I personally don't mind implants as long as they look and feel like the real thing. Of course I'm talking about cybernetic implants. I hope you weren't thinking about something else PERV.

For the blue hearts link

Edit: So it seems someone's giving me a bit of drama in the Deus Ex giveaway comment section. Even acting pretty douchey about it. What do you guys think? Is he right about the custom rule part? Should I just delete the giveaway?

Edit 2: I've decided to delete the Deus Ex giveaway. I'm really sorry about that. I'll try to make another one when I figure out how to do the private group thing but I just didn't want to risk being punished for giving away a game. More than that I didn't want to give that asshole a chance at winning.

I won't delete the giveaway right away to give people some time to remove their entries and recover their points. I'll also make a giveaway for a different game later.

I'm just annoyed that one person, one unreasonable dickwad, managed to ruin the giveaway.

7 years ago*

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Thank you, and bump-age (again)!

7 years ago

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I prefer natural (in all the ways you can think grin e_e, jk :P) but.... if it´s a familiar or a love and have an accident and can survive with some robotic implants i´m ok with that :D.

7 years ago

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Updated. Please remove your entries if you entered so you can recover your points. I'm going to delete the giveaway.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the update. Unfortunately, due to some SGTools configuration problem, I was unable to enter. (I believe it had to do with the number of private giveaways I had created, which is 0.)

(How does a private giveaway differ from a public giveaway, anyway, other than being private as opposed to public? Are multiple types of giveaways considered private giveaways? (whitelist vs. SGTools-implemented vs. anything else?))

Thank you! Please feel free to ignore my questions if this is an inappropriate place to ask.

7 years ago*

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I removed the sgtools link because i'm deleting the giveaway. I think technically this is still a public giveaway since it's viewable by everyone. Whitelisted and private group giveaways are private.

7 years ago

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Invite-only giveaways are also invisible to the general public. You have to know the link to get to them.

7 years ago

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Thx for replying. So what's the rule about asking people to agree to remove the GA if the key doesn't work? Will support help me on that? Does it only apply to whitelisted/private group giveaways? What about itstoohard links?

7 years ago

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Here is some info for you:

  1. GA's may be deleted by the creator at any time up until the time they end.
  2. After then end, GA's may be deleted by request (ticket), but permission of the winner must be given.
  3. Some GA's are deleted post end-date by Support staff for special reasons (e.g. regifting).

The most common way to delete a giveaway that has ended is for the winner to post in the comments section saying he/she is fine with deletion. The creator then makes the ticket and includes a link to the comment.

7 years ago

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Right but I need a guarantee that the winner will agree to delete the giveaway. If I inform everyone beforehand that the key might not work and that by entering the giveaway they agree to delete it if the key doesn't work, is that binding at all? Will support be on my side?

7 years ago

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There are only two things guaranteed in life: death, and taxes.

If I inform everyone beforehand that the key might not work and that by entering the giveaway they agree to delete it if the key doesn't work, is that binding at all?


Will support be on my side?


Make sure your warning is clear and intelligible, then hope you don't get a troll for a winner. I've never seen anyone have a problem in such a situation, but there's always a first time.

7 years ago

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I've never seen anyone have a problem in such a situation, but there's always a first time.

This was the exact reason why I had to delete the Deus Ex GA. I informed everyone in the description that there was a possibility the key might not work and if they entered they would agree to a deletion. Then one person said that I couldn't make such a rule and he wasn't going to go along with it. So I had to close the GA.

If SG could change it so that GA creators would be protected that would be better for everyone. I can be assured I won't be punished for trying to give away a game and others have a chance to win a game. You can exclude it for new accounts with 0 or few giveaways to avoid abuse.

7 years ago

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Were I in that situation, I expect I would blacklist the guy, hope he didn't win, and if he did win, I'd seek help from Support staff. We are all constantly taking risks, in life. If I let the jerks dissuade me from doing what I think is right, then I am the one in loss. If I shy away from taking risks, then I won't accomplish much. To be sure, it's a balancing act, but if something is worth fighting for, then I fight.

7 years ago

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Have another bump because you deserve it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Here's an easy way to give this key to a worthy user and without any risks:

  1. Create an invite-only GA for whatever game + an SGTools filter with the rules you used here. This is a regular giveaway for another game, that also serves as a platform to give this Deus Ex key (in a "safe" way that doesn't break site rules). You'll need to explain this of course.
  2. When the GA ends, go to SGTools, click the "Valid giveaway entries" and copy all entries.
  3. Go to random.org List Randomizer and paste the list.
  4. Click Randomize.

The first user listed in the winner of the Deus Ex key. Now you just need to check that they don't own the game and deliver :-)

Optional: Use a screen capture tool to create a video of the process, like the gif I posted in this thread.

7 years ago*

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That could work. But I'd also like to get the CV for the game. Someone suggested asking everyone to agree to a deletion in a itstoohard link which can lead to an sgtools link. If support can verify if that would work then that would be the simplest way. Otherwise I could do a 2nd game with sgtools link like you suggested and then whitelist everyone for the DE giveaway but whitelisting possibly hundreds of people is something I'm not looking forward to.

7 years ago

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Fantastic idea! I can't see why Support would object to that.

7 years ago

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