Hey don't feel ashamed. Telling things is nothing you should be afraid off.
I think people who are able to stand in front of people and open their heart and mind deserve applause.
Because it is absolutely not easy!
Hope you recover and feel better soon.
I am sure some people here will give you some advises πβΊοΈ
Sorry for my bad English
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Emotions are illogical and in knowing that we can manage them to best suit our needs. Do what you want to do because you want to do it, screw what other people may or may not think or feel about it, so long as there's no harm done to yourself or others, who cares? Do your best to manage your head and don't feel afraid to reach out when you're in need. Everyone can use someone to talk to.
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I'm sometimes quick to judge people as attention seekers and honestly, you don't seem like one at all.
I know it's not much (different things work for different people) but this song has genuinely helped me a couple of times in my life:
Also, when I'm overwhelmed by stress, I learned to remember one thing: All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
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I'll judge you for thinking depression is something you should be ashamed of when it's so common these days.
Then I'll judge you for not seeking enough attention if it helps you to deal with it, losers are the ones suffering in silent misery which can only make it worse.
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Well, seeking attention is not a sin in itself. If overdone, it is really annoying, but if not done at all, you can find yourself alone quite fast. And even loners can long for other people. While I think it would be best for you to start with finding one person among your friends or family to tell what is really happenning to you, finding somebody on the Internet is not bad idea either. After all, aside from possibly helping you they probably won't ever have anything to do with you.
If you feel like it, add me on steam to chat. Hope you change for better quite soon.
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This thread right here is proof there are a lot of people around here just like you, so there's never any reason to be ashamed of how you feel. If it makes you feel better to get it out, shout it out, or write it out, then you should do so.
Your family and true friends will understand and try to help if you talk to them about what's going on. If anything, I think you're going to find that most of us have been in your shoes at one point or another, and most people will try to help you out, as long as you're taking steps to help yourself. Best of luck and hope you feel better soon.
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Talking to my friends or family works best for me but you should always do what makes you feel better without worrying about any judgements.
Hope you feel better soon panda. Have a nice day! :)
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Hello there, Panda. As others have said, it's good that you posted, and it would probably be good if you confided with someone close to you. I think that if you have someone you care about and who cares about you, trying not to burden them with your troubles is bad for both sides. They'd get several good things from your trouble, such as knowing that you trust them enough to tell them and the ability to try to help you. And you lose that potential help or even just feeling that they care.
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Thanks for sharing Panda; I'm happy that you are around here and also hanging around on Discord. No need to hide your feelings, it is what it is.. Sadly I don't have some cat magic, or I would have used it to make you feel better instantly! I hope you'll find peace with yourself soon again.
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Hey Panda... made some thread like this few days ago too with something that helped me...
+ Fell free to add my giveaway into your main post for attention... :) BUT please copy/paste it like it is to avoid bots entering it...!
|| "Shrouded in Sanity" giveaway...: QxtxQx5xf (remove all "x") - open for all... ||
My Thread...:
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Went through long term chronic depression myself, what ended up improving my days during it was finding time to make sure to interact with others, doing outings, going on voicechat, spending time with friends, sometimes ones I had not talked to in a while. It ain't easy but it helped me. I hope you begin feeling well and continue spending time in the sg discord, we'll be with you though this if you'll have us!
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I had hard depression once too at same stage of my life. Try to decide get your positive wave back and make the new one "in" and "by" your mind. We need to wait out some time periods in our lifes I guess. So, try to transform "How are you today?" to "How much things you have done today?" Anyway, you can't lost yourself no matter how much time or abilities you have not. Time will pass and the flower will bloom.
I hope it will be usefull for you
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I'm awful in this kind of stuff. And honestly, having passed similar situations, the cheering up talks has never worked for me. Unless it's some extreme case of when you passed away or some accident of some sort, I try to avoid it.
What worked best for me was to make things that require my full attention. cough games cough cough Oh boy my throat is not good today.
If the problem is something unavoidable(like classmates and co-workers) punch the problem in the face. Works every time. They punch back? Punch harder! Grab a pen and use it as a punching dagger. They can prohibit many thing to get in, but they can never stop an innocent pen. Learn how to use it and master it.
If the problem is a feeling of solitude, you know where to find me ( in your heart on sg discord me and the rest of the gang. We all like you.).
Also the pool is incomplete. It's missing my mandatory "Hello There".
I love to use spoilers :blobevil:
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Good thing to share such feelings, even if it is only on some obscure forum in the web :)
I often want to talk about things that happen in the daily routine, and that immediately reminds me that the only person I would do that with is no longer around. I'm too seclusive to do it in the internet.
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That's nothing wrong in seeking help, nor in sharing how you feel.
Usually, when I feel the need to talk to someone, that's because I really have to. I learned it the hard way, because by keeping everything to myself I almost lost everyone I cared about, in the worst period of my life.
Keep working on yourself, talk, act and believe in other people. The world is a good place, after all :)
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Hi there. I'm panda. How are you have you been? I hope well. I'm not.
For the past month or two I've been feeling pretty down. Experienced the worst depression bit of my life so far. Cut ties with two of my best friends recently. Dealing with stress and not having much time to really enjoy myself. College kicking me booty. All that jazz. I always (or at least try to) act positively and friendly. I like being positive and friendly. It's a nice feeling. But my moods contradict each other every day. I've wanted to be aloof distant for these past few days, but my daily schedule denies me of that. The thing is, I absolutely hate telling people about how I feel. And not that daily "how are you today?", but overall. I always feel like I'm seeking for attention (even though I know I'm not trying to). It's very difficult for me to tell my family, friends, and acquaintances about how I'm feeling. I'm tentative to even post this in fear of people thinking I'm some sort of loser broadcasting how I'm feeling. As I'm writing this right now, I feel like an attention seeking whore. However, I feel like writing my thoughts here for people I don't know to read is a lot better for me mentally. If people will judge me because of this, I know I will never really interact with them later on. But, yeah... I guess I just needed to write this for myself. Have a good day :)
No gib cause I'm dirt poor. Sorry :cEdit: I've read all the comments below. I appreciate it. Really.
Some lovely people have gibs to contribute.
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ C this E war k of T mine P/
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ M rage Q rage e rage 7 rage f/
(Thank you Cross! :))
|| "Shrouded in Sanity" giveaway...: QxtxQx5xf (remove all "x") - open for all... ||
Purpur3141's Thread...:
(Thank you Purpur3141! :))
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