Anybody know if this is bought as a gift, does it put 2 different gifts in your inventory, one for EU, one for Bureau, or does it put in one gift, for them combined. If one combined, then if used, does it give XCOM: EU as a spare gift if you already own it?

Asking because non-Valve games are sometimes hard to tell, so don't tell me that "assume it just doesn't give it to you" because I already assumed that, that's why I'm asking to see if I'm wrong.

10 years ago*

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Single gift, dont think so

10 years ago

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Steam doesn't give you games back if you activate a bundle/pack of some sorts.
So no, it's a single gift/copy.

10 years ago

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Some games do. Serious Sam is a non-Valve game that does so, as example.
Most Valve games also give you games back.

10 years ago

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Not really worth it, as you'll be forced to buy Xcom: Enemy Within anyway (well, not really, but playing game without it is meh).

Cheaper to buy Xcom Complete and Bureau on it's own.

That is, unless you wanted to giveaway/sell Xcom - then it's good question :P

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Jaline.