All week I've been trying to make a friend happy, a very close friend who has been sad and depressed lately, and all week I've been sacrificing game keys i have, about i think was about 8 desura and about 3 steam keys, I've been trying to trade for a game she has been wanting, hell i was offering all 3 steam keys, and some desura keys for the game, and the game she wanted is only 20 dollars.for my friend i would even give all 3 steam keys and all the desura ones for her.. in my life my job is to make my closest friends happy my job is to make all my friends happy, and if i don't i fail. and today i think i have failed. i'm wondering what i should do, i just know this would make her smile.. what should i do? i'm free to talk to on steam if anybody is interested about the keys i'll be there all day

8 years ago

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Why not try to talk to your friend, and do something for her, that doesn't involve giving her something ? Giving is only a temporary solution. People don't need gifts to be happy. If you really want to help, actually do something about it. Just my opinion.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Wanted to ask the same thing.

8 years ago

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Of course. Didn't you know that a 20$ game is the only cure for depression?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, I'm pretty sure that box of kittens would work better in most cases, but for this one Axiom Verge is the only solution.

8 years ago

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Yeah, different cures for different achings. See, I've got this blister on my butt cheek and the doctor says it will only go away once I get Rocket League. I can't afford it (sob) but I swear (sniff), it hurts so freakin muuuuuuuhuuuuhuuhuhuhuch (cry)

8 years ago

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Damn these selective itches, they seem to be taking over SG's members! D:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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We get it already. Just keep on supporting her, that's worth more than giving her a game or two.

8 years ago

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Also it looks like a dark and depressing game

8 years ago

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Axiom Verge is a fantastic game, but realistically it would be very difficult to trade for it since it hasn't been bundled before. You can get someone to buy it for you, but you'll have to pay in PayPal or TF2/CSGO Keys. :\
Maybe you can play a fun co-op game with her instead? Or maybe watch something? Or go out somewhere if you're friends irl? D:
Or just talk. I'm sure she'll appreciate that you care.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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My guess would be that the 'friend' is indeed very close to him. I wouldn't suggest that somebody tries to trade a bunch of bundle keys for a 20$ game by pretending to help a friend, but there is a certain suspiciousness towards somebody that creates two threads about the same topic within two days just to make the story sound even more sad that I just can't get over.

8 years ago

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When someone is unhappy, I think is always better to help him/her solve the issues that make her/him unhappy.
Gifting something to that person can work and bring joy, but if the problems that made her/him unhappy are still there the sadness will return sooner or later.
We humans tend to running in circles, in many aspects of our lives we tend to seek for instant gratifications to "solve" or forget our problems but the reality is that the problem will remain so, from my perspective and experience, the best advice I can give is to help your friend to grow as an individual and help her solve the problems without interfering too much to prevent make your friend dependent on you.

8 years ago

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Um...just buy the game? Or have some "friendly time" which i mean take her out for pizza of course, idk what you were thinkin :P

8 years ago

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I think what you really fail at is scamming anyone. And your ploy is the most scummy there is, as it toys with people's sympathy. Congratulations, did you learn that from your parents? You should feel ashamed.

8 years ago

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you know, at first when I saw your title, thought of coming to joke like "get easier to please friends" or worse: "get better friends" but I'd be a jerk and since I'm not that at all, I'd say if you can see her in person that would be so much better than any game you can give to her.
Why? because we're flesh and bone, we're real ppl with feelings and sh!t, so we need to be in touch, to be hugged, to be yell, maybe, to be understood, laugh, cry, etc. You'll get the point: IDK what is her problem but tihnk you can ease her pain IF you know how to take on it.
Some ppl need time alone or a different scenary, others just need their close friends, others could get confort from complete strangers, who knows? all that matters is make her feel fine and secure, to distract her from that is causing the issue. They say time heals everything, so stay with her and don't jsut try to buy away her pain, that's only temporary...

Depression/sadness can be hard and those whom suffer it know quite a deal, heck I'm better know but lord knows what it might had been if not for some strangers who spared a while of their time to "get interested" and provide kind words and hope, and possitivism.

GL bud. play the games with her, rather than alone.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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you could just buy the game instead of trying to trade it for bundled keys. that's the reason the trade isn't working for you.

8 years ago

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I'd really love to believe you, and I want to give you the benefit of doubt... But two posts of virtually the same thing just screams sob story in my ear.

"in my life my job is to make my closest friends happy my job is to make all my friends happy, and if i don't i fail. and today i think i have failed."

I also don't want to sound like a heartless jerk, but you have 543 trading cards (according to your profile, and of course you would hide your inventory). If you TRULY would do ANYTHING to make her happy, and if this game is the ONLY solution, you would sell those cards on the market. Even if those cards net you $0.03 on average per card, you should make at least $16.29 which is very close to the $19.99 you need. Perhaps if you add those bundle games on top of what you can buy with the $16.29, someone may be inclined to help you out. But to trade a valuable game for a game worth a few refs, I doubt anybody would be generous enough to help you without solid evidence of what you are saying is true.

8 years ago

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Why bother? This guy don't even reply on your posts. There is only thread without owner....

8 years ago

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I can see that. I just wanted to write a post to create enough doubt for people not to believe this person. I think the large quantity of cards this person owns is enough evidence to prove that they're just looking to rip someone off.

8 years ago

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No one falling for this, don't bother, just relax and enjoy your life.

8 years ago

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Relax and enjoy. Story is too stupid to be true and, if its true, welp...

8 years ago

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Are you trolling or being trolled? You have a friend with depression and you give games? wtf

wait wait wait, she is "depressed" because she cant buy a videogame? What in the fuck

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Azyria.