Just curiosity, someone had work in the industry or in an indie?


Is it a fun experience or the stress beats the path?

What do you think about SUCCESS. Why do you think games reach a big impact? (Quake, Mortal Kombat, Etc.)

Why do you think people hate games?, why people love games?

From your ideas, what makes a good game?

Its actually people involved in this jobs well?. They live right? Earn good money? or at least. They are respected for what they do?

EDIT: Do people really need to get a degree for get a position in the industry or in the market?, why?
What happen with all those guys who have a really amazing talent and sometimes beat those guys who study in the Game Design/Art Colleges, (I am not saying that study is bad, or people who study are bad, NO! I am saying that sometimes you found people around Internet with an amazing talent and they never put a foot in a Game Design/Art College)
what happen with them?... they don't count for a position?

My last question is:

If you were a Game Developer/Art Designer and you see that this job isn't working for your life, or for different factors or reasons you cant success... What career you would take instead of this path?


WE LACK OF INFORMATION (Opinion from professionals, don't misunderstand) ABOUT THIS! Where are this guys? and what they think about new people. What recommend to them?
I only see information in the schools who teach this, but what Game Designers think about that, what tip recommend to new people in this areas, or what they can say to the new guys who want to follow this path.

If you are a Game Designer or a Game Art Designer or you are involved in a job like that, and you want to share your opinion. Thank you so much for do it, your opinion helps a lot of people who want to know about this or are new in this kind of paths.

Best Regards! :)

11 years ago*

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I'm sure it's a big scoop of both.

11 years ago

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if you love what you do, is very hard to become stressing, but its very easy fall off when things star becoming wrong, but most all the time its a fun experience, you have the control, you can do whatever you want. :)

11 years ago

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I disagree a little mate. Its a job, the designer need to have a discipline to stay on time with the deadlines, and it need to accomplish something by a certain time. When one create mods, well you can do whatever you want but when a company is making a game, I think it need to follow certain rules, cant be whatever the designer want, but its just my point of view, maybe this kind of job have more freedom that I think.

11 years ago

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Well.. I am "trying" to get in ._.
I did take part in a competition though.. It didn't go that well.. 3/5 people were not giving it much importance..
I didn't feel stress from the work, I kinda did from ym teammates.. the last days were hectic though.. got about 2~3 hours sleep on the last two days.. I don't know how I managed to stay up like that XD

11 years ago

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I had hear that sleep isn't a good friend with this kind of jobs (just rumors, I really don't know if its true.), I am not sure if happen with all the people involved in this jobs.

11 years ago

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I think that's probably true.. at least the devs from few companies said so when we talked to them (Codemasters being one of them).. You start of normally.. the amoutn of sleep reduces by the time you reach the end I guess...

The stress/fun part of it really depends on the company and the people you are working with... I can't really say much.. I only worked on a game for roughly 9 weeks for the competition.. then came back home and didn't get a reasonable job.. so currently unemployed...

11 years ago

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Looks like its a rude path, I am not sure... sometimes I compare this kind of job with music. If the musician or the designer its successful, most of what comes its mostly good, at least one reach a strong position in society, if no... its keep trying for reach that point.

Just my point of view, I really don't know.

11 years ago

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You have to do this because you live for it, because it's your passion, because heck.. you can't really think of any other way to live your life. If you really want a strong position in society then you might be taking a wrong turn as artist/developer.
Succes is in the eye of the beholder.

11 years ago

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Hmm well, I think is most the influence what brings a person to success, but can be true... can be bad to take this path.

Success for me is to reach a point in which for example, your game gets a cult position. Something that revolutionize the industry and the designer team or the designer/artist is well recognized for make great things.

11 years ago

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Recognition is overrated, brilliant people are everywhere. Some of the most talented musicians i know are totally underappreciated, even marginalized. But they don't mind that, because they love what they do. I think the same counts for any creative undertaking for that matter. As long as you love what you do, you're on the right path.
Making a cult-hit is like having epic luck, you can't just pull a cult-hit out of your sleeve. Everything has to be right about, concept, timing technology & lots more.. There's nothing wrong with dreaming (!) but as a beginner it's better to think small and to act step by step. Don't waste your time chatting in threads, act now!

11 years ago

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equal parts of cool and hard, im a gamedesigner working in my first real game

11 years ago

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Best luck mate, and thank you.

11 years ago

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Well, I'm not in an industry, but I think it would be a good way to never enjoy a videogame again.

11 years ago

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nope, thats like saying that a car racer who worked as a mechanic (everyday) wouldn't enjoy driving... You just happen to know more ;D

11 years ago

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From my experience with modding in the past, well I can say that I worked more than play the game. Its a little true that sometimes you forgot what play feels because of the work. Chiasm that sentence sounds like a beta tester who is testing a really bad game. :)

11 years ago

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As I've said, I'm not in the gaming industry, so I woudln't know for sure, and - obviously - this kind of things works differenty for different people and companies. I just think that one should consider it before choosing a job: "Do what you love"-philosophy doesn't always work, routine often kills passion.

11 years ago

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I agree, thank you mate. "Do What You Love" is what mostly people have told me, those are strong words.

11 years ago

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I'm sort of indie dev. It's just that I suck, so I never actually finished any of my games... except one, which is not in English.

Anyway, if solving problems is something you like, then coding is for you. Just be prepared to solve a lot of problems. Good thing is that more often than not, someone else already solved that and wrote an explanation on the Internet. But games are much more than coding... sound artists, 2d artists, 3d artists, level designers (this seems easy, but how many maps reach a cult status? one or two per game!) and so on.

11 years ago

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I really don't want to go for coding, something that i really hate is Math. But I like the art development of a videogame. Anyways if I don't start to love Math now... I think I cant take a really good role in a development, so lets love math now :_:

11 years ago

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Is it a fun experience or the stress beats the path?
That would probably depend on who you work for, what you're doing, deadlines, personal preference etc

Why do you think people hate games?, why people love games?
Most likely because everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

From your ideas, what makes a good game?
Not to beat a dead horse, but surprisingly personal preference plays into this one too! If we look at the indie scene, having the creative freedom and not being told what to do let's you do exactly what you want. If you do, how could it not be a good game to you and who cares what anyone else thinks?

Its actually people involved in this jobs well?. They live right? Earn good money?
Outsourcing is easy and lower the wages. If you're an artist or a programmer, you aren't going to be a millionaire even if you worked on the biggest title of the year.
If you're indie, you work for weeks, months or even years on a game. Assuming you don't have a job and aren't offering preorders, how do you suppose they get money? The whole idea of being indie is not receiving funding from a publisher to have your creative freedom. If the game isn't successful, then chances are they'll be going back to a 9-5 job.

Quite frankly, there is tons of sites or forums about this on the internet. Judging by your questions, it's safe to assume you haven't even bothered looking despite claiming a lack of information on this topic.

11 years ago

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Thanks for the answers mate, about the lack of information... I must say that I am not really good with Internet when I want to find really strong answers, but maybe I need to search more about this, Its just that I don't know people who are in this areas, maybe you do, because you have strong answers. For you, could be easy to answer them, because you got the information and the knowledge already... In my case, I am really lost in this areas. I don't know a lot about this theme, but im learning a lot here.
Thank you. :)

11 years ago

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I'm working on my own game, which i plan to release on steam so i will shed light from what i believe.

Is it a fun experience or the stress beats the path?
Well it depends on if your working for someone or yourself, and both involve a little stress but mainly only around solving problems that arise, In my experience my stress is fueled by adrenaline when i'm fixing and issue and then when i fix it, i feel like a big chunk of happiness has been dumped in my lap because its all sweet sailing.

Why do you think people hate games?, why people love games?
well everyone has different tastes, But i Believe if you do a good job even those that hate your your game wont hate it that much, And again i think when someone gets a good balance of the key requirements for a genre the game will be well recieved.

A good example of this is showing someone the best tabletop game ever, and them just throwing it in the bin because it is trash ( Different Tastes play a role, and Devs that ignore this i believe fall flat on thier faces)

From your ideas, what makes a good game?
On a Personal Note, I think a good game doesnt have to have awsome graphics, it doesnt even have to be 3d, I Believe it has to only follow 3 simple rules, Which are good music, A Goal, and a Feeling/emotion.

Let me Elaborate on this, Music helps the player engage with the game, while the Goal and the Feeling work in sync to pull the player in, This is the key and should be used in everything from storyline to the core mechanics of a game.

Its actually people involved in this jobs well?. They live right? Earn good money?
If its an Award winning game, sure they eat well, If not then well they make a tiny bit and enough to fund another small game. Thats why i'm in it for the Joy and not for the wealth.

I have a List of things i want to do before i die, Creating and Publishing a game is on that list.

Never Stop Reaching for the Sky Baby

11 years ago

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Popeye... DAMN! your answers were mind blowing! I mean this is some of the best answers i had heard in years. I really like this parts:

"Why do you think people hate games?, why people love games? well everyone has different tastes, But i Believe if you do a good job even those that hate your your game wont hate it that much, And again i think when someone gets a good balance of the key requirements for a genre the game will be well recieved.
A good example of this is showing someone the best tabletop game ever, and them just throwing it in the bin because it is trash ( Different Tastes play a role, and Devs that ignore this i believe fall flat on thier faces)
From your ideas, what makes a good game? On a Personal Note, I think a good game doesnt have to have awsome graphics, it doesnt even have to be 3d, I Believe it has to only follow 3 simple rules, Which are good music, A Goal, and a Feeling/emotion.
Let me Elaborate on this, Music helps the player engage with the game, while the Goal and the Feeling work in sync to pull the player in, This is the key and should be used in everything from storyline to the core mechanics of a game."

And this phrase is really inspiring: Never Stop Reaching for the Sky Baby

Thanks a lot mate. You share strong, direct and well explained answers. Thanks a lot for share your thoughts, this really helps me to see a good path beyond because of what you say:

"In my experience my stress is fueled by adrenaline when i'm fixing and issue and then when i fix it, i feel like a big chunk of happiness has been dumped in my lap because its all sweet sailing."

Things like that is what I want to hear. Experiences from people like you that make games. How they feel? What they think about its position.

Thanks a lot mate for share this info, it is really helpful for understand this paths well. :)

Best Regards! and I wish you the Best Luck mate for your future projects!

11 years ago

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Glad my Opinion has been of some use to you sir :D

Thanks for the best wishes also.

11 years ago

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Do great things mate! As i read your thoughts, looks like you are a great person with great ideas. Keep it up! :)

11 years ago

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I'm a "Special Individual", nah lol i've had a hard life, i have been through alot and at an age of 22 i am probably more mature than people of 50 :D

But it has given me a unique outlook that allows me to calculate ideas in a very special way by running various thoughts alongside my idea's like how would someone feel if i gave them this experience etc.

I would never claim to be a great person, i am just normal, i am the guy down the street or the stranger that walks past you, but i will Say this "90% of People who Owned the Breakthroughs in History Were Very Weird, So if your Weird like me then Celebrate"

Perspective is everything, And i have a wealth of knowledge if you every need any advice feel free to ask.

11 years ago

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Thanks mate. I am not sure if Im weird :D, but could be hahaha :)
Its odd how life treat people sometimes, but I think we are in a good path, so lets see what happens next. Rock hard in life mate! :D

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by JamyZPunchThis.