there are plenty:
Dragon age 2 (Rpg for the cod crowd... brilliant),
Red orchestra 2 (seriously tried to like it),
dead island (online was for the month i played it was broken, always ended up at the start of the campaign given that i had finished chapter one already),
skyrim for pc(looking like it),
stronghold 3(fuck those devs... seriously),
battlefield 3(not just origin, spawns have fucked me more times than i like to remember) ,
Brink (customizing and shootin never felt so empty),
Rage (borderlands without bros?)
L.a. noire (i was seriously willing to like it, but i have played better point and click games and deus ex pulled off a better Q&A than Noire can ever do),
and a whole lot more...
why the only good i could find were orcs, tropico 4, and maybe saints row
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How can a game be a dissapointment if it isn't even released yet?
And BF3 is pretty great at its core, its just obviously rushed. I can't think of a Battlefield game that hasn't had a botched release in some capacity.
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Ea tradition: under predict the amount of public severs for an online fps, let them let them get overloaded , fix it later. they did this with bad company 2, but with bad company people had unplayable lag for a month.
skyrim looks good, but they got rid of a bunch of stuff like: mounted combat (sure it sucked in oblivion, but mount and blade was able to pull it off), spears, Levitation and other things. of course those are small complaints my main concern is the simplification i've heard around skyrim, i cant confirm it but i have a nagging suspicion
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I really hope you're wrong about Skyrim, it's the one game, that I pre-ordered this year (besides Deus Ex, which got lost in the mail...). You just have to be wrong about this, damnit!
As for the rest and I'm not trying to be mean, but maybe you should stop pre-ordering so many games? I was really tempted to buy some of those as well, but I was able to hold back and I'm glad I did, after reading some reviews.
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Well, that still sucks for you, but I guess it's not as bad as wasting the money for all 6 games...
It seems like most of the recent AAA title releases are bargain bin (or even garbage bin) material. I really hope Skyrim doesn't suck, otherwise this will definitely be the last game I've pre-ordered.
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well like what was mentioned a couple post down (which has confirmed my suspicion),
Skyrim is moving towards a more casual audience. while this does not mean, "we are aiming for the Call of Duty's audience", It does signal that skyrim will be fore of an action game with rpg elements. if you have never played morrow wind, then skyrim will undoubtedly be awesome.
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I know, that it won't be a slow paced game, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have however heard, that the part that was shown at all those games conventions was a very badly chosen part (more appealing to the Call of Duty-on rails-action crowd). It's sort of the intro and shortly after that, the game opens up and gets a completely different feel.
It could of course turn out like Dragon Age 2 (which I highly doubt), but from what I've read on RockPaperShotgun, I think it's going to be a great game. Maybe it's not as good as Morrowind, but the infinite dragons will probably lead to me forgiving it a lot of it's minor problems. ;)
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This is a process that has been ongoing since Daggerfall, and if you've ever played daggerfall, you'll see that when Morrowind came out, the TES community raged and how it was dumbed down and everything else, but Morrowind turns out to be the highest regarded game on the series (Let's face it, Oblivion was great because of the modding, not because of the rather dry quests).
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my mistake,
but yeah i fuckin enjoyed the shit outta tropico, i wanted to like stronghold, but: Combat boils down to how many units your can throw into the meat grinder, fences and things that you assume protect your troops only hinder units, you can't build a fence without gaps, attacking units often times forget they are at war with you, your villagers will walk straight at a wolf and die often times without even trying to run away, and a whole mess of other issues
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I think anyone with half a brain knew they were going to be bad so I fail to see how it's a disappointment, just the modern games industry being the modern games industry.
Personally I think the ending to the Witcher 2 was the biggest disappointment. Great game was really getting into it and BAM game ends. <Sadface>
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I have the 2.0 patch. What is this epilogue you speak of? Do you mean the arena or the tutorial because they exist outside of the main storyline setting.
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Of the year, I haven't played anything this year since everything is too expensive.
Personally, Binding of Isaac seemed interesting but its basically doing the same thing every room, every level, and I didn't love the core game enough to handle that.
I loved BF3 but a lot of the promised features were never delivered, but the game is actually pretty fun.
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I can definitely understand how some people could find Binding of Isaac repetitive, but it does repetition just right. The best comparison I can come up with is Pokemon. You keep doing the same thing over and over again, but you get a little better at it each time. Each time you try, you get closer to finding and obtaining everything to be found in the game. It's the drive to do better each time and to find everything there is that keeps people playing it (I personally have 24 hours into the game and still haven't finished).
As for my biggest disappointment of the year: Realizing just how bored people have become of games. It's gamers that are killing the gaming industry because no matter how many games come out, people will always find something to complain about them. Unfortunately, this isn't driving companies to make better/more unique games. It's forcing the companies to stop experimenting and just keep remaking the same things over and over again since those are the only things that they know people will buy (do we really need another CoD game).
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by that same token, I also found pokemon to be a horribly unfun game, so I can see how there would be overlap.
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I don't really enjoy Pokemom that much, I've grown out of it. Sure I used to enjoy it back when I was a foetus but I really don't see the appeal in it now.
That said I love The Binding of Isaac. Maybe because I'm a fan of the Roguelike genre and I love the call back to the old Zelda-esce level design.
@KobaltKnight: I find it hard to believe that the complaning of gamers is "killing" the industry. Is the stagnation of innovation that is doing this. Consumers who are shelling out $60+ for tripe have a right to complain.
If anything it's the lack of developers/publishers listening to the general feedback of the public that is causing this stagnation in the gaming industry. Of course the consumers can be blamed for buying the same crap over and over again at full price.
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So you are disappointed in BF3 or your computer for sucking?
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Skyrim being dumbed down even more than oblivion was, further moving away the TES series from RPG to Action/Adventure.
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I have. I had the opportunity to play 30 minutes of it at the Eurogamer Expo in London in September.
The man is correct.
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Judging on 30 minutes?
Well, you got me there. That's me with half the games on my Steam account.
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I disliked how unbalanced the skills were. In a game series who's selling point has always been the ability to play however you like, they definitely screwed people over who didn't want to play as a fighter or a mage in Oblivion.
Let's also not forget the horror of scaling enemies. Scaling enemies completely remove the reward you get for leveling up, and instead punish you for leveling too fast.
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Yes and Oblivion was also a huge downgrade in content from Morrowind, meant to be more of an action game than a hardcore RPG. A ton of skills and items removed lore removed same as Skyrim is doing to make it a smooth more action filled experience ala action/adventure with some rpg elements.
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I thought it was rather entertaining, certainly not GoTY quality though. My complaint about it is that I just couldn't stand to play it due to being a gaming perfectionist in games like it, and I couldn't stand having to completely redo an entire case if I made a single small mistake at the very end.
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Red Orchestra 2 was pretty much a complete waste of money and with Rage I should've waited until it hits the bargain bin, the extremely bland and force-fed dialog kinda ruins it.
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Homefront, Duke Nukem, Rage, Dragon Age 2, and Red Orchestra 2 seem to be overwhelming...not favorites.
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With how great the first Dragon Age game was, I can understand the disappointment in the second one. And DNF...well, it's starting to seem that any game that takes that long to come out is rarely worth it (see: Too Human).
As a side note with DNF, the gameplay has never been Duke Nukem's strong point, it's always been the comedy/shock value. With how old the series is now, and how used to extreme things in games as we are, the only strong point of the series is gone. I just played the demo of it and it felt like they took 10 years just to try to build up as many pop culture references as they could and throw them at you as often as possible so that you wouldn't notice the lack of actually enjoyable gameplay.
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Dont talk about Too Human, that valkyrie cutscene haunts me in my sleep.
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I'll agree that they can be overpriced at times, but handhelds definitely aren't a waste of money.
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i agree for now there are few good games that are not ports once it has a dozen then it aint a waste at least thats how i see it
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Battlefield 3. DICE ruined EVERYTHING. Yea, Battlefield 2 was not best game when it has been released, but not like that. This is happened because of consoles and market, oriented at 14 years old retarded kids with gaypads.
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Forget all what you know about BF 2. Now it's just Call Of Duty with large maps and vehicles. Damn, even maps is large (Operation Firestorm really big one), flags are placed very tight, literaly 50-100 metres between each others. Map desigh — fail.
DICE promiced enhanced destruction, but all you can is make a hole in wall and on urban maps (really shitty maps, great for mortars and tubes) falling pieces of wall can kill you. Oh, you can not bring down entire building, only front side (some strictures still destructable, but same way as in Bad Company 2). Big dissapoinment.
Unlock system migrate straight from CoD: get kills — get attachments, after attachments get Srevice Star (10k points each).
On "hardcore" mode it is camperfest.
Yes, about snipers — totaly useless. They dont have C4, claymores and other usefull stuff for diversions. They scopes now bleaking. Only good thing abot class — spawn beacpn and MAV (little scout drone, works good with support mortar). In other cases they just camp in far corners of map and fap on their K/D ratio. Well, also recon can mark targets with laser and you can kill them in 1 or 2 hits with Javeline/Guided Missile, but it has only 200 yrd range or near that.
Enginers now is supermans with rocket launchers and strong guns. They can take care of themselves without squad in most situations.
Only 4 classes now — Assault (also medic with unlimited health kits and defibs), support (LMG and unlimited ammo, mortar have unlimited ammo by default), Enginer (repair tool, RPG/Stinger/Javelline, at mines), recon (some guy with rifle and respawn beacon). No more specialized classes with lots of good stuff.
Jets now can't hold whole Battlefield in fear by beathing the crap out of every single one in 4 cockpits with fearsome bombs (yeah, capture enemy airfield and go make kills! Good old days). They dont have bombs. Most of the time they fighting each other in skyes and nobody cares about them.
I wont talk about graphics — play on LOW settings because i need FPS higher than 30 and my rig is middle-end. But people say that it's not so amazing as promiced. Just looking good.
By the way, it's only 1.5 week since release. Lets see what happens with game after six months.
Sorry for bad English, it's not my native language.
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Most of the rest sound like legitimate complaints, but these last ones are to be expected from any game. If after a while the same bugs (or ones very similar) still exist, then it is a definite thing to complain about.
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I'd also add in horrible co-op missions, and no split-screen multiplayer. I know most people don't care about that, but I'm the type of person that would like to be able to play with my friends while sitting in the same room.
Also, for having 32 or 64 or however many people there are on a map, I've never felt so isolated and bored. In 20-30 minute matches, even the top kills are only in the 20's. Sure, it has more "realism" but it's awfully slow and boring.
For what it's worth, after playing about 30 hours, I sold it and preordered MW3. It's not that I dislike BF3, but I just know I probably won't play it once MW3 comes out so I wanted to get as much for it as possible now.
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I'll download MW3 from torrents. For me series ended at CoD 2.
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I personally hate that games have almost completely phased out split-screen multiplayer (or at least split-screen co-op). Sure there were issues with screen-looking and the 4 small screens were a pain to look at, but it's just so hard to match the fun that comes from actually having your friends in the same room as you while you play.
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Not sure why you'd really want split screen outside of things like racing games.
I have enough computers and mointors hanging around this junkyard I call a house to host a small spy ring. Not to mention the ease of playing games over the internet/LAN these days.
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I've made too many positive threads. Time to look at shitty stuff! This year hasn't been entirely great. What games have really sucked and disappointed you this year?
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