There are no known VAC bans due to using SAM and it is not related with VAC anyway because it affects multiplayer games only. Don't spread bullshit.
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It's like climbing a mountain after multiple days of hard work just to see some person flying to the top on a helcopter and sticking a "I was here" flag to it. It's even more annoying when the cheaters have achievement showcases on their profiles.
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A lot of people see achievements as a PERSONAL matter. So weather one user cheats or legaly gains achievement unlocks is fully up to the user and doesn't affect others, usually.... sure there are rare expections but in general unlocking achievements via 3rd party tools doesnt affect others. I do NOT approve such things of course.
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i remembered i used it to get the knife from combat arms because it was locked in my country, that is how far i have went
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Two words: Arkham Asylum
I might consider using the program to fill back in the achievements I actually earned but didn't xfer with the GFWL death.
But that's a rare exception.
I agree. Part of the fun for me is trying to go back and earn 'em on my own.
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+1 It's like why bother if you aren't going to get it the right way. If you've got 0hrs in a game and 100% achievement people are going to know you cheated.
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I 100% Batman:AA on PS3 with the 3D version and exclusive Joker DLC, on 360, and again a few months back on Steam. That game is a bitch to do all the challenges, but I keep my completion rate over 60% by beating games before I uninstall them. I know it doesnt count games you dont have any achievements for but with time and guides I have 27 legit completed games. This guy has 24 and double the achievements. This does piss me off so now I use two achievement showcases to show my rares and the ones I spent the most time getting is the second.
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Look at me Steam profile though, I've spent thousands of hours for those achievements and tons of $ on cards. Fools like this are too unskilled and broke to feel good about themselves so they cheat and make people like me feel incomplete. I feel like I've wasted time getting Lambdas for the 2nd time in my life. The first was 360.
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Let me ask - why do you get achievements? To compare yourself to others or feel superior? That's lame..
Achievements earned by you are yours - you put the time into them, and earned them fair and square. You achieved something. That's why they're called, you know, achievements? Who cares what achievements others may or may not have as compared to you - especially when it is easy as hell to see the difference between legit and not legit achieves?
Your achieves are yours, a mark of skill in / experience with a game on your profile. Nothing changes that. Nor does some other guy, a moron, using SAM to get meaningless and hollow achieves, affect you in any way.
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Like the Basement Collection, no steam cloud saves, but the achievements themselves unlock content ingame if you lost your save.
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There will always be gamers willing to cheat when they lack time or skill. But the funny part starts when they try to reason. Achievements ain't a big deal, but its just one of the things that makes me sad to see fabricated. For me its fun to have achievements, they give more goals to the game. And some of them are hard to obtain, who wouldn't mind some recognition/epeen for a noble effort?
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I've seen one guy in my friendlist get all TF2 achievements over 1 night, together with 3 other games. That was one hell of a list.
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And achievements like these dont mean nothing to them.Just something without memories. But people who spend their times to get them, knew what they had to put in to get them, and they are proud and satisfied..
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I love getting achievements. And satisfaction of getting hard ones is something which can't be explained to those who haven't tried :) The whole point of getting them is to get them with your own skills! But some people are... well, let's say "not smart".
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That's the work of that Steam achievement manager, some of the people who uses it on my friend list I immediately removed them. Very lame when all of a sudden you see them launch a game every 2-3 seconds and filled the activity page will the unlocks.
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It's like buying a book, never reading it, and then getting someone to go through the pages dog-earring some of them and spilling coffee on others. Why? So that other people think you've read the book? Who cares?
I like going through my achievements, and I like how many perfect games I have because often they represent that I've put more time into a game and enjoyed it more.
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I don´t think I´ll ever understand why anyone would do this.. I´ve even seen high-achievement Xbox-Accounts getting sold on ebay for 20-40€.. Accounts with nothing of value, just a lot of achievements/gamerscore.. I feel kind of sad for those people.
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That is impressive. Especially considering how time intensive some of those achievements are, half of them are grinding goals. So with the SAM that person can pat himself on the back and consider himself part of the 1% to get something.
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Yeah not the case, good luck playing Killing Floor offline.
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I did some recent KF Achievements offline, it's not a big deal if you know the game quite well. However, some achievements are locked and bonded to events, it's not possible to get them even with SAM.
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Check the number of hours on record from the screenshot. 456 achievements in 2.1 hours of TF2? I don't think so.
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Explain this shit....
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