Its always funny when I see stuff like this. Yes healthcare workers are incredibly important but they make bank and do not need free gifts. Though idk how much the non Americans make maybe they are poor.
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But anyways I do think they deserve high pay and I will be sure to share this around to healthcare workers I know.
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i also found it amusing on a different note; that if I was a healthcare worker - I'd somehow want to relive my daily struggles and work-life imbalance
from the description:
"FALL OF PORCUPINE is a unique story adventure. The collision of work and daily life – an exciting reflection of an unhealthy healthcare-system."
"At first glance, the small town is a warm, friendly place where everyone knows and greets each other. But if you live there for any length of time, you'll suspect that not everyone is as honest as they pretend to be and shadows lurk in the distance. Be on guard!"
even if it was a game; I'd expect it to be less realistic and more satire eg. Viscera Clean up games if I was a custodian or professional cleaner
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fair point but truckers are another set of unsung heroes that choose to traverse daily dangers to provide for the world's economies....but I suspect that their choice in realism and mods allow them to play out world-like conditions and possibly strategize certain scenarios
ie. long border crossings and how to efficiently get through the long line ups
not sure if there's any mods that allows a-hole drivers and how to handle them or run through adverse weather conditions and how to recover from accidents.
there's that distinction of choosing to increase that realism to handle the stressful realistic life-like experience in a game but what do I know, I've never played the game nor able to participate (because I'm not a healthcare worker) if the intended goal was to raise awareness for " unhealthy healthcare-system" , it's lost on me.
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well that's pretty obvious that I missed that - should read the full devlog instead of just skimming
"As a “thank you” to those who participated, and every other individual that makes sacrifices to serve others, the teams conjured the idea to literally give back."
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My wife is a nurse, for what she does no she does not "make bank". They kill her in taxes also.
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Taxes are absurd for everyone it seems and where does she live? In the US at least should be pretty good pay.
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NY which is both good pay and horrible taxes. However we are GTFO since NYC is going to shat with our clown mayor.
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I used to live in Montana and there was an issue of people fleeing California coming to Montana and buying all the houses for way over asking price driving natives out. These high taxes are really causing so many issues that effect even outside the state. Good luck finding somewhere better
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Added to my wishlist to give them some support. Looks neat.
LOVE that they are giving it away to Health Care workers. Told my friend who's sister works as a nurse about it. She could always use something fun to relax with.
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Like any other unfortunate souls working for the government, healthcare workers are unfairly poor. We do read books, listen to the music, watching movies and surfing Internet. Playing games BTW is not the worst hobby IMO, considering most of my colleagues are heavy alcohol abusers. ‘Medical’ doesn’t mean ‘holy’. Sad but true.
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Hot take imo but I think kids who don't work jobs or maybe people with disabilities can't afford this and could have much better use of this than someone in the upper levels of income where whatever this game would cost would just be easy disposable income.
Reminds me how over here in the USA, Chipotle, a burrito place, has multiple times given free burrito's to health care workers on specific days, but not once have they had a homeless person day or something. Feed the rich, boo hoo.
While it's nice they're giving something for free, it's like giving free lamborghinis to billionaires. They can afford it if they want it without having to decide between that or some other specific product, since they honestly could afford all of them.
It makes me wonder if they knew ahead this advertisement wouldn't really reach as many health care workers in the first place because they're too well off to spend their time looking for deals on something as cheap as maybe $60 at max lets say.
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"The average Health Care Worker salary in the United States is $59,301 as of May 25, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $43,800 and $65,799."
I mean I'd say there's a lot of other jobs who make hell of a lot less. Minimum wage is under 30% of that amount for reference.
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Are you counting ALL health care workers in that? Or just doctors and nurses? Because I found figures that kinda differ...on that note, though, even if all of them ARE counted in those figures, do you still believe they're all paid 'comfortably' when doctors are probably inflating that average quite a bit with their $100+ per hour pay?
(It's been a minute since I tried posting an image so hopefully this works)
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My guess is your image is outdated by like 7 years or something like that. I could be wrong so point it out but this looks more like it and it makes sense. There's a 2021 version if you want to see the gradual increase as well.
Even the lowest paid RN at $29.11 an hour would still make $55k a year assuming a 40 hour week schedule, no holiday pay, and no bonuses and zero overtime. CNA's are paid less but I was going by your picture.
Now, are front desk employees or cleaners paid as much? Definitely not because they're general purpose jobs that you will find at any other business. To me those are more like hospitality jobs not healthcare specific. Sure, they could take advantage of a deal going on for healthcare workers, but not really on merit, even though I wish I had better wording for this. A doctor can't just switch to a mechanic and make stuff happen with 0 experience. A desk employee or cleaner can, as the jobs aren't as specific.
So if the offer was for cleaners, front desk employees, mcdonalds or walmart workers. I would've been like cool, because those are the kind of people who work for around 3x less the money that nurses make, and it only scales up with doctors as you said as well. Someone who can make it happen with 3x less the income will value it a lot more and can use that a lot more, while someone who makes 3x more income will not need it as much or value it as much since it is not 3x as impactful as it would be on someone making min wage or less, like homeless people.
My point was that it seemed directed at a wrong group who are unlikely to even be searching for this type of deals because they aren't in a position where something around $60 affects them. So in my opinion it felt like attention grabbing posting knowing they probably wouldn't even reach 1000 health care workers.
Chances are the people in lower income in health care, like cleaners or desk attendants, will not even have specific @ work e-mails to use for this purpose, or if they do, they are untrained and they don't even know they exist, because no one contacts them that way. I don't work healthcare so I could be wrong, but chances are they use their gmails for that, and only higher ups use private e-mails. Like no matter how I put it, it makes no sense.
I appreciated them giving something for free. But if I said I'll give $1 to the next 10 jeff bezos and elon musks like billionaires that write me a 4 page essay titled "boo hoo poor people". You'd probably think I'm crazy too or at least that something doesn't add up. Who knows, maybe Mark the android is struggling with his meta decisions and he's gonna reach out to get his dollar when he's ready to submit his essay. Exaggerated but that was kinda my point. It's like transfer of wealth to another well off rather than transferring to someone who values it much more and to whom it means more.
Kinda like those youtube channels like "bought my friend his dream car" and the friend is also a youtuber that makes millions of dollars who has no reason why they don't have their dream car other than the excuse to make another youtube video to generate more income enough to buy 10 dream cars within dream cars within dream cars within dre.....
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It wasn't as simple as a yes or no, because I did and did not at the same time. I explained how it's not even targeted at lower paid workers because there's no reason why they have a private work e-mail as no one needs them to have one and how their job is also general purpose so counting them is basically cheating, they just get included by default, but don't do anything that specific they couldn't take to another industry. So if they are included its a bonus for them, but they weren't the target of the offer.
I was curious, so I did a quick google search for "types of health care workers" and I missed medical assistant which is one of the lower paid jobs, but I don't see desk job or cleaner anywhere on the list, so maybe I'm being generous too, as I guess they aren't considered health care workers? Direct care workers are, but again chances are they use gmail, as they don't have a need for a private e-mail. Not saying their job is easy, as it's probably the most physical, just saying they weren't the audience of that post. Still, that image has to be outdated.
If this was to complain about their wages, then yea sure, it would be nice if people across the board would be paid more fairly, etc. That's why I was saying it would've been nice if this was targeted at a lower income or no income group of people, not the median or higher wages. I don't think I'm being unreasonable but if you believe I am, explain?
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I am a registered nurse. Sent them an email. I will update if I get any sort of reply.
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In case anyone here is a healthcare worker from those countries and would like to redeem the offer. Deadline's on Jan 31, 2023.
From what I understand from the T&Cs, you'll only be getting the game key when the game is released. As always, make sure to read the Conditions for Participation yourself.
Edit: Adding that they have removed the public version of the Conditions for Participation so you should email them asking for the Conditions instead. From what I recalled, to be verified as an actual healthcare worker, you need to use "a personal email address from your institution" or something like that, to send in your request.
Edit 2: Forgot to add a link to the game, here it is:
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