2 might be the original 1990's version of doom.... its about the same $ value as some of the **** in the last bundle.
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more like riddled with garbage, than actual riddles - nice try g2a
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i always wondered if winners ask where ga creators got their games from
1 you're the winner sir!
2 oh that's awesome, might i know where you got your key, monsieur?
1 i bought it from g2a!
2 oh i see, i must decline the win then, please reroll, my honor comes first!
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you have been grumping out harder than ambidot
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I agree.
Besides, beggars can't be choosers. lol
In the end, if the key gets revoked all people have to do is come here and mark as not received.
They are not losing anything and are too picky in my opinion.
I barely buy from G2A because I don't trust them that much. I worry if I'll lose my money.
But I never wondered where a game I won here came from.
The worst is that some people saying that they don't want to win a G2A key, are the ones that haven't made a ga in over a year. lol
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i dislike g2a as much as i dislike valve and their new policies. their "shield" thing is intrusive and annoying, and i'm not gonna mention the terrible support stories that float around.
but wait, i actually dislike valve more than g2a because they restrict the store for me waaaay more than g2a.
at least i can trade stuff from g2a and it's ROW and without gifting issues. 😑 and this also applies to bundle sites with region locks
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Honestly, I stopped caring where the key comes from long ago and I don't consider myself a bad person because of that. As long as I pay for something and I get that something in return I don't give a flying fuck about the intermediaries and the rest of it.
Honestly all the drama is a bit silly considering a lot of devs are under the sheets with G2A and such doing kinky stuff. Besides, the only games I had revoked came from genuine devs and approved bundles because of "reasons".
I think there are more important things to worry about than the devs' honor especially since more and more devs are becoming bigger and bigger dickheads and I don't think this will stop here.
Let the red line grow accordingly :P
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The game has already been purchased and the damage done. That's like getting mad at a console being on sale just because its owner was brutally murdered by his girlfriend.
Too late to stop it now, might as well reap the rewards. It's not hypocrisy because they in no way supported G2A.
...but go ahead and keep promoting and supporting a company that will consistently delve in and encourage scamming. You're the better person here, no doubt, as you are willing to admit you don't care. I always said that the best kind of person is the one who never takes a stance and judges others for doing so.
That's how the world became a better place... oh, no wait a minute, it most certainly isn't.
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No one here is friends and you can still scorn them for doing so.
The fact that you're spending more time trying to disprove what I'm saying that considering what I've actually said shows your close-mindedness on this topic.
Face it, you're just greedy.
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What kind of asshole friend are you if you call them "subhuman"? I take that back, you're not an asshole friend, you need to have friends to do that and you are not the type of person to maintain a healthy emotional relationship with another human being.
You can tell your friend what they did was wrong without being a total douchebag. Foreign concept to you, I'm sure, but quite normal for everyday people.
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No one here is friends and now you assume I was talking to a friend ?
It's not real friendship if you don't dare to sometimes fight with your friend, it means you're not honest with them.
And why are you trying to make the conversation diverge. I fail to see where you are less greedy Explain to me.
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No, greedy. I assume anyone who defends G2A and those who use it this much must use the site themselves and that directly harms both consumers, as well as publishers and the developers under them, ESPECIALLY small-time developers.
When you choose getting a game cheap over getting it legitimately, you're being greedy.
Although I could care less if she really is a customer of their site and whether the term greedy applies to her. Plenty of other adjectives I could use that would be just as fair.
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Then go back and read what she wrote, because she was talking from the start that so many people are refusing to buy from G2A, but (according to THEM) it's okay to accept a gift from there which is just as bad "not straw man at all, 100% hypocrites." . You missed the sarcasm in each and every answer you replied to :D
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Well when you try to take the moral high ground where there quite literally is none on your side, you're hardly in a position to judge.
Now I'm bored of explaining why you're wrong. If you don't get it by now, you never will, not that I ever expected you to see reason.
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For them to be "100% hypocrites" as you put it, they would need to judge people for buying from G2A, but also buy from them.
Accepting giveaways without checking the source of the key does not make them hypocrites, because whether they accepted the key or not, the purchase would be made regardless and they would be supported anyway. It's also possible to be against G2A's general dealings and behavior while not being a butt to those who buy from them. Hell you could even buy from them even if you were against their policies and it wouldn't make you a '100% hypocrite', it just means they're helping float a thing they disagree with and aren't in an unshakable boycott. I dislike G2A's practices but I've bought from them in the past, just as I dislike the life quality given to livestock but still eat meat, or how I think my farts smell kinda bad but won't move to stop sitting on my bathrobe and end up hotboxing myself with farticles. We're beings of convenience and compromise until we feel sufficiently moved to act. G2A is an annoying itchy wart on the face of distribution, but not so much so that potential customers really feel morally compelled to lay siege to the mere concept of the place. Legal red tape and commercial interest will either eventually strangle or discipline them into better shape (as they seem to be trying to go legit, or at least pretty themselves up to appear that way), so we can stay happily on the sidelines and make passive-aggressive posts and occasionally drop blocks of text with farts as reward flavor.
So like maybe 10% hypocrite, 30% backlog feeders of opportunity, 60% miscellaneous other obnoxious salty rage and smacktalk.
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people here treat g2a like the devil just like they did with digital homicide, yet they LOVED to idle their cards and make 9 cents with each game despite giving DH profits.
but it's always ok as long as there's a convoluted explanation behind to excuse themselves. ❤️️
i'll call them hypocrites and live happily.
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No! F*ck G2A!!!
wait superhot and lords of the fallen for 2$? buys fast and complains that humble doesn't offer good bundles
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You say that like Digital Homicide didn't deserve to be 'treated like the devil'. People didn't randomly decide to dislike these two entities at complete random y'know. Also your generalisation is pretty massive with 'people here', a target you can't possibly miss when setting up a scapegoat. Don't forget to factor in G2As own practices in the cause of public opinion
You can call anyone any name and live happily, doesn't really make it accurate though. Yeah there are hypocrites, but the sample size you're using is like hitting the broad side of a barn. Might want to be careful of the strawman thing, it's pretty habit forming, and before you know it, you're directing them at anyone who replies or dissents ;P
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For the most part I try to only enter stuff from Humbles. Basically my GA entries depend on Humble featuring stuff that I want, I have points piling up most of the time because of this, and am constantly out of them when the wave rolls in. I do make exceptions from time to time, and yes I sometimes wonder where the key came from, but I hardly ever win anything that isn't bundled, so that doesn't happen often.
Ultimately, however, I cannot control where keys come from, I might have been getting keys from Humble that have been obtained through abuse. In one instance, I received a key for a then very popular game that was on many wishlists, from someone that seemed to be OK, and that key was later voided.
The only solution is to only accept keys from people who you know for sure where they get their keys, and how (they could be drug dealers for all I know: where do you draw the line?), which is basically tantamount to not accepting key from strangers.
Additionally, if the key was obtained through G2A, and the devs were damaged because of that, which is not a foregone conclusion, then that damage has already been done, and not by the winner of the GA, who's not buying anything but merely receiving something for free.
So, no, I don't think it's hypocritical if that's your angle. As for myself, I'd rather not get a game than buy it on G2A. No moral high horse, I just dislike how the company does business, there's plenty of companies which I don't support for similar reasons outside of gaming.
There's also plenty of companies whose practices I loathe and I must give them money anyway, either because I'm not affluent enough to afford the alternatives, or simply because there is no choice, or the alternatives are just as bad or worse.
To be alive is to accept compromises.
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im saying the site is safe to use if you use your head while buying from it. you cannot just buy from anyone. you have to look into that person and read all the good reviews and bad reviews they have received.
dont buy from people with no rep
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I mean ... cool thats entirely reasonable comment . And yeah you are completely correct in the matter .
The thing is tho , G2A ( In the past ) was not doing shit when you flat out got scammed , and was taking the side of the reputable seller over the new guy who got burned with 5-10-20$ ... even a dollar
And that is the main issue i have with the site ...
Obviously lately they have taken some small steps towards not being the worse re-selling platform available , but they are still it .
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just buy it. it deserves to be bought. yes, it's that good! ^^
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i personally don't share the view that games need to provide many hours of gameplay in order to be worth the money. but every opinion is valid. :)
if you want some examples of long and extremely good indie games, here you go:
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but they both have so many levels. even if they were easier, they still would have so much content.
i love a good plot as well. but i feel lately especially the short games are the most intense ones, story-wise. i love games like Firewatch, To The Moon, Edit Finch, Ethan Carter...
still have to play Dust. oh well, i will do it some day...
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RPGs artificially increase game length via bad combat, bad random encounters, bad stat grinding before you may proceed, etc etc?
RPGs invented artificially increasing game length - after all they came before Halo's ingenious idea of "let's just copy paste half game".
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Interested in playing End is Nigh — I always preferred Super Meat Boy to The Binding of Isaac.
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"So grab a wrench" makes me doubt it's Bastion. There are no wrenches in Bastion.
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If 3 is Bastion, Supergiant definitely made one of the worst moves possible (and with horrible timing too) - considering their third game, Pyre, is coming out in less than 2 weeks and all the people that "actively" hate on g2a are highly unlikely to consider buying another game from the devs that partner up with g2a. But eh.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I think you are overrating the number of ppl that care and connecting specific publishers and g2a ¯\(ツ)/¯
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Overestimating? probably - but then again I doubt they're getting so much more money from being in a g2a bundle rather than they'd be getting from those extra full-priced copies when Pyre is released. Of course, this is still just speculation and there's no guarantee Bastion will even be in the bundle.
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yeah, just guessing, but on my example, did not know who was dev for Bastion (I own it) - so I would not connect it to Pyre, and much players do (except for very known franchises I suppose).
I think they can do the math themselves :)
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I've been boycotting Steam because of the gifting policy.
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I didn't say I'd boycott Steam, but I did say I'd curve my spending a lot - and I have. I actually spent around $5 on Steam this sale and ~$15 on official resellers instead. But to be fair, it's mostly just for convenience reasons rather than "not giving business to Steam". Not like $10 will affect the company in any way. :P
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Similar situation here. I probably spent significantly less for the Steam Summer sale than I would have otherwise because of the changes in the gifting system and thus am more inclined to shop elsewhere now. That's Valve's loss. I had no choice with the Pinball FX2 tables that I wanted to gift though. That reminds me I meant to e-mail Zen Studios to urge them to consider offering an alternative place to buy them, like the Humble Store.
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People said there would be a boycott of Steam because of the gifting policy. That didn't happened
Well, it didn't happen on a scale big enough to make them revert the changes, but I beg to differ. Many steamgifters moved over to other shops for gifting instead of using steam (and this is just from a couple of groups that I'm active in - there's probably a lot more overall). I personally spent a grand total of $5 during the steam summer sale.
Of course, I doubt this would be enough to 'cause an uproar, but it will definitely make some people reconsider how much they want to support Supergiant in the future.
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There are 10m+ active CS:GO players. Just their market transactions alone could be enough for Valve to actually close shop and keep Steam as nothing more than a CS:GO launch platform (like it was originally, more or less). They can give about zero fucks about purchases made for inventories, even with the hit it did to the underlying trading economy.
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3 does sound like it fit Bastion, except there is no wrench weapon in the game.
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It'll probably suck because they have been getting worse and worse and the last one was atrocious, but I'll play the guessing game. Though I don't care for G2A they say knowledge is power, right? Here are some guesses that may or may not stink (may edit as I go along):
Can't remember the name of the game but I'm trying to think of this first-person 3d 'runner' (flyer actually) that was bundled once where you play as a bird in flight. Seems kind of dubious though.
A classic DooM game or maybe Devil Daggers or Blood: One Whole Unit Blood. Do either of these keep a score though? Or perhaps it meant "score" as in music.
I know people will want to say Bastion because of the word "calamity" being used in the game but I don't think there was a wrench? What about Shattered Planet?? I dunno.
Seraph seems like a good guess. It has a chick with guns in prison and "uptown" could be a reference to her being an angel (as per the game description).
Crookz: The Big Heist would have to be the lead guess here. "Rich Ron" could be a reference to Ron Jeremy, who appears in what looks to be a mansion in the 2nd video of the game on the Steam store. If you don't know who he is be forewarned that it's NSFW if you Google him. Some other guesses: The Masterplan, Monaco, The Marvelous Miss Take, The Castle Doctrine. I'm sure there are other similar heist games that may fit the theme.
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Nope, it's not either of those. I believe it had simple low-poly graphics and possibly a lack of textures in a similar style to Heavy Bullets.
edit: Found the game. It was Leave The Nest. I don't think it really fits though. Plus it requires VR apparently.
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Number 1 had no idea, so googled and came up with Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator
Number 2 definitely Devil Daggers
Number 3 if it's not Bastion, then should be some 2000's FIFA with Calamity James in there
Number 4 looks like Velocity 2X
Number 5 Crookz - The Big Heist
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Not sure about you guys but I'm starting to really like G2A recently. All of the keys I bought so far were good and I had pleasant experience with their Supports (already made like 4,5 tickets)
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The first two was for the second G2A deal mishap (I remember they accidentally double charge a lot of users back then, all refunded thankfully). The others are mostly account related which they responded swiftly. I never had any faulty keys so far so I wouldn't know how'd they respond to that kind of issues
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Although I don't encourage dealing with G2A directly, I have to admit, I'll enter giveaways for the games if they're ones I want to win.
Regarding #2, I'm actually thinking Strafe, rather than Devil Daggers: more blockiness (DD is more pixelated) and "liters of gore" seems more appropriate for it (they actually refer to persistent gore in their list of features; DD has some blood, but it looks like Strafe makes a bigger deal about it).
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Yeah, that's the one....Okay, Mr. Competent Guesser, with your "good points" and "shrewd consideration of things beyond the superficial and possibly intentionally misleading description of the game that G2A's provided," you win this round.
Still, I can't think of any explosions in Devil Daggers, so that doesn't sit quite right. (Except perhaps the shotgun alt fire mode.)
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Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator is actually published by Gambitious Digital Entertainment.
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There once was a parrot from a zoo
Which had a thing for haiku.
One day it missed its turn,
Got hurt because of a burn,
And fell from a cloud missing its cue.
Blocky demons dying by a score,
Flat dungeons, and liters of gore.
Already doomed
when explosions bloomed,
They weren’t ready for dying some more.
There was once a globe drifting mid-air,
Designed with particular flair.
Then calamity struck,
The world almost cracked,
So grab a wrench and prove that you care.
There once was a certain lass from uptown
Who preferred a gun from a gown.
Although a great gunner,
Got thrown in a slammer.
Now folks wish she’d just calm down.
Through a mansion some figures sneak in a rush,
To get their fingers on rich Ron’s cache.
They found what they sought,
But then they got caught,
When to their getaway car they dashed.
Third riddle could be Bastion, Second like a Butcher.
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