundle now.

5 years ago

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Did you achieve exact 1000 days or stream rounds up?
I mean, it's curious...

5 years ago

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Steam doesn't round up, so it's definitely 1000 days.

5 years ago

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yeah, I had a chance to return a little earlier, but I waited a little to get that 1k
non steam games

5 years ago

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On the plus side, there are roughly twenty times more Russian games on Steam now than North American/Western European ones. The bad news is Chinese are slowly taking over there.

5 years ago

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On the minus side, only 6 or 7 of those thousands of russian games are actually good and have original assets.

5 years ago

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and anime ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

5 years ago

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On the minus side, per what I gathered, now I can't trade to afford those games or even do giveaways.
So steam will be just a sinkhole now, both for my time and for my money.

5 years ago

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You can, but mostly with people of your region (which sometimes means same country).
Still, yes, Valve now had enough pressure on it that they slowly cut back the market and external game trading, which is still a good enough money laundering source.

5 years ago

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