Yeah. I've gotten bored with all the other Genre so I need your opinion and suggestion.
So far these are my choices currently:
Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe Edition I feel like this was a higher choice due to the amount of exploration I can do.<--Officially Bought This
Starpoint Gemini Warlords Since this one has large base combat and exploration. <--Officially Bought This
EVERSPACE™ This... somehow in the neutral since someone told me you can literally complete the game in less than an hour?
No Man's Sky Well, I heard that it has improved by now content wise.
Descent: Underground Looks interesting but somethings not right.
Space Pirates And Zombies 2 Looks a bit like Starpoint.
X Rebirth Is... Is this good because I hear peoples PC getting killed but it looks nice.
House of the Dying Sun Not sure how much content this one last.
Evochron Legacy Somehow also looks interesting.

NO!! I am NOT going for Star Citizen if anyone is going to suggest that.

7 years ago*

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If you don't mind that it's a bit older, I heartily recommend Darkstar One ... it's a bit like good old Privateer, but with a very interesting ship upgrade system and a nice storyline. Some people don't like the controls or have wrong expectation, but I found it quite playable:

7 years ago

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Wishlisted :3

7 years ago

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Wishlisted :3

7 years ago

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Elite Dangerous + Horizons is a great game, and if exploration is your thing, well 400 billion systems to go out and explore. I have clocked over 5000 hours in Elite since Alpha (Damn Frontier adding a in-game played time to your ships). Definitely got my $$ worth and still playing.

SPG: Warlords - Going to be a little bias here, since I love this game and the Development team. Ton of fun, approaching 400 hours played. Another space game, Space game fans should own.

Evochron: Legacy - Another amazingly good game by a single person, whats not to like about this one or the previous incarnations.

Rebel Galaxy - Like this game, but the 2D flight model isnt my thing.

No Man's Sky - Improving and with the current event going on, could become a lot better or worse. Fun game for general exploration but slightly to samey on every planet.

X-Rebirth - Nope nope Nopety nope! Steer clear of this, Hopefully the next X game will be better after this mess. 6o_ hours played and most of that was sorting bugs out to continue the campaign or getting some feature to actually work......

For the others I have played them all, some are ok others don't suit my play style so can not overly comment on them fairly.

7 years ago

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Great Now I'm more in conflict for ED+H and SPG:W

E:L I might go for it also.

RG - Love it to completion. Pity they won't sell the OST.

NMS: I guess I should wait for more updates of improvement.

X-R: Very well then XD

7 years ago

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Stay away from Stellaris. It's one of the most disappointing games I've played in some time.

You are better off with the old classics like Master of Orion 2 or Galactic Civilizations 2.

7 years ago

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I clocked in 400+ Hours on Stellaris and I enjoyed my time Purging Xenos and Heretic (I played with Warhammer 40K Mod)

7 years ago

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If you like strategies - try Star Wars Empire at War. It's old, but still good.)

7 years ago

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Already have it from the star wars bundle last year :P

7 years ago

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If you like ship customization in a 2d shoot-em-up style, may I recommend Reassembly?

7 years ago

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Wishlisted :3 looks interesting

7 years ago

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It's one of my favorites! ;)

7 years ago

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One of the best space flight sims ever made, and it's completely free,based on the Freespace 2 engine:
Good luck, Nugget.

7 years ago

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Ooo, Website Bookmarked and its FREE

7 years ago

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i would say NMS is probably worth the $24 they are asking at this point, it was not a bad game it just did not stand up to the hype that was around it and felt lacking for the $60 price tag it came far as space games go i personally loved space engineers (just reinstalled it myself) and a great new game astroneer one of the best new games i have played in sometime that did not feel like a clone of something else.

7 years ago

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NMS is like $12 in my regional Pricing :P
Although I might buy it on Winter Sale provided they updated it with more content and so.
Might buy Astroneer after Summer Sale since its not discounted

7 years ago

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They just added an update a few days ago called Path Finder or something like that so i think thats three updates since it came out,im just glad they are not selling them as dlc's lol,no idea if any of them are any good as i have not played the game again since it first came out but will likely give it another try here soon and see what has been done to it.
Its a bummer that Astroneer didnt go on sale but is defiantly worth the $20 asking price,not sure if the price will increase as they get closer to a final product but im sure that is still a ways off:)

7 years ago

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Astroneer ?
Not on sale yes.

Out there omega ? The game that inspired No Man Sky.
Already passed in bundle.

House of the dying sun ?
It's on sale. 10€ for 5-6h. Ace combat feeling. Amazing ending.

Anno 2205 ?
Some say it's the worst anno, i would say it's the most casual. The most beautiful too. It's management.

Call of Duty infinite warfare ?
i don't joke, it has an excellent single-player campaign in space.

Endless space ?
Super space strategy game !

X3 is muuuuch better than X rebirth.
Starbound is very different vs Terraria. Amazing Starbound !

In your list :
Elite dangerous - House of the dying sun - Everspace
But honestly Starbound seems much better choice because +40h with space jumps and planets exploration, far superior to NMS.

7 years ago*

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Astro, will focus that on after Summer Sale as its not discounted to take advantage.
Out There, not my style sadly.
House is under suggestive now :D
Anno 2205 Nah on City Building XD
CoD:IW >_> No to Scamtivision
Endless Space Got it already and enjoying ES2

7 years ago

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What about Space Engineers?:

Also I heard X3 is pretty good.

7 years ago

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Alredy got Space Engineer and oddly X3 I got recent overview only that one is good while the rebirth is a stay away

7 years ago

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I guess thats all the suggestion I needed ^_^ Bought 2 space games in the end.
Thank you all for the Feedback.

7 years ago

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