I think what is holding monthly bundles is the early releases...
when the (really) good and most wanted games stop to come out, monthly bundle will definitively die due its price.
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It is kind of flawed for bundle buying people (their original audience ?) - especially people who have massive game libraries (1000s of games) as they will get duplicates and / or can wait for normal bundle release of any top indie game or AAA for a lot cheaper 6-12 months later.
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Basically, the bundle is just like buying Tier 3 of a regular humble bunde, except you don't know what games are in T1 or BTA. I've always been of the opinion, if you want the early unlock (at that price) then get the bundle, but if you're not really interested in it, don't get the monthly. I'm always shocked at how many copies of the early unlock end up as GAs every time. that being said, MORE ROCKET LEAGUE!
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Well, I personally already have Rocket League, but I will stay subscribed. Even if there is no game I'm interested in, I can always trade them (got some great games from trading last month) or give them here. Since I have the money to spare, I'm willing to take the risk, since the outcome is either great or good.
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Well a lot of people buy multiple Monthlies to give away, because most games (especially the early unlocks) don't make it onto the bundle list. So it's usually a pretty good Cost/CV ratio and better than just giving away 5 copies of some bullshit game that got 87% discount because it sucks ;)
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I don't really know, since I only have one HB account. But if that is the case, couldn't one just for example use his credit card for one and his paypal (with the same CC tied to it) for the other account? Then you make another paypal account and tie it to your bank account maybe? that would already be 3 accounts. Like I said, I'm just guessing, I have no idea if this is true :D But that's how I would imagine it
Edit: I also think quite a few people might have multiple credit cards. I work in retail and this happens all the time: Customer tries to pay with his CC, CC is not accepted, so he pulls out his purse with like ~10 other CCs (slightly exaggerated :P).
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I agree with this logic.This is why there won't be a June Edition of the Humble Monthly Unload (shameless plug).
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Well, no. South Park, Mad Max, Rocket League are beyond Tier 3 material.
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Fair enough. I'd say the monthly without the early unlock is on par with their best bundles (basically the official HIB ones) or the best publisher bundles (like the current Capcom one) but without the restraint of... featuring games by the same publisher.
So I agree, the early unlock makes a difference, but looking back they have been really strong offerings.
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It does however impact the perceived value of the monthly when you know the majority of it will be in a regular bundle shortly after which in turn impacts the sales. Humble will have picked up on this hence the survey.
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dont want to buy 4-6 scrap games to recive the only one (or two) good game (s). Dont need the scrap at all, after a few days can buy this one good game for a fair price and dont waste my money for all those what i will never need.
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Quality all the way. I would rather have them make a bundle with 4 great games, then a bundle with 8 "filler" games. Honestly, I think it needs a bit more balance. Now there is always one (sometimes two) amazing games (as early unlock), some okay-ish games and some bad games (all in my opinion of course). I think if they went with a couple of great games (and maybe some mediocre), it would be a lot better (even if that means no AAA games).
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4 games sounds good to me, if at least 3 of them are top tier games (which ofc doesn't always have to mean AAA games, but games people have heard about - Dragons's Dogma, Stardew Valley, Superhot, Factorio - basically stuff that would now be early unlock material). Then they could still include 1 hidden gem every month and put their humble originals on top of that if they want :D
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I threw in my 2 cents in that survey let us see if they read and take notes .
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They shouldn't even have to ask this.
People who buy games tend to own multiple games.
So the larger the bundle, the more likely it contains dupes.
(the same is true for all things related to acquisition, they follow power laws, not bell curves)
Also, they should have tracked their sales vs steam account activations.
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The only game worth of every monthly is the one you get ahead of the rest. I bought it once and it was enough to realize all the other games are always crap, so I won't be falling in this trap again.
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Ok so the monthly bundles haven't been worth less than 12$ , but at least half of their content it's filler and gets bundled not even a month after the release of the bundle itself.... so i found this survey request from humblebundle in my email in which it's asked if you want MORE GAMES (but of course that means less polished and so they're gonna be bundled pretty soon after the bundle) OR LESS GAMES overall BUT better. It also asks if you want more AAA titles or indie games etc.... check it out ! And if you are not ok with the games in the monthly being featured in indiegalas for 2$ not even 1 month after then make sure to say you want less fillers.
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