Currently, there is a Recommended page which shows popular games and games you recently entered a lot of giveaways for.
I'm curious if I'm the only one a bit annoyed by the fact some of your wishlisted games end up showing on that page too (if there are enough giveaways for that game you can enter). I'd rather prefer it was all or none, personally. XD

(This is obviously not a bug report and kind of not really a suggestion either, but this cathegory fits best, imo.)

8 years ago

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Do you like the fact some wishlisted games are shown in the Recommended page?

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No, that's what Whislist page is for, I don't need them to be recommended to me
Yes, I like how it is now
Actually, I'd like all the whislited games to show on there
I'll add my suggestion in the comment (if you vote this but won't comment, Santa will know)

I'm fine with current situation, but maybe if wishlist shows up it should filter entered giveaways...

8 years ago

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But but I don't enter for all games from my wishlist.

8 years ago

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This needs to be fixed. It's really dumb when my recommended feed is the same as my wishlist. The recommended page should show you things you wouldn't necessarily see instead of those already categorized. At least give me an option to make my categories be actual categories and not interlaced together.

7 years ago

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AFAIK the "recommended" page is a combination of the community wishlist (top wishlisted games of all SG users combined), games you have entered the most giveaways for but not won, and newer releases with high review metascores.

So if someone's wishlist contains newer, popular, highly-rated games, and if they mainly enter wishlist giveaways only, then I suppose it'd be very similar to their own wishlist.

In my own case, my recommended page shows me quite different games compared to my wishlist page.

7 years ago

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Right, that's what I've heard as well, and I am aware that under the right conditions it won't be a problem for certain people. However, at least in my opinion, it seems rather flawed to have a group of people who cannot fully use the the recommended category just because their wishlist is made up of popular games. I assume this affects a large number of users considering the fact that the popular games list is made up of games that are most wish listed by the community. I dunno it just seems really redundant. If it's on my wishlist I'm pretty sure I'm aware it exists and can easily access it via the wishlist page.

7 years ago

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