SteamGifts v2 Dark Userstyle

Bright/light sites can be hard on the eyes so for us ocular challenged people i created a darker version. Works on,, . Compatible with most scripts found in the addon registry..

Also check out my other style SG Dark Grey.

Note: Style is now hosted on github as is no longer supported.

Install Stylus for either Firefox, Chrome or Opera and then install the style using one of these methods:

📦 Install the usercss which supports automatic updates and customization.
📦 Install manually from GitHub with no customization. The style is in Mozilla format.
📦 Install script which supports automatic updates but no customization.
📦 Install script from greasyfork which supports automatic updates and customization has settings menu via slide tab top right corner.

Last updated March 2 2025 version 1.7.9

Instructions for script version on greasyfork

Hover over tab in top right corner click Dark/Light to toggle between the two, click settings to access settings. (see pic below)


Save button apply and save color choices.
Reset button resets current theme back to the default Dark theme.
Cancel button closes settings without changing anything.

  • Steamgifts featured background image will be used if "Featured Background" is set to on(1 = on, 0 = off), otherwise it will apply a gradient of the color you chose.
  • Entering "water" or "halloween" (without quotation marks) into any theme input area will set that theme to the included water or halloween theme.
  • Settings tab (top right corner) colored according to "Header/Footer" for background, "Navigation Text" for text.
  • Colored "Names/Levels" (1 = on, 0 = off), Color is generated from game picture on featured giveaway or player avatar on profiles/SG++ Hover info.
  • Text shadow opacity setting has a range from -1(transparent) to 1(opaque) where 0 represents the default value(which is not shown).
    Negative values make it more transparent and positive values make it less transparent starting from its default value.


  • Shift+Alt+1 = switch to theme #1
  • Shift+Alt+2 = switch to theme #2
  • Shift+Alt+3 = switch to theme #3
  • Shift+Alt+X = bring up settings menu
  • Shift+Alt+C = toggle current theme on or off


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10 years ago*

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Why the hell does this thing replicates itself with each update. Before version 1.2.5 they were two - now they're three of them.
If you try to disable one clone - all gets disabled?

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9 years ago

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Could you maybe check in with Garion to get the colors right for his SteamGifts v2 Giveaway Filter? Not sure if either he should change classes or you could add some?

9 years ago

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What do you mean by Dark?

this hurts me physically

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9 years ago*

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Why do you torture yourself like that

9 years ago

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I just had to know how it looks.

9 years ago

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Obligatory thanks.

9 years ago

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Looks awesome. Great work!

Although I have some feedback regarding region-locked icons and text on it: inside a giveaway font color merges with background (pic1); would be nice if it'd be more visible (see 2nd pic)

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9 years ago

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One of those things that slip through the cracks when i can't see region giveaways ;)

Will set to steamgifts default ( same as invite only ) colors for now

9 years ago

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Sweet, always love a good dark theme

9 years ago

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Updated to version 1.2.6

I recommend using SilentGuy's Script to add links to profiles for SteamGifts Tools.
SteamGifts Tools is set to default dark theme, if you are using custom settings you will need to import them.

9 years ago*

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My eyes stopped burning >.< This is perfect, thanks.

9 years ago

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I never had an issue with the light color scheme. Before the update it was a plain white background. I would rather they have gone with warmer colors instead of cooler ones, though.

I don't like the shadows, but I can deal with them. There are some bigger problems, though. I can't seem to do anything about the headers on profiles and giveaways and the front page and they're totally out of place. Apart from that, the text on the buttons and in the footer is a bit off, too, and there doesn't seem to be any way of changing that, either. As I'm typing this, I notice that the input text is too light and also apparently can't be changed. I've made the input background darker to compensate for the time being. I can provide screenshots if you don't know what I mean about any of these. Of course, you can always just tell me to go make my own script if you don't feel like adding these or just can't for some reason.

Here are the settings if anyone is interested. I'm sure there's room for improvement. I was just in a hurry to get some settings that looked decent.

9 years ago

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The featured container on the front page/giveaways/profile is SG code consisting a background color generated from the game poster or player avatar and then a dark .png overlay applied. I will have to give some thought as to options for that but the rest will be in the next update.

In the mean time try setting text shadow opacity to -1 for better readability .

9 years ago

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Version 1.2.7

  • Added settings for script version that include shadows, shadow opacity, green Icons/new Comments.
  • Fixed forms not conflicting with forms on Steamgifts Tools.
  • Changed shadows size (smaller).
  • Footer links and input text correctly colored according to settings.
  • Links in a spoiler inside of a spoiler corrected to show on hover of parent spoiler.
9 years ago

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So i was working on the next update and i noticed a strange looking cake following me around, 4 years on SG where does the time go.

I guess this calls for some presents

9 years ago

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Thanks again for the mucho grande helpful userstyle SquishedPotatoe. I was wondering, is there any way to make SGv2 DarK compatible with SGLinkies? In the sense that it just reskins the extra elements that are added to the site.

9 years ago

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I gave her an example that did not use hardcoded colors, so i will wait a bit to see what her plans are. In the meantime you can use this script if you want.

9 years ago*

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thanks for the example you gave me earlier, but i wanted to use the color scheme from sg in those buttons. if a skin wants to change them, it's super easy to make a compatibility css (like i did with easysg, sg++ and black/whitelist indicators).

9 years ago

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Don't you find that strange/unneeded to bloat the code by adding lines of redundant color declarations instead of making calls to the classes that are already there?

9 years ago

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as i explained before, that's the first userscript i have made so my experience is limited. i checked that example and honestly i don't know what's going on in there. it also has different styles than the ones i put in it, like borders, alignment, and colors.

i made 2 skins for this site and i didn't ask any script maker to make his script compatible with my skin, instead i made my skin work with them.

9 years ago

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What you want to take away from the example is how it uses sg classes for anything related to colors instead of creating a new class with the exact same values.

Example div with new class <div class="sg-info-row">
new class .sg-info-row has background: linear-gradient(#ffffff,#f6f7f9);
which is the same as
sg class .nav__row which has background-image: linear-gradient(#fff 0%, #f6f7f9 100%);

so instead of copying the.nav__row values into .sg-info-row we use the original sg class for the color related stuff and the new class as well but only with changes that are not color related like padding,margins, sizes etc.

So we end up with <div class="nav__row sg-info-row">

now if .nav__row contained something you didn't want let's say for example a text shadow you would add something to .sg-info-row to correct that.

This way your script is automatically compatible with every style because they wouldn't have to add anything to change a color that uses the same colors as the original sg class in the first place.

9 years ago

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thanks for the example and explanation. i'll try that when i have some free time. :3

9 years ago

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Holy shitake mushrooms, it works flawlessly! You are one of the coolest potatoes I ever done seen.

And since your script is compatible with all the major add-ons I don't think SGLinkies will survive if it doesn't make itself compatible -- that is unless people scour the boards and find that pastebin link. :D

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9 years ago

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"your script"


just... make a compatibility patch for it. really.
i'm not gonna waste time on that links script anymore just to fix it for everyone else. it does what i wanted it to do, nothing more.
it's not perfect, but it works. if someone comes later with a pink SG theme, he will have to apply a comp patch on top of it, like i did for 3 scripts used on this site.

just respect what others worked on in their free time. i don't ask for anything else.

9 years ago*

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Yes, his script SGv2Dark.

It takes two. For instance, at this point SG++ and SGv2 Dark devs have worked together to make sure both scripts run flawlessly simultaneously. As well, it's not like anyone is attacking you or demanding you do it. It's just suggestions and the insight of users.

I didn't disrespect your efforts at all. I even thanked you in your thread for your helpful script.
You're being rather bitter about something very minute. I hope you can cheer up. Maybe this gif will help.

Thanks again. <3

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9 years ago

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i'm not bitter, i just expect others to do like i did and just tweak their style to be compatible with scripts...

and yes, i mistead the script part, i thought it was a reference to the pastebin. my bad.

9 years ago

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Whoa! Just added it, this will take a bit of getting used to, but it looks good, thanks Squishy :D

9 years ago

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Looks good, but when I use dark theme the scrolling is slower and isn't smooth.
I installed it as a script though, maybe I should try installing it as a style and see what happens.

EDIT: I installed Stylish and then I installed this theme with it and it works great.

9 years ago*

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I just found this and it's great. Thanks for all the work you put into it.

In your first screenshot, you show some sort of menu for editing all the colors. Is this something I can access so I can easily modify the colors myself?

9 years ago

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Yes but it is only in the script hosted on greasyfork.

side note: next update the access to these settings will be incorporated into the button located top right corner.

9 years ago

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That's great. Thanks a lot.

9 years ago

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Version 1.2.8 Spooktacular edition

  • Added setting for colored names/levels (1 = on). Color is generated from game picture on featured giveaway or player avatar on profiles/SG++ Hover info.
  • Setting for featured background gradient color, if set to sidebar color it will use SG image.
  • Setting for red icons and text colors.
  • Settings for browser selection highlighting colored according to settings (links) for text, and (page background) for background.
  • New comment color (SG++) now has its own separate option.
  • Scrollbar now colored according to (sidebar color) settings (not available in firefox).
  • Added tooltips colored according to settings (links) for text, and (page background) for background.
  • Sorted option list alphabetically.
  • Access to settings relocated to slide tab top right corner, enables access while logged out now. Colored according to settings (Header/Footer) for background, (general text color) for text, and (shadow)/(shadow opacity) settings.
  • Updated for the new Steamgifts Tools site

Happy Halloween

Halloween settings used in picture below

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9 years ago*

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My script just updated and now all my personal settings are reset and the link to change the settings has disappeared from the drop down menue O_O
I had installed the userscript and everything was working fine until two minutes ago. Please tell me what I can do to erase the terrible green headlines in the discussions and how to bring back the settings menue. Thanks!

9 years ago

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O_o settings should be kept, access to settings is in top right corner slide out tab. By "green headlines in the discussions" if you mean the SG++ "new comments" color it the same as "Heading/Giveaway Name Text"

All settings other than "new comments" should be carried forward, "new comments" will be set back to default green. Previously this was part of the "green icons" settings, it was separated so it essentially can be disabled if colored same as "Heading/Giveaway Name Text".
If your other settings were not kept please let me know what browser and version are you running so i can test.

9 years ago*

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same happened me and i use firefox

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I fixed it , ¿how? delete the script ,donwload... install manually and I returned with my personal profile.
it is not a joke

9 years ago

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settings are saved in browser so its safe to delete script, i have no problem on 41.02 with greasemonkey 3.5

9 years ago

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yes, but the first time that automatically update, he returned to 0, just saying.

9 years ago

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I'm now on a totally freshly setup system, downloaded the userscript, but the options menue remains missing. Can you please help me? I desperately want to make my own colors. The green headlines and icons at the top really bother me.

System: Windows 7 64 bit
Browser: Firefox 42.0

Edit: To make it clear, I don't have access to THIS anymore:

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9 years ago

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Did i make it blend in too much? should hover over tab in top right corner and then click settings. If all else fails you can bring up the console ( Ctrl+Shift+K ) and enter

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9 years ago*

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Ooooh, thank you very much!! This picture of yours was extremely helpful! I hadn't noticed that tab there in the corner. Finally I can customize SG to my liking :)

9 years ago

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pretty cool, this looks sick

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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Really nice work, thank you =)
This will be fun to play around with.

9 years ago

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nice work, thank you so much~
now my eyes arent work as hard as the previous theme

9 years ago

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Version 1.2.9

  • Added option to store 3 themes, these are not touched by updates so if an update messes up your current settings you have an easy restore option.
  • Added theme selector ( top of settings menu ).
  • Water theme and Halloween theme are included, just enter water or halloween into theme storage area and select appropriate number .
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9 years ago

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I was using this for a long time

9 years ago

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Edit: Well never mind... apparently Chrome x64 beta didn't feel like updating extensions... so I was stuck on Tampermonkey 3.11 which was not working, soon as I updated it to 3.12 everything is working again.

9 years ago*

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I don't know why I didn't change to this theme few months ago. Bump! :D

9 years ago

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