Spend your points
Last week
Asked for A reroll
As i'm not an english native speaker (using soon you talk about something happening soon timewise)
Don't click received, let support do the reroll and just accept the blacklist, people will do it regardless and you just have to accept it.
There are close to 1 million accounts here, you bound to piss off someone eventually.
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Well, let me explain some points:
"Spend my points" was to reffer to acces the site more. To show that I'm an active user.
"Last week" Just after 15 minutes after I won I contacted the user. But because of new year holidays, I just remembered to create this topic now :P
"Asked for a reroll" yup, as said before, 15 minutes after winning the game.
"I'm not a english speaker" I think I'm capable of being understandable and create at least a small sentence to ask for a reroll and explain the reason.
About wait for support to do the reroll. Should I the user that won the giveaway capable of creating a ticket support to ask for a reroll? Or is this only possible for the user that created the giveaway?
Thanks :)
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If you dont want blacklists, you are on the wrong site, you get blacklisted for everything and nothing here.
Some blacklist after you say thanks in a GA, others BL if you dont. And many times people dont state anything in the discription what they want.
The forum is the best place to gain BL like Lugum said you piss of someone sometime in the future no matter what.
But the chance that you would have won a game from the person that BL you again is extremly small, even if he didnt do so.
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People have blacklisted me. It happens. They will blacklist you, too. It happens.
Maybe the reason was because you waited a week to ask for the reroll? I could be misunderstanding though.
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I was black-listed just today. Luckily I've figured out who already. It's no big deal. Let the black-lists roll. There's so many kind people on here that you won't even notice the giveaways of the person who black-listed you are even gone. Here, I'll throw you on my ever-growing White-list. Maybe make up a support ticket.
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I probably could have said it better, but I've been up for far too many hours. lol Thanks for the backup though.
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Thank you very much.
I don't know if all language students are "kind" because they are learning a new language and need support to grow or it's just me.
After sometime I just got stunned because of Canada culture. I love that country and how people there are so kind.
Have I been there before? No. But this is a typical stereotype of Canada ;P
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Do NOT click "received" OR "not received."
You already did what you should by telling the winner to ask for a reroll
For now you just forget about it, and do your best to ignore the red notification. Eventually support will get to it and that will disappear when it goes to someone else, although things are slow so it might be a week or two, just keep ignoring it until then.
About the blacklist, you didn't do anything wrong, but you can do anything about it either, and that's okay. People blacklist for any reason they want, so just accept things as they are. Odds are that you wouldn't ever win anything from that user again anyway, so it wouldn't even matter.
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You can get blacklisted for making topics, for creating puzzles, for commenting anything, for asking or not asking for reroll, for being poor or rich, for making cheap GAs or popular GAs with a big discount, for being a girl, or homo, or for any other reason :3 Why do you even bother to have a good relationship with everyone, there are just same usual people.
There are a lot of adequate people too.
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Just counter blacklist them. At least then they won't be able to enter your GAs.
Maybe they didn't like your profile or your reroll request. Or they were having a bad day (new year blues?).
Don't lose any sleep over it.
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If the reason for the reroll is "I forgot to leave the GA" - then it is a very good reason for blacklisting. Irresponsible people who don't leave won GAs are very annonying and for the GA creators is best if the problematic people won't win anything else from them. It would not be a problem if a person would make a reroll ticket once a time but there are too much these irresponsible people and it really sucks if one made 30 GAs and 7 of them have to be rerolled.
I understand - it is much easier for the lazy guys just don't leave them and if they happen to win the game again they just ask for reroll but they should think also about the GA creators. To remove the entries is the least they can do.
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Well that's a bit unreasonable, especially if the giveaways for the same game end at the same time, or close to it.
I had this happen just the other week.
I entered two giveaways for the same game, they ended 10 minutes apart and i won both.
You can't expect people to be refreshing this site 24/7..
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You was faster. I want to say exactly this.
And for some reason I need to sleep aswell, so 8 hours straight to be out of SG.:)
Pilda: I see your point, but it is impossible to avoid this. Of course if the winner won game a week ago before second one, he probably could leave it, but if it is in short period of time, there is no way.
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I got a double-win on a day I was gone the entire day. What time did I have to leave the second giveaway? Once I got home, logged in, I saw both wins. Really nothing "irresponsible". Just activated one, asked the other to re-roll.
If I notice I won a giveaway (and get the key) I will leave others of that kind, always.
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It doesn't matter what you do, blacklists around here are unavoidable and most of the time you won't even know why. Hell, I hadn't logged in the site for over 4 months(Aug- late Dec) and I got a few blacklists in October! 3 months offline at the time. How? Why? Who? I'll never know xD
In either way there's so many people around that a few blacklists won't affect you in any noticeable way. Just keep having fun here, follow the rules(which you did in this case btw) and you should be fine
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Reasons you get blacklisted on Steamgifts.
Being a Dick , flaming people , breaking rules .
Having a SteamGifts account ...
And most common one . breathing .
Anyone can blacklist you for w/e reason he/she feels like its appropriete , and you cannot do anything to prevent that .
Also making such topics will only get you in more blacklists .
As for winning a game multiple times ... if you won a game , take a moment and make sure you leave all giveaways for said game .
Its bother both to the GA creator and support to reroll that Stuff .
Then again that happens , when there are multiple GAs ending in a shirt period of time from each other , but if that wasnt the case its kinda your fault here :)
For couple years im here i won a game i had Once , and that was couple weeks ago ... i literally bough the game went on SG to leave the giveaways and found out i won it >.<
So yeah that kinda stuff happens , and thats why Re-Roll exist ...
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Well then the GA creator that blacklisted you is kind of a dick himself :)
But as i said its imperfect system where anyone can blacklist anyone for anything .
All you need to do is ask for Re-roll and your job is done ... dont mark it neither as received nor Not-received tho
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I made a giveaway for my cakeday today, and I got on 1 whitelist and 5 blacklists. People will blacklist you for arbitrary reasons.
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Yeah, I figured that was probably the case. Oh well.
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heh I honestly thought you were taliking about me for a minute and had to check to make sure I hadn't blacklisted you. I recently did something similar but I had a lot of giveaway's for dlc running and I told the people that entered that they needed to check and make sure they didn't have the dlc before entering or I would blacklist them when they asked for a reroll. Even with the threat I still had at least 15 rerolls. :(
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Well but it's hard to check every minute if I won certain game.
Maybe I try 3~5 times the same game, and they are about to expire in few minutes.
So I join the giveaway and after 1 hour I come back to check.
So it's HARD, just like win the lottery, to win the same game in few minutes. I've never had this problem before, but this can occur to anyone here. So that's why I got 2 keys for the same game =/
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see i wouldn't blacklist you over that that's something you can't control. The ones I blacklisted either didn't bother to read or didn't bother to see if they already had the dlc
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Don't you worry at all... Being blacklisted is inevitable.
You'll receive some blacklist for even less.
In a few days you won't even care anymore.
Just let them hate the world... Alone. :D
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I had been blacklisted, when i joined the SG in my first-day. The reason is that i burst into the train required LV3. So u 're not alone. :)))
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The problem is: I can't.
In my pride list (won giveaways) it only shows game title, game key, received / not received.
As soon as I got blacklisted, I'm unable to see the giveaway.
EDIT ~~~~
I copied the giveaway url and went to anonymous browser. Now I got the traitor url :P.
Pew Pew Pew.
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You can always open the list from your own profile, by clicking on the number of wins - it always shows the creator. Useful if you got removed from group, whitelist, or blacklisted :)
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Why did you win Clickteam Fusion 5 days ago and then give 2 copies of it away 4 days ago? If you were going to buy the bundle why did you enter for Clickteam fusion?
Did it take you a while to ask for a reroll? How long between winning the first one and the 2nd one ending?
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I had no ideia about Fusion 5 days ago.
There was a Topic here saying it was a HumbleBundle stuff and people questioning if this was able to be banned.
People said no.
So I searched on Google and found HumbleBundle game-pack.
Probably a lot of people did the same. Or am I wrong?
**Did it take you a while to ask for a reroll **To ask for a reroll I took 15 minutes max.
**How long between winning the first one and the 2nd one ending?** ~20 minutes.
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As far as I can tell, you did exactly what you were supposed to do. You activated the first game, clicked "Received" on it, then asked for a re-roll on the second game. That is just what I would have done were I in your position.
As for the blacklist, it could have been one of those people who blacklist anyone who wins a game from them so that he/she does not give more than one game to the same person. (You can only win one game from such people.) Only the person doing the blacklisting knows for certain. I wouldn't worry about it, however. I get blacklisted all the time, often for no reason that I can fathom.
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Hey guys!
I normally access steamgifts hourly, so I try to expend all my points joining giveaways.
Last weak I joined the same game twice (if I remember well), and as lucky I am I won both keys.
So I activated the first one and asked the second user to reroll.
Just because I asked for reroll he blacklisted me from his future giveaway... WTF?
Is this normal (I'm noob here in Steamgifts)?
I know the user is free to blacklist any user he wants. But in order to have a good relationship with everyone, I'd like to know how you guys behave in this situation. Should I just click "RECEIVED" and ignore the key (probably this is wrong according to rules)?
Thanks everyone!
PS: As soon as I'm not an english native speaker, probably there's a lot of mistakes in this text. Also, I'm still learning about culture in english speak countries so if this is a question of culture, I'd be very happy if someone could explain me how this works :)
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