Have you purchased a subsription from there?
SteamCrate is a UK site that gives you 10 random games per month for a subscription of 25 pounds a month...
Minimum worth is 30 pounds, maximum is 400 pounds.
tip: Only sponsored people got games over 30 euros and that's on youtube.
Check the word random for more information about the random.
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Well you (and me too) use half of it for real good random stuff ^^ (HB monthly)
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30 bucks for all together.
Probably one old AAA game, and rest are just crap games.
Hey, i can do that deal too. Just send me 25 pounds, and i give you a crate with "average value*" of at least 78! :P
(*understanding of value may differ)
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Apparently everything related to steam keys, steam game's skins and that kind of things that has to be with popular or semi-popular youtubers is basically a scam.
Its like they are accomplices in shady practices, everything is ok if they gain subscribers on his channel on the website.
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Lessons to learn: These type of blind raffles are a form of gambling, and gambling rarely pays off.
Also, as much as I dislike Reddit, it does have a thread for other people who have experience with this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/4sn037/anyone_tried_out_steamcrate/
If you look at their "past crates" on their site (which I'm not going to link because it features obnoxious aggressive marketing and I'm in a spiteful mood today) you'll see that even the bigger-name titles they advertise with are from the past few months of Humble Monthly, along with a bunch of other various bundled stuff / freebies etc.
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Never heard of it. Sounds like the best idea is to cancel your subscription and never look back!
This is the problem with "random" draws, you really never know what kind of crap you're gonna get.
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I am gonna do that. I have one more batch incoming, see what happens but I don't have any hopes. They will probably give me again Uriel Chasm 2, Two Worlds Epic Edition and some other games that they already handed me out and say: "But sir, those are random keys, we have no control over it"
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I have a solution!
Become a famous youtuber (hard to do in a short time but its possible I think). Say that you will stream opening of your next pack.
Probably yoy will receive F4, GTA5 and W3. In one pack. Randomly ofc.
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So you will get randomly one AAA game per month xD
RNG god have really positive attitude for youtubers/streamers.
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More likely you'll get Alien: Isolation, Mad Max, The Talos Principle, South Park: The Stick of Truth and/or a CoD:Blops III multiplayer starter pack...
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wow, sorry to say that you paid 25 pounds for absolute crap. most of these games were free or bundled anyway. you can get them for a few cents here on SG.
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Everything that has "random" in its name or description... should be avoided.
If you're willing to spend money on something semi-random, buy the Humble Monthlies, they're surely worth much more.
12 per month, for 5-7 previously unbundled games worth between $120 and $150.
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Lol 25 pounds for less then a dollar worth of games? sign me up
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Previous crates have fall out 4 eh?
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Well they have a good support that has been in marketing for several years, because man, they can charm you really easily. Tho they can't charm me or something because I know most of the marketing tricks.
But yes it's a pretty big scam and the site is still fully operational thanks to the sponsored youtubers. Like litteraly every month they are getting a game worth over 30-40 euros.
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I guess that's the payment for the chance you can get "not so crappy game"...
If I were them, I'd buy some humble/bundle stars/indiegala hh bundles and then sell the parts of it and still get some profit, customers would be happy and they'd call their friends =d
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That's exactly what they are doing, every game OP listed that wasn't free has previously been in a bundle
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Spakoyno and Stigmat are games from Dagestan Technology D Slightly better than games from Digital Homicide xD So expect them to be also free on gleam sooner or later xD
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They do if the devs/publishers themselves put them up. They only stopped doing them for Steam Review/Curator groups.
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Wanted to link you gleam ga from yesterday and saw "this was disabled" message :o
They are no longer supporting greelight votes farming/scam groups?
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Ah yes, the company that made Hotline Kavkaz, got really angry when people pointed out that they could not really name their game that way, then after renaming their game due to threats form the devs from Hotline Miami ended up banning anyone who talked about Hotline Miami, and who also thought it was alright to put voice clips & music that they don't own in their games and banned people for saying that they can't do such things? (and who also in a live stream insulted anyone who gave their games bad reviews)
Yeah, the comparison to DigiHom is an apt one.
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Hotline Kavkaz
I didn't know that :o
Also after playing Bloodbath Hotline Kavkaz and Spakoyno I can understand their behavior. This is just this type of people who should be isolated from internet. Because they have bad influence on internet xD
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Как можеш да дадеш 200 лв на сайт, без да си проучил доколко е читав и какво ще получиш за парите си? Самият факт, че всеки получава различен бъндъл ясно показва за каква пародия говорим.... Правило #1 е да купуваш от доказани места - ако искаш 'blind buy', купуваш Humble Monthly или бъндълите на Square Enix, които поне си идват от дистрибутора и понякога са доста читави... И всеки получава едно и също, за разлика от въпросния пародиен 'crate'.
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То е повече от ясно (или поне на тези с малко акъл поне, нищо към никой), че въпросните влогъри, както и други такива, получават някакъв вид спосорирани крейтове, колкото за рекламацията (защото нали, ако на Дидо Д му се падат хубави игри, се заблуждават, че и на тях) и имат доста по хубави игри. Маркетингов трик го наречи примерно, защото както mm3n каза, ти не знаеш какво има вътре, на всичко отгоре всеки получава различен, така че няма как да се хванат на калъп, защото това е функцията на сайта.
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Така е, няма други бъндъли или subscription boxes, дори и във физически формат, (ала Loot Crate, Nerd Block, Zbox), които да дават различно по стойност съдържание на всеки абонат. Ако има разлика, тя е минимална (получаваш фигурка на един герой, а друг получава на друг от същата серия). Тъжно е, че има хора, които да се връзват на подобни скамърски тактики, това само ще ги мотивира да пробутват още подобни в бъдеще. А и не знам как могат да ги спрат - евентуално самите дистрибутори да ги свалят, защото не са лицензирани да продават игрите им.
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I mean, if you buy "crates" of random games, expecting to get anything other than shovelware, you're exactly the kind of sucker those kinds of sites are hoping for.
Never in a million years would I consider paying for something without having any idea what I'm gonna get or even what kind of stuff I'm gonna get hell, even humble bundle's monthly shows off the biggest game in the pack
In the words of the Forest Gump stupid is as stupid does
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I just wanted to explain a few things to anyone interested. All games are entirely random. This is clearly stated before purchase. Thus We cannot control what games you get, whether they be negatively rated, mixed or positive, triple A, or Indie - It is truly random. We have thousands of subscribers, and we survey them every month to get feedback on whether they like the games etc, we currently have 81%+ Extremely satisfied with games received, 12% Are Mostly happy about the games received, and the rest fall into the neutral > Unsatisfied categories.
We actively try to seek out exciting new games every Month to add to our pool, but we accept, we cannot please everybody 100% of the time.
Eitherway, we're not forcing anyone to signup, as we know it isnt for some people - And thats perfectly fine.
We are also taking into account feedback from every member that suggests something new, we are currently looking into introducing a 'guaranteed Triple A game' into every crate, along with several other ideas such as an elite crate, for higher quality games every month...
Thanks guys.
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first batch of games exact order:
The Troma Project: 6.99Euro/Free
Two Worlds Epic Edition | 9.99Euro/Free
Uriel's Chasm 2 | 4.99Euro/Free
Compensation for the second order that you stated you don't give games under 3 pounds:
The Troma Project
Two Worlds Epic Edition
Uriel\'s Chasm 2
Entierly random. That's what you say.
-All games are entirely random. This is clearly stated before purchase. Thus We cannot control what games you get, whether they be negatively rated, mixed or positive, triple A, or Indie - It is truly random. - https://www.facebook.com/steamcrate/photos/a.1632828903659015.1073741829.1607503296191576/1748802145395023/?type=3&theater
-Don't buy any other subscription crate until you've checked out steamcrate - P.S We won't clutter your shelves with junk you don't need!
Statements, statements, statements - and no delivery on your words.
Should I continue or should I just let you go while you can?
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I just have to say that these are some ballsy motherfuckers. Not even GMG or HRK have the guts to charge this amount. Why the fuck would anyone sub to this shit when HB monthly exists is beyond me.
Kudos to them for being worse than HRK and GMG :D
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I would guess for the fact that you COULD get a lot more than what you paid.
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Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crud.
I can't speak for whether the "random" distribution is rigged towards YouTubers, but I can say that--if the keys are truly a random selection of Steam keys--your experience is, frankly, what everyone should be getting. There are lots more shovelware games and games which had effort put into them but turned out bad/mediocre anyway than there are AAA and great indie games (or even good or decent indie games) on Steam.
I echo the people who say to subscribe to Humble Monthly instead. I personally don't, because I don't have the money to spend on games that I won't know what they are until after I pay. (What if they put in a bunch of games from genres I don't like? I'll be out 12 dollars that I can't really afford in exchange for keys for games I'll never play.) But Humble Monthly is curated--you're not nearly as likely to end up with a dud (let alone 9 duds out of 10 keys) as you are with random selection.
It's a bit misleading for them to call themselves Steamcrate, because it'll make people think that they're like the original LootCrate--i.e., specially curated stuff.
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I have a feeling as though the name is intentional. They know that loot crate has been successful and I wouldn't doubt they wish to have some of their good rep rub off them.
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Oh yeah, I definitely think it's intentional. I guess my initial message came off as me thinking it was just an "unfortunate" accident. "Steamcrate" doesn't even make sense if it's not an allusion to Lootcrate. Unless they mailed the keys to you in a box...which is just a waste of shipping money lol.
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Isn't this the same as any kinda gambling/lucky dip that is done on the internet it's easy to scam it. I didn't read the links you posted but I'm guessing your saying it's not so random and they may be infact just bundles that they don't tell you what's in them and ofcourse they use youtubers as free ads throw them a couple good keys they say nice things subs try it same old scams. Yeah save your money mate sounds way too "random".
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As far as I can see it's the same 10 random Steam keys cash grab G2A or GMG do, just that G2A charges €1.99, GMG charges €7.99, and these folks charge €30. You get the exact same crap from all of them. Well, in this case G2A sounds like the best option - and you'd never hear me say that in any other case, avoid G2A like plague!
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Yup. You can get the same keys for less than 2 euros actually.
You have Kinguin also, you have g2a, gmg and a lot of other sites that offer you 10 random keys for the price of 2-5 euros... not 30 and you even get better games I have compared that... Just saying.
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Honestly, anyone who falls for that crap has no one to blame but themselves. I'm not saying you're an idiot, but I'm not saying you were very wise thinking that these kind of things weren't scams 99% of the times either.
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By the way, this is at top because I wanted to debunk a lot of my countries youtubers and the Steamcrate... Because with every purchase made as a referal they get 5 pounds... so yeah. I am angry but I still made this decision.
So guys wanna hear my story about how I got scammed a lot with steamcrate and how that site shouldn't be operational? I could give you a list of the games they gave me... A lot of [free] topics here covering them....
So the games I got from there are:
Terra Lander | 5.49Euro/Free
The Troma Project: 6.99Euro/Free
Two Worlds Epic Edition | 9.99Euro/Free
Uriel's Chasm 2 | 4.99Euro/Free
X-Blades | 9.99Euro/Free
A Bird Story | 3.99Euro/free
Bloop | 0.45Euro/Free
Broadsword : Age of Chivalry | 19.99Euro/Free
6.74 euros - This is how much it "costs" for that package. See the dashes they were so in the notepad(crate) I opened. Wierdly enough all keys are random but all the "boxes"(notepad files) have numbers on them which means they are predesigned?
That was the first "random" keys, which I wasn't satisfied so I dropped them a few emails. After that they kinda gave me another 10 keys because they can probably, because they are scamming a lot of people by sponsoring some youtubers and giving them a random game that is worth 50 euros and has a release date around 6 month span.
Gonna update.
Update 2:
So let's see what happened after I spoke with the support and what are the keys they gave me....
Scribblenauts Unmasked - 19.99/Not Free - YES ITS UNMASKED :D http://store.steampowered.com/app/218680/
Deponia - 15.99/Free
Space Run - 14.99/Not Free
Pix the Cat - 9.99/Not Free
Rage Steam CD Key - 9.99/Not Free
Yesterday - 9.99/Not Free
Sang-Froid - Tales of the Werewolves - 14.99/Not Free
Street Racing Syndicate - 9.99/Free
Small Town Terrors Pilgrim's Hook Collector's Edition - 14.99/Not Free
Magnetic By Nature - 9.99/Free
94.93 Real Worth if bought in Steam
And this month keys in a bit.
By the way Free - Was given in a giveaway(gleam.io). Not free - was never on a giveaway.
Endorlight - Under 3 pounds....
Era of majesty
Eurofighter Typhoon
Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween
Fall Of The New Age
Fiends of Imprisonment
Flix The Flea
Frontline Tactics - Free to play game...???
Frozen Hearth
And there is another game that is under 3 pounds but I am too lazy to check it out right now. There is a video(advertisement) on their site that they don't give keys that are worth less that 3 pounds. I contacted the support again they gave me three games as of "good" will. Check the games and go to the first batch of games, do you see a pattern?
The Troma Project
Two Worlds Epic Edition
Uriel\'s Chasm 2
The good thing at least is that I bought a 3 month subscription for 30 euros with a coupon. I still sorrow them but at least brothers be warned about that site, that is what I wanted to tell you with my 30 euros!
UPDATE 3: Got all my money back + 33 games they gave me out of good will?
TL;DR - Don't buy a SteamCrate, they will probably scam you!
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