Is the concept of absolute right and wrong, good and evil still valid? The "absolute" portion is important, otherwise this discussion will just boil down to everyone has their view of what is right and wrong and it can be totally different than the next guys view. Why is the concept still valid or why isn't the concept still valid? My theory is that people still think that there is absolute right and wrong, good and evil. If this is true, then, what is the basis for absolute right and wrong, good and evil? Circumstances? Our personal opinions? History? Experience?

Please stay on topic. This could be very interesting.

12 years ago*

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There is no absolute right, wrong, good and evil; nothing is written in stone, and even if it were, there would still be people who wouldnt care, just like laws.

Gotta say though, that based on your OP, that thought is mainly based on having something to believe in, which goes all the way back to the topic of religion, which i'll try not to get into, as it can easily turn into a mess in no time.

12 years ago

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No never, good and evil does not exist but humans apply it to themselves because they believe they are above all others and while it is more of a moral question. Would say the only absolute right and wrong is over life itself though if a species goes extinct because of another it is just another part of life.

Now where are the snacks you promised unless you are a liar.

12 years ago

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The topic itself is off-topic, it's so far from what Steamgifts is about. It's even more off-topic than begging for games or offering to trade. Meh.

That said, if right and wrong didn't exist, then saying so wouldn't be very valid either.

12 years ago

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What? Why wouldn't saying so be valid?

12 years ago

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Because saying that value doesn't exist is itself a statement of value.

12 years ago

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but... nobody's said that value doesn't exist. We're talking about absolute good and evil here. I think you're confusing concepts.

12 years ago

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Good logical connection there, but I disagree. However, if absolute good doesn't exist, then the concept of even minimal good is nonsense. If nothing is good, then truth isn't good. If truth isn't good, then truth is pointless. If truth is pointless, then no statement has value.

12 years ago

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So if something is not good it's pointless?

12 years ago

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You're saying something needs to be good to hold value. But if there is NO good to begin with, then does that mean everything is pointless according to your logic?

12 years ago

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The argument is getting too semantic (including what I've been saying) to be worthwhile. Nevermind.

12 years ago

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I don't see how you can say that there's no good at all if there's no absolute good. I can easily imagine a world where helping a child is, by my subjective standards, considered good, but is not objectively good. That's the world I believe we live in now. And I still disagree that good and evil has any relation to value. Money is neither good nor evil (it's how you use it that matters), yet it certainly has value to many people.

12 years ago

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The argument is getting too semantic (including what I've been saying) to be worthwhile. Nevermind.

12 years ago

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I graciously accept your surrender

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Good and evil aren't real (as in, good and evil aren't these 'universal' 'forces' 'wrestling' each other, its difficult to explain cause of their multiple meanings. Its all nothing more than a bunch of choices. These choices lead to some outcome. The outcome may be favorable, unfavorable, or indifferent. We may use the word good to describe a favorable outcome and we may use the word evil or bad to describe an unfavorable outcome (we can also use unfavorable and many more words, right/wrong). What makes an outcome good,bad,unchanged, right, wrong...etc, are personal beliefs or (i guess you could say) general beliefs (which could be personal beliefs that are in agreement with another person(s) beliefs, for example, in any country you go to, the murder of an innocent (technically there is no innocence, or is there?) person is considered wrong (generally speaking). Why do people believe what they believe? This is tough to explain. Personal beliefs CAN arise because of, or, from experience (this can branch into religion), religion (people believe in a religion because they think it gives them hope, generally speaking, and this branches into personal gain), personal gain ('selfish' or 'unselfish'). For example, slavery in the old colonial days of America, [im not getting into the history of the beginnings of slavery] many white people were scrounging for a reason they could believe in that made slavery justifiable. Some believed it was right because they were saving so much money and had so much efficiency as compared to the use of indentured servants. Some threw religion and crazy beliefs, like, black people were 'perpetual children' that needed to be constantly looked after and 'cared' for. Some people used racism to bury their guilt, they believed that they were born better than them no matter what. Some didn't even believe that they were human, so they worked the slaves like animals, which justified it for them. What made the white people have to dig for a reason/belief to justify slavery and racism? I would finish this but I have no time. Theres my 2 cents.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The new standard is simply: Quiche or not quiche

12 years ago

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In reality? No.
In fantasy? Yes.
I refer you to the PlaneScape campaign setting.

12 years ago

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This topic heavily touches on subjective opinions that stem from religious and cultural affiliation or thoughts.

Y u put this on SteamGifts?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by RDBruski.