You can play COD without camping if you want to...
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You should get hands on Warsow ... that is what I call fast paced if first place :) that movement style and speed not machable in any other games :P
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Looks like it's trying to bring back the old school shooter theme
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unreal tournament 2004 is fast paced and very fun, though i prefer ut3(why nobody plays that, please guys buy the game)
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This makes sex the most fast-paced game of all times
Edit: Or masturbation in case we're only talking about computer games
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Go play Half Life 1(pr Black Mesa Source, the new remake) and then play something like CoD or Battlefield.
HL is a fast paced game while those games are not.
Games with IRON SIGHTS are 99.99% of the times NOT fast paced!!
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Only on 1 weapon which is the Magnum rifle. Not like COD that has it on every weapon.
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It's only in 1 wep and it does not do anything, it also does not improve the accuracy!
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But yeah, the Half-Life Magnum is not a rifle.
EDIT: The link is broken, it's Sniper Magnum (without the spaces)
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I didn't consider WC3 to be fast paced, the units take like 50 slashes before they die lol, I'd go for Company of Heroes or Starcraft 1 if we're talking fast paced here
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The overall feel of it makes it fast-paced or not.
A lot of factors need to come together for a game to feel fast paced. The game needs to make you feel like whatever it's trying to get you to do is important and must be done fast. It needs to have fluid movement, fluid mechanics, fluid gunplay (if that's the case).
One of the most important elements is that it needs to have an adrenaline-pumping soundtrack. You can't feel fast if you're not in a sense of urgency, and it's very easy to convey that feeling through music. Look at Half-Life 2, the kickass tracks that play in the most fast-paced moments: running from the helicopter in Water Hazard, the turret battle in the Antlion tunnels in Episode Two, etc. etc. That is fast paced.
Another factor that can contribute to the feeling, in my opinion, is how hard the game, or the part of the game, is, and this is normally connected to a timed objective (the timer sometimes being your in-game health getting lower and lower)
For instance, playing through a L4D campaign on Expert, and being in the finale with low health, low ammo, low chances to survive. Even without a kick-ass soundtrack (which it has) you would feel a sense of urgency, your heart would be pumping as you rushed to the escape vehicle. You would feel the adrenaline as you ran from the zombie horde that you knew would instantly kill you if you didn't escape in time. That is fast paced.
that feel when i'm the only serious answer
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I'd say you're partially right. You're totally right in first paragraph, but...
Soundtrack - check Quake 1 soundtrack. It's quite slow, but Q1 is one of the fastest FPS.
Single situations requiring fast actions - that have little to do if whole game is fast or slow. Just change L4D into Killing Floor. Just because you're surrounded by 20 Clots doesn't suddenly make game fast-paced.
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Yeah, Killing Floor isn't fast paced.
Clots are slow though, and the L4D environment forces the player to maintain a steady fast rythim if he doesn't want to get overwhelmed. Killing Floor's fine with camping on a spot.
And my soundtrack argument was poorly worded. It's not a necessary element, games like Q1 are still fast-paced. Soundtrack helps though.
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It's just that your L4D situation was bad example, because L4D is fast-paced game (or, at least not slow-paced), with fast movements and fast enemies and whole feeling you must move forward fast (since faster you move forward, less enemies will try to kill you). Same situation you talk in L4D happens in Killing Floor (being surrounded by many enemies, or being last dude alive with freshly spawned fleshpound to kill) - but that doesn't make whole game fast-paced.
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The fastest paced game in history is none other than PONG! :D
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to me, a fast paced game is based purely on its emphasis to shooting and how its story is paced. cod games tend to have poor pacing of its story and just be purely about shooting sequences that require you to hurriedly move and shoot move and shoot and thats basically all the game as able to provide. this is opposed to games that have a strong emphasis on story and atmosphere.
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I hear some kids saying Call of Duty and some other games are fast paced, but they don't seem all that fast to me compared to Nexuiz, Quake, and other games like Tribes
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