2 seems like an odd choice. People may well know of the series but not necessarily the setting.
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And if it lands on 3 you then have to flip a coin to see if you live :3
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Small addition to the topic: roll dice
I would vote for 1 for the setting.
On the other hand from a more practical point of view 2 or 6 are probably the best choices. In all other universes at least one side/villain wants to start a total war/bring destruction to everything, while in the two mentioned above, fractions are fighting each other but don't want to annihilate the world
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I wouldn't want 6, but I think I would prefer 5, there are a lot of peaceful planets in Star Trek.
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Yea it's not something well known, basically, there is a whole universe with vast lands, and various races, the ToG story is set in a tower which is basically almost a world for it self since it's really huge, people who are born in the tower or in some cases from outside, can decide to climb the tower, it's promised that if they reach the peak the tower would grant them anything they want, only one person has ever reached the peak and is the current king.
the source of power in this story is called Shinsu, something like magick...
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The Marvel Universe would be my first pick and the least wanted would be Alagaësia since I'm not familiar with it.
Rolled a 5. I'd be kool with that.
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I do hope whoever went into soul gem world would die. One of selling point for Avenger 3 is that this is not the traditional super hero movie where good guys always wins. The avengers and the guardian of the galaxy were completely defeated. If they are brought back from the soul gem world in Avenger 4, the climax built in A3 would be destroyed (for me). If Marvel uses Rick and Morty style to bring back the dead (go to the alternate universe where other avengers and the guardian of the galaxy are still alive, but in the universe where Thanos already snapped his finger, they are 100% dead), it could maintain the theme in A3 but also not jeopardise their next 10-year plan.
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i feel like i will draw the short straw every time. This is how it goes in my mind (i am not a pesimist, i swear):
so i like where i am now thanks :p
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My thought exactly :D
Last time I played Dead of winter, I rolled insta death (1 in 12 chance) 4 or 5 times. And considering that each death lowers morale for all the players, my friends were really happy (not).
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1, maybe,
actually i want to go to Hogwarts but no option for that
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I would go with Middle Earth. There is spiritual meaning to life and its struggles there.
2nd choice - Star Trek. There is rational meaning to life and its struggles there.
DC and Marvel I would really not want to be there. All about power and emo soap opera. Cool powers, but nothing that would be better in person than on a screen.
Star Wars, no. Everybody dies all the time. Perpetual war. Fun to watch, not to live.
Alagaësia - A mystery to me. I've never read the books.
So, practically speaking, I would return my ticket. Half the chances are places I would not want to go to, and one is an unknown.
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Game of Thrones is the first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, if this will jog your memory.
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Well when I made this thread I was going under the impression that you'd go there as you are. It's like you travel to Hawaii, you don't get special powers and/or your skin doesn't change to look like a native Hawaiian. So there'd be no stats other than your human ones.
What if not rolling sent you to the Dungeons & Dragons universe, clearly exactly as you are? What would you choose then?
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Uhhh, none of these options seem like a fun place to be, honestly. Well, unless your a protagonist or something I suppose?
The only universe that seems interesting (if I had to pick) would be Middle-Earth, mostly because of the scenery and interesting creatures, and also I don't know much about the other places.
Worse would be Star Trek I think. I don't like space.
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Go to another world to be just another boring nobody there? Oh wow, such a prospect! No thanks.
It's not about in which universe you live, it's about who you are. If you got no special skills/talents - you will be just a commoner in any world.
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I always thought that the Star Trek universe would be the greatest to live in. You have future technology. Replicators, beaming, unlimited energy, no poverty, weather controlled planets, cures for almost any disease and the best one: Holodecks!
Also, you are not forced to explore space. You could just stay on earth, enjoy the nice weather, replicate some drinks, beam to Paris, drink some wine, beam back home and go to a holodeck to explore all the other fictional worlds mentioned above in a safe environment. All that while you probably don't have to worry about any war going on on earth (except maybe you join Star Fleet or you live in San Francisco).
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I don't think i'm gonna survive in any of those settings. I wouldn't roll the dice.
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It feels too much of an rng when some people are into superhero fantasy, some are into SF, and others are into sword & magic. Yay, a 1/3 chance to go to your beloved dream world. But also 2/3 chance to go to place you don't like and no way back.
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What dice roll gets me to Narnia? :D Nah, including an actual paradise allegory seems to make the choice a bit too obvious!
But out of those options, I feel like Star Trek is the clear best for me... Don't want to live without technology, and don't want to live in constant peril of giant-blue-laser armageddon... And, it seems like most humans in Star Trek have a pretty decent life overall. Holodeck would be fun. Wouldn't mind removing the red articles from my wardrobe to massively boost life expectancy.
On the other hand, I suppose if you go for DC/Marvel you'd have the option of trying to procure some nuclear waste and virtually guaranteeing the development of superpowers... Hmm, that's pretty tempting, actually. Although on the other hand, I can't think of a single superhero in either universe who has a remotely content life. Yeah, I'll stick with Trek!
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I found something which suits this topic very well.
Although I already skipped Star trek in my first post I also believe that it's a great universe. Much depends on the era we're talking about. and the location. There were peaceful times, but there were also episodes where the world was on the verge*. I would say that the current state can not b taken as granted.
*Klingon wars, Borg invasion, Romulans scheming.
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You've won the chance to go one-way to a famous fantasy world but, the bad news is, you don't get to choose which one. You're offered a standard 6-sided die and what you roll is where you go. The results are:
1 - Middle-Earth
2 - Alagaësia
3 - Marvel Universe
4 - DC Universe
5 - Star Trek Universe
6 - Star Wars Universe
What would be your most preferred (or least of all evils if you don't like these) and least preferred (or most despised) rolls? You can say what you do and don't like if you like, however if you give a why, please tell me in practical reasons why you would or wouldn't like that roll. And please keep this civilized, no attacking anyone who shares their opinion on the subject one way or the other.
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