Do you e-mail it or add them on Steam? It's a lot more likely you'll be thanked if you add them on Steam.
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Email through steam and email the bundle links. I know its real difficult to hit reply and type thank you. I know that extra two seconds is rough. Sorry it just irks me is all. I am 40+ and was taught manners. I have passed these on to my two boys as well. Just seems common courtesy is a lost art these days.
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Oh do not get me wrong I am not. I will still keep gifting of course. I know its just probably a self entitled mentality where these people thinks they deserve something for just waking up in the morning.
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Irrelevant. Those people are thanking him for something he didn't give them, and it's hard to tell what their motivation even is. The ones who actually get the gifts are the ones who should thank him - after they've got something to thank him for. Simple logic.
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That does suck honestly. I've only had one who didn't thank me (not even in the comments). I always thank people, when I enter and a second time if I win. If I can't catch them online, I'll leave a thank you on their profile. If the profile's private, I'll at least go hijack the top comment of the giveaway and thank them again there. It's really not that hard; there's always a way to reach someone online.
But sadly, you'll probably get a lot of people like that if you're doing public giveaways. I think some of these people think these gifts just appear out of thin air. :/
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Sadly there seem to be a significant number of people with entitlement issues out there.
Now I appreciate it's everyone's right to behave as they please, but it's piss-poor they can't muster a little gratitude when someone has spent money buying something for them.
Guess I've been lucky so far, as I've never had the displeasure of dealing with anyone like that on Steamgifts.
There are plenty of really nice, good people on Steamgifts, and many of them don't belong to gifting groups, etc. It's just a pity that they should suffer the consequences of a fringe of self-centred, pig-stupid wankers, who are beginning to give the site a bad name, now an increasing proportion of giveaways seem to be confined to groups/private links.
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Yeah, I wasn't trying to imply all public giveaways will end with rude winners (private groups can too). I think the problem is just cut back a bit with groups. A lot of groups are built around people who contribute either through gifting or being good in the community (or both), or have just been around long enough to "get it," so to speak. The site really boomed in popularity after giveaways with guaranteed/near guaranteed wins were created, such as Faerie Solitaire, and I'm guessing a bunch of the people who joined during that time were in a rush to get their free game and thought, "Oh, a contest site," and didn't really think of where exactly those games were coming from... and then proceded to never bother thinking about it or something. ._.
It really does suck that the people who are kind are suffering with the rude people. I'll admit I shied away from public giveaways after seeing so much ungratefulness. I feel bad about it since I've met friendly people who aren't in any of my groups, but at the same time I just don't feel like dealing with any of the potentially annoying people (I also seemed to attract beggars making public giveaways, which is another problem entirely).
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Now I know why there are so many private group giveaways.
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It's sad so many people have no manners. I mean, this is a site basically fueled by good will. I'm sorry about your bad luck with that. :/
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Sadly thats the way I am leaning now to. I joined a good private group and will probably gift there 95% of the time now.
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Luckily only one of my 14 giveaways didn't thank me. Now I start all my giveaways for contributors only (>50) and the problem seems solved. But if you're still looking for members, I would gladly send some of my future giveaways your way.
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When I do giveaways I require the user to contact me in steam via chat (usually in the group chat room I did the giveaway for). I have found personally that when gifting things in person, in chat like that, I ALWAYS get a thank you or two or three.
When I win, I make it a point to show how very much I appreciate it and thank them many times.
I hope your future experiences are better, don't let the morons discourage you.
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I can't speak for anyone else, but if I win something and there's a way for me to thank the person who hosted the giveaway, I say thank you. I can't imagine WHY the people who don't say anything do that. How could you not even just spare the time for a simple "thanks" at least?
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Seriously... I have given 13 gifts since joining here. Nothing spectacular. A few complete bundles and some retail steam games. Of all those I have given out 3 people said thank you in reply. Maybe I am old school but my parents taught me respect and courtesy. Maybe I am just getting older and this is just common. /shrug.
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