Sup people, no giveaways this time, however i'm interested in knowing (apart from Bad Rats, go ahead and do it in the name of SteamGifts) what are you nominating for the Steam Awards next month?

I'm still on the verge on some awards, but i'll give you a hint: I've blind-played this game today and voted it for "Haunts My Dreams". I'm speechless.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I can't claim that I'm huge fan of this year's categories and how they described them. If they can't come up with any better, I'd rather want them to quit the 'awards business' next year.

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6 years ago*

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Real talk, why do people believe that GTA V deserves to have the Whoooaaaaaaa, Dude award?
Whenever I think of the award, I feel like it better suits Soda Drinker Pro or DEUS EX MACHINA, because they are extremely trippy.
I'm also glad that they've finally stated that, "This award is for the β€œFear and Loathing in Las Vegas” of video games."

6 years ago

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I have Antichamber for the Whoa one :)

6 years ago

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That one completely slipped my mind. I loved the game, but I had to stop playing it after a bit because it started to give me a headache.

6 years ago

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Simple answer: I don't play "Whoooaaaaaaa, Dude" games. And GTA V is my guess about what would fit best.

6 years ago

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That's understandable, I just thought it was a shitshow last year with mainly extremely popular games claiming awards that didn't even fit the game.

6 years ago

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Ah yes, it's the "Almost all categories sound the same" awards. :/
"Which one did you like?"
"Which one did you like like?"
"Which one did you like like like?"

6 years ago

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so true :/

6 years ago

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i just nominate some stuff in my library... makes no sense for me to spend time on these useless awards... :P

6 years ago

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It wasn't clear what each award was about, but anyway, I voted for these games (yeah, there are many great games I didn't include, but these games were great choices for these categories):

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6 years ago

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Greek language categories for an extra difficulty level :D

6 years ago

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For me, the difficulty was to understand what each category was about. I mean, Mom's Spaghetti? Soul of Vitruvius? Wtf are these titles? And wtf were their descriptions? Did a 5-year-old kid make this event? But anyway, you can figure out what each award means if you check the awards page in the english language. :P

6 years ago

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to be honest they make about as much sense in greek as in english anyway

6 years ago

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Then screw their stupid slang. They think that all of the steam users are kids that like this stupid shit? What's next? Their next awards will include titles like "420 blaze it"? I like that in the description of the Whoa, Dude! 2.0 award, they say:

The Academy wasn't clear enough in the awards description last year. Let's try this again. This award is for the β€œFear and Loathing in Las Vegas” of video games.

What about making their titles and descriptions more clear then? And they still didn't explain what they mean. Steam is stupid in every damn aspect. -_-

6 years ago

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indeed. I think they're appealing towards the twitter tags generation

6 years ago

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The Steam Awards are rather underwhelming this year. Hardly any of the categories made me think, "Oh, this category immediately makes me think of this game," so I just nominated whichever game I thought of first, so long as I could make it fit somehow. :P

Here's my list:
"World is Grim": Picross Touch (Picross is calming and peaceful, okay? :P)
"Choices Matter": Stardew Valley (Because where to plant turnips is a very important decision! XD)
"Haunts My Dreams": Crusaders of the Lost Idols (Doesn't really "consume my thoughts", but it's the game I've technically got the most hours in.)
"Mom's Spaghetti": Dark Souls: Prepare to Die (Had to look up "mom's spaghetti", but it refers to choking in a tense situation. Many of my deaths in Dark Souls are from pressing the wrong button at the wrong time. Or the right button at the wrong time. ...Or the wrong button at the right time. >_>)
"No Apologies": Resident Evil 6 (No, it's not the best RE game; yes, the story is convoluted and forgettable; yes, I still like it.)
"Cry Havoc": Pillars of Eternity (Because you can be diplomatic and talk your way out of trouble, or just take out all--most of?--those confrontational idiots.)
"Suspension of Disbelief": Psychonauts (Game summed up in less than ten words: "You run around in other peoples' brains.")
"Soul of Vitruvius": Machinarium (I've seen screenshots and it's pretty. That's about it. :P)
"Defies Description": Pony Island (It's like a side-scrolling shooter, but then it's like a point-and-click, but then it's like...)
"Labor of Love": Team Fortress 2 (It's been out 10 years according to the Steam page, but I still keep hearing new things about it.)
"Whooaaa Dude": Portal (I've played both games and thinking with portals is still mind-bending to me. P1 is also the only game ever that actually made me motion-sick, so there's that too. XD)
"Even Better than I Expected": Final Fantasy X/X2 (WAAAY back when--more than a decade ago, now--I'd heard all the hype about the FF series but knew nothing about it. Then I tried FFX and I was hooked. XII is the only game I've actually preordered, but it's not on Steam, so.)

6 years ago

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Best Battlefront 2

Goes to Battlefront 2 (2005)

6 years ago

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