Hello everyone

I do not know if you all know the game grass simulator the game made by assets from Unity store only?
If you do the uhmmmmm.. ok i will call him creator
is working on another game called Zomblux

This game is another project that is made by already a completed asset from unity and he will release it again as his own if everyone is going to vote yes for it

The real creator maby spend alot of time on it and this guy just gave it a title and will release it and will get money from it without even spend time on it.

I am sure he will ask for greenlight upvote soon or has already done it i do not know but my opinion is it should not get released but removed

To check out about what game i am talking about you can check it at

you can check out the asset at

greetings madgizmo

10 years ago*

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While assets are intended to be used in games I understand where you’re coming from, however I've actually modified lots of things, I'm currently adding brand new weapons – as well as vehicles, and a whole terrain system.

What’s shown in the video is early footage, and I will continue to expand the game and content – however I appreciate your concerns – and will address them.

10 years ago

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Video/screen is from asset only nothing is changed

And yes can be used in games not get asset and say it is a game
or put some assets together and say it is a game like grass simulator
it good that people release games and spend time on it but not like this copy/paste, give title, make video and game complete

10 years ago

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you assume anyone bought grass simulator,
going out of a limb saying the only people with the games got it for free from a yes vote.
if anything the guy lost money paying to have it put on greenlight.

10 years ago

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you assume anyone bought grass simulator,
going out of a limb saying the only people with the games got it for free from a yes vote.
if anything the guy lost money paying to have it put on greenlight.

10 years ago

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i hope he lost money

10 years ago

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then we say if someone did not work try again :) and no i do not asume people bought that game they upvoted it because it was funny but when it got greenlight and could be played it was really good to see it was just some assets put together and call it grass simulator

so why try it again by using asset only and call it a game and hope to get money from it if you do something like that then release it for free

10 years ago

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Greenlight page now says "Note: a DMCA takedown notice has been filed on this item.". Probably because it looks too much like Unturned.

10 years ago

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Did you read the OP? The "game" was literally a "sandbox survival" engine someone else had made, that had been renamed and chucked onto Greenlight.

10 years ago

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"Oh this is successful, better change the title and make money from it, no one gonna notice" - Every Game Developer 2009 - present.

10 years ago

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now it says this:

An error was encountered while processing your request:

That item does not exist. It may have been removed by the author.

Here's a link to the Steam Community home page."

10 years ago

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