Umm.. Tell me what is wrong with the Source engine, then? It's a hella good engine for a multitude of reasons. It just got developed at a time of lots of changes and new stuff in games coming out, as well as advances in hardware going very fast, causing some slight issues with things like using an extremely high fillrate for things like smoke effects. For its' time, Source had good graphics, and the newer iterations of it added good new shaders and improvements to, for example, occlusion-based lighting which made for some still quite good looking games, like Portal 2. The netcode was stable, low lag, the lag compensation in it was handled well and fully tweakable by the user. That's another thing - a LOT of things were tweakable by the user, and it was all listed in a very intuitive way in the console. This, along with its' good SDK and general design, also offered a great engine for mod makers to screw around with.
Again - tell me why the Source engine is bad?
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I never had an issue with ladders in Source games, and actually much preferred them to scripted ladders you got stuck to until you hit the top or bottom, like in other engines. This has always been an issue of preference, not quality.
The gameplay of games using the Source engine wasn't up for debate (and it's also purely a point of opinion, just like your "ladder" nonsense, and one I again disagree with as I loved the HL series, as well as both Portal games, just like almost all people who played through them) although if you must, the HL and Portal series introduced innovative new gameplay mechanics other games hadn't done before, as well as a quality physics engine that further spawned innovation and lots of ripping off by other games and engines, so you could argue that qualitatively, it's excellent in that regard as well. Anyway, you were talking about the actual engine, which has nothing to do with how it was used (i.e. gameplay) - which is all down to use of the engine, not the engine itself.
Comparing it to other engines is useless unless you compare it to other engines released around the same time. Source easily outclasses all the other engines released at or around that time, in many ways. It was visionary in some of its' implementations of features, its' graphics were the best in class, its' netcode was the most hassle-free, and it - again - innovated with an actually decent physics engine somewhat approaching realism, or at least trying to. The engine came out in 2003, you seem to forget. It set many standards for game engines we still see today.
"Tell me again how was the Source engine good?"
I ALREADY DID IN THE POST BEFORE THIS ONE, so that makes no sense whatsoever. This post also has enough other arguments to point out why Source is a good engine, not a bad one. You've not given one reason why Source is a bad engine so far other than complaining about features of its' games, and its' implementation of ladders - which is a matter of opinion at best.
Let's see you actually provide some argument as to why the Source engine is a bad one. Please, don't be shy to use technical terms.
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Source engine is still amazing, no input lag, no lag on servers, It still looks amazing for me. I don't see what people don't like about it, I could easily max out their games even with old PC.
If they don't like the fact that there ain't ADS and stuff like that, I agree with you, it has nothing to do with engine, just gameplay of those games.
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There are a couple of problems with it though
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Still, the guy I was replying to had literally nothing to back up his claims.
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One of next-gen games is using Source engine. It's Titanfall. Here a linky to wiki..
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What do any of my entirely objective arguments backed by sound logic and provable facts have to do with "fanboyism", in even the slightest degree? You still have not given one valid criticism of the Source engine, you have only criticized ladders in Source games (which, again, are an entirely subjective matter of taste and have nothing to do with any form of objective qualitative assessment of the engine itself) and said that the "gameplay of source games was just poor" - which is yet another issue of opinion and in this case is even entirely unrelated to the Source engine itself. You've also said "just the level design was somewhat good" which also is entirely unrelated to the game engine.
Nothing you have said has had any form whatsoever of cogent argumentation or facts backing it up, many people have already agreed with me here based on the facts I stated, sometimes using technical nomenclature even to get my points across. You have ignored everything I have said and are purely trying to discredit not what I say, but indeed discredit me instead, as you have fuck-all, 0, nothing to form a valid counter-argument or even defend your own points with.
This is the very definition of "ad hominem" argumentation - attacks on the credibility of your argumentative partner en lieu of any form of counter-argument or refutation from your side whatsoever concerning one (or as in your case all) argument(s) from your partner.
Congratulations. You have just become an example to use in future when I want to make a point when fellow idiots try to use ad hominem "reasoning" - I'll just show them this thread.
To be precise, what you're trying to go for is an appeal to ridicule, a form of an appeal to emotion as part of an association fallacy (main article here) a specific type of ad hominem "reasoning". "Hyuk hyuk, he's just a VALVe fanboy, and everyone hates fanboys right? They'll say ANYTHING to support their argument! lololol!!1!11!"
Now either come back with something with any merit at all and save some face, or
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You were talking about an eeengiiiiiinneeee, not a game, you moron. You were the one who threw out an entirely bullshit statement about the SOURCE ENGINE, as if it were fact. Grow a brain.
Also, my posts are full of verifiable facts - you can google and see the proof for what I say all over the 'net. That's the only place in this exchange you'll find facts, though.
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.. -_- Really?
Try actually reading what those say smart-ass. Those are technical issues with the Steam client that need fixing. Nothing to do with any particular DLC for any particular product.
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I recently saw another pic from the Steamworks. Someone searched their database and found L4D3 and HL3 as well. If you really think about it Valve maybe waited all theses years Source 2 to be ready so they can make L4D2 and HL3 with the new engine. Ether way i would love to see a L4D3 !
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It would be totally awesome if they released all these HL3, L4D3, Portal 3, etc all in one like an "Orange Box" type deal.
Maybe in my dreams, though xD
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So you're saying that Valve bought out all 81 reviewers that are on metacritic for Half Life 2? Metascore may be stupid but when the lowest score you get is 90/100 you know you have a good game. Also, he didn't say just score - he said awards as well. Are you saying that all of these are bought as well?
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The Source engine was pretty solid 5 years ago, but it had many flaws, misses a lot of good features of newer engines (obviously) and had its time, there are certainly better engines out there like UT3, Euphoria, Frostbite or Red engine. I believe Source 2 will be a huge improvement over it.
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Dude, you can't see you are wrong, seriously.. stop arguing, buying auidence for xbox one and valve games is not the same, also, Valve won't buy metacritic user scores...
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Let's see you back those statements up with some actual (technical) facts.
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+1, I agree. Perhaps they were good right at the beginning but now they look ridiculously and the gameplay is really poor. This is NOT a sarcasm, I honestly consider hl2 overrated
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Fake. Valve will never release a third game of anything.
Instead they'll make Orange Box 2, with a bunch of unnamed games that look a lot like Half Life, Portal, etc.
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This is not fake, this is the pic the reddit crew who are making the coverage or The International 3 took.
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This is totally fake. Not like someone made up the l4d3 in general, but more likely Valve left this evidence deliberately
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Yeah, the reddit crew totally wants troll the Dota subreddit into thinking L4D3 is on the way. What a bunch of trolls. Seriously :facepalm:
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Not really a game I'm dying for. I've had some fun with L4D2, and that's it.
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Machinima confirmed it in a video.
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This is a photo somebody took on a Valve tour
Whole album
If this is real (although don't get too hyped up) it would suck to be the one who left that computer screen unmonitored..
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