Its not really worth it tbh. Its not really an recreation of the old d1, the characters and skills are d3, the inviroments are not the d1 but inviroments from d3 that matches the idea of what d1 was like, the only change is that geaphics gets an old fashion look (check a video of how it looks) and the characters move in fixed 8 directions
Now dont get me wrong i love d3 reaper of sous and in my book 10 pounds for it its a really nice price but if you dont feel like playing the game and you only think of buying it for the d1 dont its better if you emulate old d1
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Thanks for your comment. I suspect D1 has dated rather badly by now so I wouldn't be tempted to go back to it. A graphical overhaul and modern interface / mechanisms was what was tempting about the event, i'm fine with the fact its not a true port and has the new classes etc. The fixed 8 directions seems like an odd restriction to have implemented? How far do the new levels go?
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its the 16 lvl dungeon like the old d1 and themed the same, the 8 direction is to give the old feeling back if you remember d1 was moving to 8 directions
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Why would anyone want to play the PS1 port on PC.
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Buy Grim Dawn instead:
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I understand your reluctance at full price; I would definitely suggest waiting for a sale (it was the lead title in a recent Humble Monthly, so I wouldn't pay more than 10). That said, the production quality is excellent, and you can get a sense of it from YouTube or the 1000s of reviews. I've enjoyed GD much more than D3 (which I quickly abandoned).
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Amen to that ! :) and Grim DAwn / Victor Vran / Titan Quest anniversary edition ( Re-made and all problems fixed,items are server side dnow in multiplayer etc :D and can pvp with people and get custom maps for pvp etc )
And The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 1,2,3 or final cut
AND forgot to mention new ones Wolcen lords of mayhem and also Guardians of Ember,have potential :D
(Guardians of ember is made by those who made Runes of Magic which was so epic and had dual class,later third class option too etc but it was also a lot of pay2win in Runes of Magic mmorpg... )
OH and very interesting one is EXANIMA :) and their future game Sui Generis i think it was named that will use Exanima's engine :D where you can trip over objects and have to manually parry/attack etc,it's sort of a dark souls game but isometric :D
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I have all of the Diablo products activated on my Blizzard account. I have been a Diablo fan since the first came out. Literally since like 1992 or so, and I can tell you it's not worth it. Blizzard ruined the game and spit on the people who loved the games faces.
The Diablo 1 content was just a greater rift. Very lackluster. They have the nerve to release the Necromancer class in the coming months as PAID DLC. If it's under 10pound/euro/dollar whatever you are I will probably purchase it. If they come with a 30pound/euro/dollar I will never buy a Blizzard product again.
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PATH OF EXILE is what people call the REAL diablo 3 :) how it was supposed to be.
And other great ones are Grim Dawn
Victor Vran
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 1,2,3 or final cut re-made one.
Titan Quest Anniversary edition
all those games are way better and i have the d3 expansion RoS too trust me :)
AND forgot to mention new ones Wolcen lords of mayhem and also Guardians of Ember,have potential :D
(Guardians of ember is made by those who made Runes of Magic which was so epic and had dual class,later third class option too etc but it was also a lot of pay2win in Runes of Magic mmorpg... )
OH and very interesting one is EXANIMA :) and their future game Sui Generis i think it was named that will use Exanima's engine :D where you can trip over objects and have to manually parry/attack etc,it's sort of a dark souls game but isometric :D
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I also played D3 when it first came out and finished it but never got pulled into it like I did D2, same as you. I've heard from multiple people that the expansion made the game way better so it may be worth it anyway but I can't speak from my own experience as I haven't played since well before the expansion came out.
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I was reading about the celebration event and was intrigued by the "re-imagining" of the original levels they've put into the game which I have fond memories of from D1. I was keen to try them out but after re-installing the base game I found it needs the Reaper of Souls expansion to play which i don't have. It's on offer for £10 right now directly from blizzard which seems a decent price, but as I doubt I'll really play that much of the expansion itself (didn't find the game as engaging as D2) I'm wondering if it's really worth it. Any thoughts?
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