maybe in groups/private where i trust the people, defo not public
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What happened to activating Nation Red and Faerie Solitaire? They don't appear to be on your games list...
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I didn't know it was against the rules to do at that time. By the way, when have you ever made a public giveaway? And a private profile on steamgifts? You erased information from your original comment, you said you had reported me in bold letters.
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"I didn't know it was against the rules to do at that time. By the way, when have you ever made a public giveaway? And a private profile on steamgifts?"
I wasn't aware that making public giveaways was a requirement on Steamgifts.
The mods should be able to access my list of games, through the sync system, and would no doubt confirm that I have zero involvement in gift trading, non-activation, fake giveaways or other general douchebaggery.
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I don't know how to report someone, but isn't having a private profile on here against the rules?
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Go to the profile of the nefarious user and hit the "Report" button.
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okay thanks for the info, but I'm not going to be reporting anyone.
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"I don't know how to report someone, but isn't having a private profile on here against the rules?"
Seriously - I insist: If you think I've broken the rules, please report me - be my guest.
Last time I checked. there was nothing in the rules having a private profile on Steamgifts. I'm willing to be proven wrong though...
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I'm sure somebody will report you if having a private profile is against the rules... I'm not exactly sure if having it private is against the rules or not though.
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"I'm sure somebody will report you if having a private profile is against the rules... I'm not exactly sure if having it private is against the rules or not though."
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Nitemare traded away his wins, and has the gut to say that Woodchuck has something wrong, don't enter in discussions you have nothing to do with.
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Maybe I'm mistaken, having a private profile on here may not be against the rules. You can report me for the two rules that I broke.
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I'm not saying I have to give permission for somebody to report me, I'm simply saying that he is correct that I can be reported for breaking the rules of the site a few months ago. I don't read the rules of the site every week just to see if something was updated or not. By the way zoth, that line was meant for atomic. And atomic, how am I fxking things up if I did not report anybody based on a rumor? ( note I didn't even know how to report a profile until you told me and I still haven't reported anybody and I most likely never will report anyone in the future because that's none of my business.)
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You fxked things up by not reading the rules, because you regifted and traded those games.
Now, you continue to make a virtue of not reading the rules, preferring to guess at them, and leaving it to other people to check the details..
Why not turn over a new leaf and learn from your mistakes...
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A vitrue, lol. Alright, i'll check out the faq page from now on before I ever suggest somebody is breaking a rule.
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"I don't read the rules of the site every week just to see if something was updated or not. "
You don't need to read them very week, but you should have read them at least once. Actually it would be a good idea when someone creates an account that they can'T access the site until they checked a box saying that they have read the rules and understand them.
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^this, it should be like on TF2R where you must read them before you can go on actual page
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Of course. The rule is pretty pointless... Once I give it away, it should be theirs to decide what to do with it. If they want to give it to a friend, they can. If they want to trade or regift it, they should be able to, but some people are oddly opposed to that.
That being said, work to change the rules from within- don't break them and then complain about them. Show them that you're there to make things better by abolishing a rule which completely defies the spirit of charity and thus defeats the very purpose of this site, that you're not here to rebel, but to build upon and improve the foundation of this site.
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I have 3 out of 5, look at the dates at when I won them. I didn't understand how the site worked at the time, I re-gifted fairy solitaire (which had more copies than winners) and traded nation red. I later told the guy who gave me NR that I traded it for something else and he was okay with it, I don't currently trade my wins away because I know it's against the rules.
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Perhaps I deserve a ban, I come on here with a public profile so no I'm not trying to hide anything. What other excuse could possibly exist for trading the first 2 wins somebody got? Please tell me a better 'excuse'.
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What, in your extremely humble opinion, would be the "best excuse" then? He made a mistake when he didn't know better, and he hasn't since. He's being honest and straightforward about it.
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anyone here in the thread can report me, I don't hold grudges.
"Twice. He did it twice. There is no excuse for that."
I traded a win only once, because I was ignorant. I re-gifted fairy solitaire (which had 25,000 copies and less than 20k entries) before the contributor system even exited.
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Charity is supposed to be the main point. If you're trying to maintain control over something after you give it away, that's not very charitable...
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Well then, what IS the main point supposed to be? I thought we were here to donate games that we don't want. Why is it any of our business what the new owners do with those games? We're thieves if we say that it's a gift then try to dictate what they can and can't do with those gifts.
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"Why is it any of our business what the new owners do with those games?"
Hm, maybe because the new owners implicitly agree not to trade the games on ? You know, because of this ?
"We're thieves if we say that it's a gift then try to dictate what they can and can't do with those gifts."
Twaddle. If I give you something on the condition that you use it for yourself, I can darn well expect you to honor that agreement.
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he's questioning the justification of the rules on steamgifts, zoth. I'm sure he's already familiar with the rules of the site..
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That makes it Steam Gift's business, and it's something we should work to change. We as a userbase should work to improve the rules. Sometimes this means adding, sometimes this means changing, but in this case it certainly means removing a rule.
I put no such condition on people because I'm not a thief. A gift is given freely, no strings attached. If I try to add stipulations and still call it a gift, I become a thief and a liar. Forgive me for not stooping to that level as you do.
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"We as a userbase should work to improve the rules."
This isn't a democracy, this is a privately owned site. And even if it wasn't, it appears your opinion constitutes a minority...
Also, thanks for implying I'm a thief and a liar because I'm for following the site's rules. That's very classy <3
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It's apparent you really aren't paying attention to this conversation and that you're intentionally missing the point in order to simply harass other users.
Also, I wasn't aware that "theft is bad" is a minority opinion. What data do you have to support this view?
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"Cheap debating tricks"? My apologies if pointing out the flaws in your logic is too much for you, I'll just leave knowing that you have no rational basis for your ideas. It's apparent that your reasoning is all founded on ad hominem and circular logic anyways.
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You didn't point out any flaws in his logic. Only flaws in your character...
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Your 'flaws' is my logic is nothing more than knitpicky rewording of what I say to form very elaborate unrelated, wrong, logical conclusions. you just concluded, for some reason, that I'm greedy by saying other people are greedy. and that I'm a thief and a liar for giving away free games with the simple rule of not giving stuff away for people that take advantage of the system.
also, 'circular logic' and 'ad hominem' are big words, use them well.
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I wasn't going to respond anymore, but are you still trying to get me to take you seriously again while trying to call "ad" a "big word"?
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Please stick to your original promise of not responding. I think me, and about 500 other people, have had enough of your pearls of wisdom.
One last thing - If you want to regift your winning, you can join playblink. Its allowed there so you can join that site.
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I am indeed paying close attention to the conversation. And I didn't miss your point - I just happen to very strongly disagree with it.
"Also, I wasn't aware that "theft is bad" is a minority opinion. What data do you have to support this view?"
First of, your claim that insisting on people following agreements is tantamount to thievery is simply ludicrous. I'm not an expert on law, obviously, but I'm reasonably sure the principle of pacta sunt servanda applies to the US, too.
What I was referring to as a minority opinion is your stated opinion that winners of giveaways should be free to do with those 'gifts' as they please, including trading. Maybe you're the one who hasn't been paying much attention to the conversation ?
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No, I'm saying that if you claim you're giving someone something and then don't do such, you're a thief and a liar.
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Congratulations. You just branded everyone who gives on Steamgifts in accordance with the rules thieves and liars.
That would make CG and the other authors of the rules the arch-liars and über-theives.
Way to make friends and influence people, amigo.
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Not everybody simply gives away games they don't want (ie bundle cast-offs).
Many people pay good money to actually buy games, which makes the idea of the recipients trading or re-gifting them even more unpalatable.
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How they got the games is irrelevant. If you give someone a gift, it's not your right to tell them what they can and can't do with it after they take it.
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"How they got the games is irrelevant. If you give someone a gift, it's not your right to tell them what they can and can't do with it after they take it."
Read the site rules.
If you still want to carry on whipping this sorry fossilised horse, imagine your Great Aunt Mabel gave you a gift of $100 (or equivalent in your local currency).
Instead of thanking her, and spending the money as it was intended, you casually drop your trousers and underwear, and proceed to theatrically wipe your rear with the money as your Great Aunt Mabel looks on aghast. Finally, you tear the note into several pieces, and discard the stained remains in the bin.
Now, you have done what you wanted with the gift. True, it wasn't the most socially acceptable, or ethically sound use, but hey - you did what you wanted. Congratulations. Have a cigar, and take a well-earned seat in that comfy chair.
In your world, Great Aunt Mabel's reaction would be grossly unreasonable, as she kicked you out of her house, warned you to never come back, and substituted your name in her will for that of her hateful cat, Mr Fluffball.
You should have been allowed to do what you wanted. Great Aunt Mabel is an interfering old bag, a thief and a liar, who needs to change her outlook.
Back to the real world... Gifts come with expectations. Don't abuse them, or you may lose the opportunity to get any more.
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"Read the site rules."
How would re-reading the site rules change his disagreement with them? That doesn't make any sense.
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You gift under the rules of the site.
I went on to explain why his view is bullshit with my engaging little tale of Great Aunt Mabel and her enlightened great nephew, Mario, who understood the true meaning of gifting..
If you don't like the site rules, vote with your feet. Despite the groundswell of support that you and he have undeniably garnered on this thread, I still don't see the rules changing anytime soon...
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You're really the king of assumptions here, first you interpreted "And a private profile on steamgifts?" as "I'm reporting you for having a private profile" and now you've already discovered what my opinion is on my own thread topic? Here's my answer to my own thread.. I'm agnostic on the issue, I feel sympathy for gifters who want winners to actually activate the game and cherish it, but there's also gifters who don't care where the gift goes.
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"You're really the king of assumptions here, first you interpreted "And a private profile on steamgifts?" as "I'm reporting you for having a private profile"
I didn't interpret your private profile question as a threat to report me. You need to work on your comprehension skills, then re-read my posts.
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Rights? I don't see an Internet Constitution. Steam Gifts isn't a public government website. Plus it's not really in good taste to just giveaway or sell someones gift to you. That and CG didn't make the site with the intentions of having people regift or trade what they have won. Users really should avoid entering anything they are not going to ever use. Hell even if it sits in there library for months before they played the game, at least they are using their gift.
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The main point is charity towards gamers, not traders. You give a chance to players to win a game they want to play to. Not a game they will add to their trade stock to either trade games, game items or simply money.
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It surprises me so many people ask this since its just rude and unethical on so many different levels it should be kind of clear.
Why? - You get something for FREE as a gift. You don't take that gift and TRADE it to gain profit.
Why? - Because you just took a game from someone that actually wanted it and took advantage of someone else's kindness.
Why? - Because the person that wanted game X now has to PAY YOU to get game X from YOU instead of getting it for FREE from the person that was giving it away for free because YOU took it.
On the subject of regifting - same logic. people TAKE something from other people that actually want it. and use it to gain cont points. You don't SELL a gift you get for free from someone else.
Example: During the time I was giving away hundreds of coupons for free. It came to my knowledge some people hogged alot of coupons and used them to trade and cash in games. So instead of 50 people getting the coupons they want for the games they want. a few hogs got to the coupons beforehand and used the other peoples needs for self profit. now you go ahed and tell me its not wrong
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I'm not sure if you realize this, but regifting is against the rules too.
EDIT: There's nothing wrong with that. If you didn't want them using the coupons, you shouldn't have been giving them away. Once you gave it away, it wasn't yours to say what to do with it. They could have left it unused, they could have used it themselves, they could have given it away for free or for profit- it doesn't matter. It wasn't yours anymore at that point.
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Yes, but did you know trading games is against the rules too? :P
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You made it sound like you were only complaining about people trading... Which is still hypocritical in and of itself. But people who would give it away for free are also being prevented from spreading charity of their own.
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Gifting- and by consequence, regifting- is spreading charity- you got lucky enough to win, and want to give someone else that chance too. Preventing regifting is thus preventing charity.
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Entering a giveaway for a game you have no interest in, and preventing it going to somebody who actually wants it is douchebaggery of the highest order. It's not charitable, or generous. It's just being a c%nt.
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this man speaks the truth
the idea of the site is winning games that you want to FUCKING PLAY, why you enter a giveaway if you do not want to play the game? just for the need of freestuf?...
technically the gifter should not tell you wat to do with the game you just won, but if you trade it/sell it/ regift it, well, you are a douche.
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So we have a problem with the contribution system then. That's not justification to act like thieves. Overhaul or do away with the contributor system if it doesn't work, don't turn people into victims because you have a poor system. And certainly don't prevent charity because you have a poor system.
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What a mature and well thought out reply... Insulting a person and cussing at them while providing zero counter to their points. If you want to have a serious discussion some time, try actually considering the other person's points, offering some counterpoints, or if like this time you can't do such, then consider that you should probably change your point of view.
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In fairness, I'm not convinced that the suggestion people trading gifted coupons was ok merited anything more than the response that it was given...
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oh I have a very clear point if view I was so damn shocked by your reply I did not even feel explaining would do any bit of good.
in short though - if I give something for free. it is my right to choose who gets it. especially when there are none greedy people that actually want the game. read my main reply again, go through the very clear logical steps, I'm not rewriting it here.
main point - when I give you something it is my right to tell you "take this only if you really want it and if you only want it so you could take advantage of someone else that wanted it, then you can't have it!"
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Are you implying that someone entered into a legally signed contract when trading these coupons? Or are you just trolling me?
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Which part of 'real life' didn't you understand ?
On a side note, you are aware that you don't have to actually sign a contract to have a legally binding agreement, right ? The signature merely acts as proof that a contract has been entered.
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I doubt there was any such agreement when the coupons were given away. If you want to submit evidence otherwise, go right ahead, but most places operate on a basis of innocent until proven guilty, so until such a point, you're in the wrong.
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although somewhat I agree with the statement - once you recieve a gift, its yours to do with .. re-gifting may be frowned upon but it happens in life all the time..
I guess the difference here is ... WE ALL ENTER by choice, So going in, we KNOW its supposed to be a win for YOUR account. Not to be used as trade-bait.
I will share this story..
Once a week I would drop over to Sobeys (grocery store) and pick up chocolate bars for the members of my team. Just as a nice gesture.
Everyone would say "thank you" and that be the end of it...
That is till I found out, one of those members, would take the bar, then go to another department and sell said bar for 25 cents.
When I found this out, I never gave the person so much as a Nacho chip from my tray.
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In the end I guess it all depends on what the owner of the site says. Zoth was correct in saying that this is not a democracy.
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While you wait for a reply from site owner you could use common sense and find the answer yourself
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The majority of gifters disagree so I assume the rule would stay the same. (I'm not realistically expecting a response to my thread by the owner, I was speaking hypothetically) I just really want to hear the opinions of gifters on this issue.
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I would leave this site same second when trading won gifts would be approved
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No, not at all.
Oddly enough, the same principle does not apply to Playblink. I don't get it. Even disregarding the numerous problems PB has, my mind just doesn't say "Jade, stop leeching only so you can give them away here."
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(when someone wins on steamgifts and then trades on steamtrades)
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