To be clear: I don't have an issue with it.
I'm just genuinely surprised and curious how come people rarely if ever use a search function on any of the forums I visit, despite search-options being a universal thing on the internet.
That's why I'm curious to see what it is that makes people do what they do :)
That being said, considering your issue, I'd estimate a couple of weeks.
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I'm pretty new here, and i deleted all my giveaways to create other giveaways more interessing for people. I deleted them because we have limited giveaways, but i didn't know that even if you delete a giveaway, the limit does not increase... So i can't create any new giveaway, and i create a support ticket for that yesterday. I just wanted to know how long do i have to wait before it'll be fixed :-)
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Thanks I keep it in mind. To let you know, the first giveaways i created would end in march too, and i deleted them because i saw i couldn't create any new giveaways, and I thought that i could create new ones by deleting the old ones. Once the new ones are given, i planned to create the old ones again. I don't know if i made myself understood ^^
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I can't give you a good estimate for that because I never had to request more slots but just so you know for every 3 of your GAs that are marked received you get an extra slot (and you also get the slots you used to create the GA back). However if you delete your GAs or they are not marked as received you will lose a slot.
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While they might be a little annoying, these threads do have an upside. Yesterday and today I asked 2 people who also mentioned they were waiting for their tickets to be adressed (in somebody elses thread) what the tickets were about and both tickets were about adding games that were removed on purpose because they were given away for free back to the list. Of course those people didn't know that the games were removed on purpose and the reasoning behind it. So maybe those threads can help cut down the number of unnecessary tickets just a little bit.
And in this case you can't really blame OP because the information needed to avoid this situation isn't even mentioned in the FAQ or Guidelines.
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Suport can add you only 3 GA slots at the time and only if you have 0 Slots remaining. So either you need to be in situation like OP - losing all your slots due to deletion or you have to create enough GAs to use all your slots and support would have to respond while these slots are still used (aka not received yet) ;p
On the other hand you can also ask cg to modify db and manually add you as many slots as you want ;) For my last ratio-fixing event I ran out of GA slots and cg added me 300 extra slots ;)
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Yup, I didn't remember it was you but I vaguely remembered that and mentioned it the last time this issue was adressed a few days ago. But when it comes to requesting new slots I'm too fuzzy on the details to give a detailled answer so I just add what I know for sure to the conversation and let others take over from there ;)
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Increase GA limit or sth like that - this category is only available if you have 0 slots remaining - whether because of GAs deleted or because you used up all GA slots.
Alternatively one speaks directly to cg or one of support members and they forward it to cg to do manual increase.
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ok then, good to know, it must have changed then ;) I wrote 1st time long time ago and was told mods can only do so on 0 GAs remaining and only add 3 at a time. So when I needed slot next time in November I simply directly PMed cg asking for slots ;p
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For anyone reading, I actually couldn't find anything in the FAQ or Guidelines about how deleting giveaways remove your giveaway slots. Did I miss something? Or should it be added to the FAQ in the section entitled "I accidentally created a giveaway, or the gift is no longer available, how do I delete my giveaway?"
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Naw, you're right. I think there's nothing about it in there. Just another point to add to the already long list of things that should be adressed if they ever decide to update the FAQ section.
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Ronix is the only one working on user reports and appears to be processing a number each day.
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August 25, 2012 would be my oldest one. The way things are going, it will have grandchildren running around.
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heh, I wasn't even around in Aug 2012 ;) My oldest not resolved is from Jan 21 2013 but it did not get solved for over a year and back then I just mass-closed al my unsolved reports ;) Also would be pointless to keep it open since uy who it was about didn't log in in 2 years anyway ;p
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I like to keep them as mementos. Cleaned some others quite a while ago (user is permabanned etc.).
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Same here, but closer to a month really. I got an answer asking me to submit some verification, which I did immediately, and now apparently it's completely dead in the water.
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Just curious, but why make a GA that lasts 3 weeks or more (ends in March)?
If you want more exposure for a yt channel, site or whatever that's understandable but otherwise? A week is long enough IMO.
The amount of entrants doesn't make a difference for CV you earn to level up.
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Help, The Support I Like Won't Respond To My Tickets (´・ω・`)
600 emails and still no reply, so I’m really thinking something might have happened… (´・ω・`)
Have you tried sending in 600 support tickets?
Just kidding, you're capped at, and support won't appreciate it either
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With the other OP it made sense. Here... not so much.
Still a nice joke though ;)
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Indeed. Apparently OP didn't like we were having fun at his expense but he was making it too easy for us :D
I still wonder what his problem was though... One more and it would have been 3 out of 3 You can close that ticket now. That game has been removed for a reason and won't get added back. in the last 2 days :D
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It depends, especially on the category of the ticket. These graphs should give you a better idea:
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