Welcome to the club
first rule of V.I.P club.....don't talk about V.I.P club ;)
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Thank you so much! dark theme what a welcoming gift for my eyes! :)
now I'll check SG++ (think I had it before and it went abandoned or too buggy, don't quite remember),
will I need to uninstall this and install the sg++ compatible?
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Works with or without SG++ you don't need to uninstall or do anything special.
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Cool! thanks for replaying :)
Already set it, don't know how could I be without this for so long! XD
THANK YOU SquishedPotatoe
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I am going to put some hot keys in the next update.
or something along those line, not necessarily those keys
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That's a good idea! But you should probably mention this stuff in the original post, along with the "hidden" menu button. People wouldn't expect keyboard shortcuts, I think. Also, Alt+number collides with direct tab selection, at least here in my Firefox.
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Yes definitely will have to make it more obvious in OP than currently. Here is what i have in at the moment.
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Got it. Thanks again! I can't even think of a non-dark SG. ;)
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Version 1.3.1
- Shift+Alt+1 = switch to theme #1
- Shift+Alt+2 = switch to theme #2
- Shift+Alt+3 = switch to theme #3
- Shift+Alt+X = bring up settings menu
- Shift+Alt+C = toggle current theme on or off
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something to do with the steamgifts nav button changes?, pic if you can ;)
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Version 1.3.2
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Not sure i follow you how is it funny? oh snuck it in the title :P
seems to be related to steamgifts changes
downloadable font: kern: Too large subtable., table discarded (font-family: "Open Sans" style:normal weight:300 stretch:normal src index:2) source: http://www.steamgifts.com/assets/fonts/open-sans-v10-greek_cyrillic_latin-300.woff2
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It is a smaller font size for resolutions below 1280px
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When window width is <1280px? Yeah the window width is probably 1150-1200px. Then why doesn't it affect the Light style, and why didn't it happen when I was using 1.2.9? Is there a way to override it via CSS in the Themes Settings?
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yes window width sorry not screen resolution, and that change is part of the dark theme not steamgifts. It went live in version 1.3.0 and there are not settings for it at the moment, need to manually change.
@media screen and (max-width: 1280px) {
.giveaway__heading__name:not(.tile_view_header) {
font-size: 16px !important;
16px is default size, 13px is what it is now
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Thanks greatly for the helpful debugging that it was in SGv2 Dark and the class name as well so I can manually change it.
As well I see you made an update with a relative size increase per window width. ;D
If only everyone was as nice. Take care MashedTuber.
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Biggest issue I have is lines 2349, 2357 and 2360 (in current 1.3.4). I just change 2349 & 2357 to 12px and 2360 to 11px otherwise the site is barely usable for me with the 1.3+ default settings.
As always though, thanks for the style but I wish I didn't have to do this every time. xD
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Version 1.3.3
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Bump for the best style to use at night :D (well actually at day too)
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Version 1.3.4
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SteamGifts HTTPS update breaks the userscript.
Manually adding an s to the @match and @include entries (not on sgtools.info) fixes the problem for those that wish to fix it themselves until an update. :D
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only problem is you will have to enter in your settings again
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Any way to get this back to normal?
Tried those settings to recover but didn't help :(
nvmd figured out how those settings work,but still pani to get it all back to how it was can you give us settings from before and we will easy import them?
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The default dark and water and halloween themes are still included, this method is to recover your own personal settings.
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Thanks for creating SGv2 Dark.
My site looks the same as the screenshot that Dakyio posted. How can I get it to look like the screenshots posted in the OP? I've only been using the Style not the Userscript.
Thanks again!
Switching to the Userscript corrected things.
(Also had to disable the Stylish script.)
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Mmh I'm really puzzled about how to get the Dark Style back.. Now I got some Dark Green Text Boxes and Yellow Text that doesn't look too good and I can't figure out how to change it. Could you please point me in the right direction.. I'm using Firefox with GreaseMonkey and I previously had the Style installed but now I did put the Userscript but it's not getting back to the basic Dark style I liked. This Green and yellow is kinda making me sick :\
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Help :)
[SGTools] Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen,Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition,The Banner Saga 2,No One But You,Barbie Dreamhouse Party | Detailed information and GA requirements... |
. | . |
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Settings recover is not for the stylish version, stylish version has been corrected force an update to get back to normal.
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After using the script version for a bit I noticed that the whole page goes white while I refresh it, instead of holding what was in the screen and then switching to the new one.
I don't know if I'm explaining myself right. The problem only happens when I F5.
Is this normal?
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It's not that big a deal to me. I hardly ever F5. I click around a lot :)
Still, I would be happy if the styleversion was back to what I am used to :)
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Awww.. GREAT!
Switched back..
Thanks for the update and thanks for letting me know :)
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Yes that is normal, stylish does extra to prevent flashes as much as possible where as i don't think greasemonkey/tampermonkey do.
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That's too bad. I just uninstalled Stylish because of the recent thread and now there is a much more noticeable flash of white before the page loads. I am using Tampermonkey now since I already had it installed for something else.
I am using Chrome for SG, but I remember in Firefox there were different settings in about:config to control when a webpage starts displaying (initial paint delay) and how often it displays new information while it is loading (reflow). I wonder if Chrome has those options and if changing them to wait longer before displaying the page would decrease the white flash. This would of course slow down the initial display of other pages as well, but it may not be bad.
Edit: I changed Tampermonkey's inject mode to instant and it removed most of the white flash. Hopefully it won't cause any problems.
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Can anyone help? After the update the colors which were a border around certain giveaways were set to default. The problem is that i don't remember the exact numbers of colors which i was using before. My question is, is there a version or some way to retrieve the previous colors? I'm asking because some of the colors are so bright that in the dark scheme it makes it very irritating to the eye.
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Thank you, but that doesn't work. When i open the link i get the settings, however there is a problem the colors are blocked by an image.
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Updates to layout for mobile devices.
sure breaks a lot of stuff on desktop :(
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Right? Why not redir to m.steamgifts.com with a mobile layout on mobile browser uagents? :\
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That makes me 9001x sadder than I was. Most of my function scripts stayed intact but if on a larger scale it messed up your bot that's even more madness! Also with what Steam has been doing to combat idling (not allowing more than 1 game played at a time) things just getting harder for a []D[][]V[][]D out here. I wish you the best of luck! <3
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SteamGifts v2 Dark Userstyle
Bright/light sites can be hard on the eyes so for us ocular challenged people i created a darker version. Works on www.steamgifts.com, www.steamtrades.com, www.sgtools.info . Compatible with most scripts found in the addon registry..
Also check out my other style SG Dark Grey.
Note: Style is now hosted on github as userstyles.org is no longer supported.
Install Stylus for either Firefox, Chrome or Opera and then install the style using one of these methods:
📦 Install the usercss which supports automatic updates and customization.
📦 Install manually from GitHub with no customization. The style is in Mozilla format.
📦 Install script which supports automatic updates but no customization.
📦 Install script from greasyfork which supports automatic updates and customization has settings menu via slide tab top right corner.
Last updated March 2 2025 version 1.7.9
Instructions for script version on greasyfork
Save button apply and save color choices.
Reset button resets current theme back to the default Dark theme.
Cancel button closes settings without changing anything.
Negative values make it more transparent and positive values make it less transparent starting from its default value.
Screenshot Album
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