Do you plan to use it?
Make 20 transactions in November
Make $1,000 in deposits
Deposit $100 this week
I guess that it will have very high fees on every transaction, otherwise I don't understand how can this work (except collecting personal information/behavioral advertising).
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The credit/debit card industry is perverse, in that it’s one of the few industries where they can make more money dimly by charging more.
Customers choose cards based on the best rewards. Rewards are paid for by charging merchants higher fees. Merchants generally have no say in the matter, they have to pay whatever the card companies ask. Then the merchants raise the prices for everyone.
FYI the average fee for a debit card transaction is $0.44, so 20 transactions costs the merchants $8.80.
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Some people still wonder why I pay with cash every time I can.
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That seems pretty suspicious: doesn't almost every program or website shows you the EULA and TOS that you have to accept no matter what before you give them any info?
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ToS and Promotion Rules are at the very bottom of the page, which is the normal location for such links.
Links to the FAQ can be found both in the top right and just above the bottom of the page.
We can also assume required adherence to any ToS issued by Mastercard, Piermont Bank, or any other intermediary involved.
Those giving the matter thorough consideration would want to check against Piermont (where you'd be forced to make a checking account to participate) and also to make sure no other groups are mentioned.
There does not however appear to be any method of checking against the ToS of the required mythia app without actually loading it, assuming it has more than just the site access ToS available on the mythia website.
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This screams "pay me 100 dollars in advance or you won't get that free Cyberpunk we promised" and then it just turns out to be a scam.
That or it is going sell my most personal information to some random unregistered shady company in China or Nigeria.
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Well unless you live in the middle of nowhere without any electricity then it's not possible to avoid that. That is the risk you take when you plug in your internet for the first time.
At least the Chinese and Russian government won't destroy my Email with poorly-thought out spam (give me something other than sausage enlargening ads and hot Belorussian women). Plus they already have all the money in the world they want so they don't really gain anything from scamming out 100 euros from someone.
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Dunno why everything is automatically a scam especially when they have made it trivial to check it.
People don't seem to get that the card company takes about 2% of each and every purchase racking in millions easily, so ofc they have little left over to give couple dollar bundle games to customers.
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well you try it then but let us think what we want
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And everyone in NL buys everything online? You can use cards wherever including buying your groceries at your local supermarket with it. I'm still waiting for PP to be allowed as a payment method in Google Pay outside USA, then PP would be vastly more useful.
Digital Euro will replace all anyways :)
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i'm still waiting for BTC and such to be used on Ebay
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Have you ever looked at BTC transfer fees?
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well whatever i don't trust paypal anymore than forced anyway and my bank is about as helpful as a bottle of solid paint most of the time - so no one is any good most of the time
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Yes it's the ancient version of a bank issued debit card only useful for ATM withdrawals and such and only in your own country, which were common before every card started being Visa/MC debit/credit. Been decades since I last saw one, because here they have been phased out to debit cards ages ago already. A pre-Internet age card with little or no benefits compared to a modern debit card that works globally.
Debit literally just means it takes the money from your account when paying vs getting a credit bill.
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it is like most things - 100% USA only just talked to them
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[Directed mostly toward the previous commenters:]
Okay, so- debit cards (AKA bank cards) link to a bank account and, at least in the US, are expected to not have fees of any sort. Their main issue is that they generally have reduced safety measures compared to a credit card and that they don't increase your (in practice absolutely absurd, nonsensical, and meaningless) credit rating. The plus side is that they have no fees, no hassle, etc. They're a matter of function for the associated bank account [read: a modern alternative to checks] and, in the case of the present majority* of them which are issued through credit card companies, pay their handling fees through the merchant or ATM fees (as any credit card does).
As for the rest, looking at the promotion rules, you get sweepstake entries based on each transaction or for every $50 added to your bank account (over withdrawals). The total prize pool is roughly $8,000. Compared to other signing bonuses provided by other banks I've seen, that's nothing [I've seen other banks offer several hundred dollars, guaranteed, in exchange for a set minimum balance over a set minimum holding term]. So the easiest explanation for "ohmigosh, why prizes?" is "marketing to get new customers at the associated bank".
Beyond that:
Signing up, and getting your Mythia debit card is free. There are no minimum balance requirements, no monthly or annual fees, and no surprise fees!
So we can skip the "scam" considerations (at least, beyond the caution we'd afford to any new venture), given that there's really not any need to scam over an $8,000 sweepstakes with clear benefits to the provider, and given that it has a clear declaration of no fees being in place. We can however, by that same consideration, realize there's not really any benefit to participation, given the presumably very low odds of winning anything (and, given that the majority of items have an estimated value of $0.75, an even lower probability of winning anything you'd actually care about enough to make the whole thing worth the effort).
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At least someone gets it. One could use it to buy games from shady sites if there are issues with PayPal use or something, Since it's prepaid you can't lose anything even if the card info gets stolen. And maybe earn a 3 cent game while at it.
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Hey everyone. I was browsing Product Hunt and saw this.
Looks like they are giving loot boxes when you spend some money etc. It says Xbox, PS5 and some good games, but let's be honest mostly you will get free or almost free games.
Looks like it is US only, so I won't be able to use/try it. I am not sure if I would try it if I could as well, since I don't care about adding games for +1.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys/gals know about it. Check it if you want. I didn't put my referral etc. so it should be fine to post it here.
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