I think it is not related to HB only. You cannot withdraw your money from HB. This is only possible by bank, or card provider. But the most likely cause is using a stolen credit card.
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Actually, I got a full refund from HB after accidentally buying a bundle for the default price of $25 or something instead of using the $1 option by sending a support ticket with the purchase id. I'm not sure if I was lucky or if this is common practice, though.
Edit: @schalart WTF? Why is that bullshit?
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Read what wrote. Paypal protects users from giving too-much money for a refund. If you are Saying a Credit-card even more so. If you did get too-much money and the Paypal anti-fraud system didn't click in they will correct their mistake. I know this because Every sale I make with my Paypal I pay Paypal a bit of money for this feature.
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You were perfectly clear from the beginning and I didn't understand what he's arguing about too. Nothing to apologize for, imo. At least not on your end.
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Well, as you're a seller who uses Paypal, I commend you on knowing your services instead of being utterly ignorant of them. Panic at the incident, at least in the way you initially understood it, is understandable since that is a service to protect you, as a seller. If that's a mistake they tend to make, I'd be in a panic, too. When you read it, it seems your mind was more in business/seller mode instead of consumer mode. It's understandable. You just wanted to make sure what you created was completely protected.
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People usually confuse the term "friend" with just "contact".
Another thing of marketing, as all social media and social websites like Facebook, Tuenti, and a big etc usually put the Friends word so easy instead of contacts, which is imo a better and proper word.
I have 117 contacts in my Steam account, from them, only 8 are friends of mine, real friends or people who i usually talk/chat to.
"I have 2000 friends in my Facebook, lololol." (Typical nonsense phrase)
Have a nice day :)
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I put contacts in my eyes, I cant put my friends in my eyes unless they're tiny.
I don't have any tiny friends...
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Yes, it's called that way. But still wrongly, that was i meant.
Friendship is something that i value so much. Having good friends is something difficult nowadays.
I dislike when social websites call "friends list" when it should be just "contact list", despite if you have real friends or not.
Have a nice day :)
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I had the same problem with new humble weekly, a trader gave me the gift link, i activate the games that i need, and today when i looked in may hib library the gift link wosen't there anymore. But the games are still in my steam library. Should i be worried that they will be withdrawn from my steam library?
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Well next time try to activate the keys. Also snapshot every trade offer (completed or not just for when you need it). And if you have this trade offer with chat between you two send to HiB support (i don't know if they will give you back the gift url but at least you can try) and steam rep. Bad luck mate :/
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I don't know why they specifically mention Turkey. How long ago did you trade with him? If it was over a month before he started scamming then what you got from him is probably safe. Many scammer trade without scamming at first in order to build a rep, then trade en mass and cancle all the previious trades, at least as far back as they can.
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I traded with him after some people called him scammer. But, as I said, didn't have any problems. Of course, since his rep was worse than mine he had to go first. And I have Steam chat copied too but it's been 4 days since we traded and I don't have any problems with my HB and games from it.
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May I know what's up with people from turkey selling/trading humble bundles? I noticed quite a few turks were trading them real cheap..
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I thought humble only accepts USD. You still pay the exact amount after conversion.
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I don't quite understand. You pay the equivalent of $1 USD. Paypal charges this equivalent plus maybe a conversion fee, so you will likely be paying more than $1 USD rather than less.
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I once asked a turkish trader, and he told me after conversions its roughly the same pricing (perhaps he lied?) Anyway, did you mean that the pricing in USD and liras are the same, but liras are worth less? Or were you trying to say something else?
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Well, that difference in negligible if we're talking about mere humble bundles here :o
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No, you pay $1 USD equivalent in LVL at the time of sale and this has nothing to do with economics...
Paypal should the most updated conversion rates, so you are paying whatever amount in Lats that equals $1 USD at the time of sale, plus a small conversion fee. I don't see what's so difficult to understand. All conversion rates are already taken into account. This isn't like some items in the Steam store, where in the US an item is $20, but in the Euro region is 20€.
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There are benefits to using currency with lower value. Think about why China constantly refuses to bring its currency up.
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But conversion fees will be far above whatever benefit you get from using lower valued currencies.
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I'm not too sure if there are any conversion fees, but either way it doesn't really matter since bundles are quite cheap anyway.
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I actually kind of understand what he means now. The amount you are paying might be the same, the perceived, let's say "worth," of the currency makes it a better deal to pay with the lesser valued currency.
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i wonder how those PR guys at HB feeling. Somebody using questionable forms of payments and laundering HB bundles to gullible or cheap masses, then HB nullify the gift links acquired by the "sellers". Then they still have to do with complaint emails asking "what is this all about?" Resources wasted. It reminded me of a story where a game developer said they spent far too many resources on pirates asking for technical supports than on their actual game development.
my suggestion is ask your 'friend' is he got any email from HB, since he should be the legal purchaser, got the receipt email or so.
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These are video games you're talking about. Remember that next time you use the term money laundering.
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"Money laundering is the process of changing large amounts of money that have been gained through illegitimate means".
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Oh come on you guys are ridiculous if you're comparing this to actual money laundering. You must not have anything better to do with your time then to make silly arguments and fallacies.
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ahahaah You are so funny and wise. not
Just because it involves, let's say 100-1000$ and not 1 million to 100 million$ it's not good enough "actual money laundering" for you? Oh well ...
Thanks to the internet, money laundering via digital goods is dreadfully easy. And it's a legit problem.
If there is a website/forum providing space for traders to trade, there are gonna be scammers there. More and more.
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LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY 100-1000 is not a lot of money. That's the whole point. The silk road fiasco. That's money laundering.
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Ma'm, I completely understand your points, that what these "kids" are doing are not "perfect laundering" and not one of those huge scams you are seeing on the tv and reading on the paper, but in the end, you have to name this phenomenon somehow too.
And the most accurate, closest term would be the money laundering.
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So insulting the previous poster and not bringing up any valid point whatsoever is not a fallacy? I wasn't aware that ad hominem attacks were not fallacies. I guess I learn something new every day.
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I gifted a copy of the bundle (not BTA) to a buddy and he couldn't get his games. They kept sending him e-mails saying he had no games to receive. He e-mailed support late at night, he had his games mid day the next day. it probably has something to do with their new system for getting and gifting games and the fact that that bundle has been selling really well.
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i think you should change the title as its kinda misleading
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wtf, stop making jokes here. you are one of the idiots who sell the cheap bundles...
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How many "rich uncles" did your "friend" have? You should ask him/her!
BTW, just go to steamrep and search for Humble. There are plenty of people who have gotten scammed just like you. And plenty more that never reported - most people don't bother checking the gift link anymore after redeeming the Steam keys.
Edit: in addition, Steamrep doesnt care about this type of scam apparently, because they've closed most of the threads due to this announcement
Wow. Steamrep is a joke now. So they don't investigate key scams, the most common type of scam, now?
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I think that's the point. The SR mods only want to spend time investigating cases that are easy to resolve due to laziness.
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Wow. I understood their old policy on keys requiring really solid proof, because it really can be difficult to determine what happened if, for example, someone claims the key they were given was already used (while also possibly handing it to a friend's account to activate immediately). But just flat-out ignoring even the most cut and dried cases? I understand if they're overwhelmed, but the solution to that is to promote more staff, not to just ignore a large portion of the scammer population.
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Well some guy from this thread added me and asked if the "friend" was a guy named Reptile which it wasn't, but I told him who, he checked the guy's friendslist and saw Reptile in it. Also my guy didn't buy the bundle himself and doesn't wanna tell me the source so who knows maybe it's the same turk Reptile scammer or whatever these guys say he is..
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Yep, I reported a phisher 2 weeks ago with proof and they rejected it because of their new policy. What a joke.... And the thing about CD keys is even more ridiculous.
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I already activated all my games, but I just checked and I have the same error, this is ridiculous. The whole new key redemption system is also a big joke. There never were any problems with individual keys or keys for the entire bundle.
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the new system is not the reason for the disappearing bundles. they disappeared before the new system. it's some kind of payment fraud. the new system may even be a way for them to remove the games later from your account, if payment was canceled/not finished.
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I worked it out. Since I traded for mine, the dude that gave me the gift URL later that day refunded the actual purchase of the bundle. So you are indeed right, it is not HB's fault.I merely assumed that it was HB's fault before I conducted any research.
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Sounds like he bought him a different game in return for the initial game that was gifted by his "contact".
I gotta admit, the phrasing in this thread sounds like a shady drug deal.
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Well i was looking for a guy that wanted to buy some game gifts i had trading for keys. Found a guy he offered me the daedalic bta for the game. We traded, i claimed the page. FIRST THINGS HE SAYS IS please check your url and if the games are there cause i dont know if it works. I had already claimed 2 games, i found it suspicious. So i told him its fine for now but ill let u know in a couple of hours if it dissapears. immediately he tells me like 7 bundles have dissapeared on him. So i told him most likely you or wherever your getting this is buying the bundles with stolen credit cards. He gives me my gifts back and tells me just in case the bundle dissapears and deletes me. i add him again and ask him who sold him the bundles (just in case it wasnt him and he was being scammed 2) he says what is it to you? I gave you your games back and u have the bundle. I said i wanted to avoid scammers or whoever is doing those things just in case. HE answers your not the first and wont be the last. Deletes me. 5 hours later bundle dissapears from my humble library even though claimed. Be careful and aware who you trade with i was lucky to get my games back. But many friends of mine havent been so lucky. And some have even gotten their games removed from their library. This is why humble bundle changed their system. So noone can give out duplicate keys and be scammed and to link the bundle to the account so they know where everything is going. Be careful. And by the way his thread doesnt say he is selling bundles.
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you guys should stop buying these ultra-cheap bundles. it has to be some illegal action, if someone offeres you a new 5-6$ bundle for half price. you are not the only one, many others have this problem. example:
i hate what is currently going on so much. these guys obviously steal those bundles. and they get lots of rep on steamtrades. some have like +150/0 (all gotten within 1 month) and look like honest traders. but in reality, they don't get their bundles legally. and most people don't even notice, because they activate their steam keys and never open the url again.
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no you can not be safe! they were aquired by committing a crime (credit-card fraud). Maybe humble wasnt able to revoke them keys until now, but I really hope that they will be able to do so. Sad for the buyers losing their stuff, but this has to stop!
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I received a gift link for HB WB from a friend 2 days ago, reclaimed it to my HB account, showed under my other purchases. Today I open my HB account wanting to redeem the games, bundle is not there anymore. Tried the gift link, says bad key, used the Resend button, sends me an e-mail with all my older purchases, this one not included (probably cause it was gifted ofc).. Sent an e-mail to HB support they said it could take 1 week to respond. Anyone had this happened to them before? A bundle to disappear from their account, could be a bug for just a period of time or something? The guy doesn't have it in his library..
EDIT: For the initial exchange I gave the guy 3,3$ worth of cards, he was fine with it because he said he bought it early when it was under 4$. Anyway, I talked it out with him, he bought me a new one and I redeemed the keys immediately which seem to still be in my Steam account, but the bundle is gone again from my HB account lel. I sent the Fear 2 key and LORT which I had already to another e-mail address of mine, hope they're safe there. http://i42.tinypic.com/16lbwo8.jpg
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