Thanks a lot for sharing this! I really only enter giveaways through the wishlisted tab, hence I try to wishlist all the great games I come across. This is really helpful. :D
edit: it makes me sad how many great games there are, that people invested a lot of effort into that just never took off/failed in the marketing department. makes you really see just how saturated the indie game market has become: (
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It isn't just the indie market. There are too many games on offer, these days, so I don't get much time with any of the excellent games I already own. It's a bit like trying to eat your favorite foods while they keep taking the plate and substituting something else. If you're lucky, you get one or two bites before you're faced with another entree.
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I really liked Super Skelemania but it looks like there isn't even 1 hour content that's a shame. Also i will be waiting for The Adventure Pals and Dandara. Really nice list.
Edit: Also here is a game that caught my eye Pixel Shinobi Nine demons of Mamoru. It looks cool.
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Yea Pixel Shinobi is a good one too. I actually thought more people knew about that one, but looking at the number of reviews and how long its been out, guess not. Added to the above list so more people might see it. :)
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Really cool list. I only knew Dandara because the Raw Fury guys promoted that one and The Last Night on Twitch. I think It was on last PAX.
Gridd, Pixel Shinobi, Qajary Cat & Atomic Heart were my favorites. Thanks for sharing ^^
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A few of those have piqued my interest. Thanks for taking the time to post this!
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Our tastes seem to be very different, but it's still nice of you to share. That's how "hidden gems" are uncovered. )
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Oh REALLY weird games i didnt know about! sing me up for Dujanah,Qajary Cat and Where They Cremate The Roadkill
also i take pride in the fact that i did know most of this games
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You can see the name and thumbnail of the game on SteamCharts
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I found a few games I'm interested in, really appreciate you sharing these! And kudos on your big feat. haha :D
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I originally went through the games I hid on SG and started setting those to 'not interested'. Did that for about 8000 games, then started using the queue for the rest (11,482). So I guessI went through just under 19k worth of games+movies+apps.
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did you automate it? or go through by hand...I've been meaning to try and sync everything I've hidden on SG with my not intrested on steam and got about as far to seeing it may be a post againsed
put that on hold cause I don't know much of anything related to the steam api or whatever.
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I did it by hand.
I thought about writing a script to do it automatically, but even though I've done some coding/scripting before, very little of it was internet related stuff. So, I had no idea how long it would take. Plus, it gave me an excuse to see if there were any good games I'd hidden previously that I might have changed my mind about since. wasn't much fun going through a list of 8000 mostly terrible games :p
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Wow! I admire that kind of dedication. Not sure I could've done that lol. And thanks for those list of games, too! I'm happy you mentioned Dujanah as I really like Jack Spooner, but was unaware he had released another game on steam. Where They Cremate the Roadkill looks equally interesting.
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I'm also going through my queue whenever I have some time! I've also come across a couple of the games you've listed and put them on my followlist (as my wishlist would get too full :P) they seem quite interesting :)
How many games did you have to go through? I'm currently at 3,465 games viewed through the queue and I have an idea that's not close to the end at all xD
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I never use the follow feature, not even sure how it works actually! Instead, I put all the interesting games I come across on my wishlist and waitlist.
And yea, I went through just under 19k games+movies+apps. So you've got a ways to go yet :P
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Ah well the follow list is similar to wishlist only you cannot see price in the list itself and you won't get notifications of sales. However if the devs are very active posting news and such it can overflow your Friend Activity page xD That you can see updates/news/other stuff from the game on that Activity page is the actual purpose of following a game :)
Edit: So it is either the choice between a flooded barter/ITAD wishlist + notifications or a flooded activity page xD
I did not allow the queue to show me videos, but I don't think they contribute much to the 19k :P Still a long way for me, but I'm just doing it more out of boredom than actually wanting to finish the queue.
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Yea I'm moving a bunch of the games from my page (where I've been putting most of the interesting looking titles I came across) to my Steam wishlist now that I'm done going through the queue. I didn't even know there was an activity feed until now though. Sorry for clogging it up
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So a few days ago I managed to finally finish going through every single game+movie+app on Steams discovery queue. It took a few months of slowly working my way through it whenever I had the time, but I finally did it. Over that time, I ran into quite a few games that seemed quite good but which I'd never heard of before. And I thought I'd post about some of those lesser known games here (a lot of games in 2017 especially seem to have been overlooked), for all you guys/gals that might have missed them :)
Released games:
Upcoming games:
Unknown game.
VR games are getting weird...
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