I have posted this thread as a clarification to the thread opened before, regarding RandomGameKeys.eu . I am one of the owners of the website and saw the previous post, but the original poster closed it before i could respond. So, I thought I would give some explanations about this project. I saw that a large number of people entered the website in such a short period of time and checked the source of the traffic, this way i found out that someone posted on SteamGifts forum.

As the original poster of the thread said, the website is relatively new, but through hard work and determination, we hope that we can convince you that we are LEGIT and that we are here to stay.

The website currently has some features that you cannot find on other websites, such as: shop, refer-a-friend and the Random Games.


As a member of our site, you can earn free currency by referring customers to our site. Each active referral that deposits funds will earn you 5%-10% from the minimum deposit (5€).
We have implemented this system in order to give everyone a chance to get games. This way, if a user does not have the necessary funds to purchase games.
Due to this system, we strongly ask you that if you see users abusing this system (creating fake giveaways, spamming the forums or any other way that disturbs people), please report them and their links, so we can take actions against these methods and these users.

Random Games

For those of you that did not use the website by now, I will explain what this means.
Once you register on the site, you can purchase Diamonds (RandomGameKeys currency), and use them to purchase items from our site. The Random Keys product is a way to surprise our buyers. Basically what this means is that when the buyer purchases that product, he will receive a random game key from our stock. The stock is composed of many game keys, ranging from the more expensive ones ( Assassin's Creed Black Flag, CoD Ghosts ) to the more cheaper games ( Indies and more ).

For those of you that did not use the website by now, I will explain what this means.
Once you register on the site, you can purchase Diamonds (RandomGameKeys currency), and use them to purchase items from our site. The Random Keys product is a way to surprise our buyers. Basically what this means is that when the buyer purchases that product, he will receive a random game key from our stock. The stock is composed of many game keys, ranging from the more expensive ones ( Assassin's Creed Black Flag, CoD Ghosts ) to the more cheaper games ( Indies and more ).

This is how the slogan on our site came to life: What game does 1€ get you?

I hope that the fact that i created a new thread and post it here is not an issue. If this thread breaks any rule of the SteamGifts forum, I will close it immediately.

I just wanted to clarify things about RandomGameKeys.

11 years ago*

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Are the chances to win an indie higher than AAA or is it all equal chance?

11 years ago

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I am glad that you asked me this question, because i forgot to mention it. The chances of getting indie games are the same with getting higher value games. The fact is that the quantity of higher value games is less than the mid-value and indie games. This is mainly because the site is fairly new and we are only at the beginning of the road. As soon as the website gets a fair amount of visitors and members, we will increase the number of high value games.

11 years ago

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I'm confused...in a pool with where the quantity of higher value games is less than the quantity off mid-value and indie games....doesn't that automaticly mean the chances are lower to get a high value game?

The same chances would be a 50:50 pool.

11 years ago

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Yes , but what i ment to say is that the chance is equal for all , doesen't matter how much you spend , we will think about another loyality system.

11 years ago

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I think he means they just don't have the much keys of higher value games but everything is at the same chance.

11 years ago

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All keys have the same chance of being 'won' - i.e. chance to win a key is 1 / number keys the site has.

Because they have more cheap keys, your chance of winning a cheap is greater than a more expensive one.

(Or at least, that's how I interpret it.)

11 years ago

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He's saying each game has a chance, but say you have 100 games. 30 AAA games and 70 indie games. There's still a 1% chance for each game, but simply because there is more indie games, you have a 70% chance to get an indie game and a 30% chance to get a AAA game. What you're asking is for them to put all the indie games and all the AAA in separate pools, and choose a pool at 50% each, THEN randomly pick a game from the pool. That isn't how it works.

11 years ago

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Maybe try to include bonus diamonds as an incentive for larger diamond purchases.

11 years ago

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Thank you for the sugestion , we are thinking of a diamonds plan. We are always opened to sugestions :). The site opened Friday , and until now it amazed us.

11 years ago

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In other words if everybody would have received a Call Of Duty Ghosts on every purchase , we would have been bankrupt already :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Indeed, interesting.

11 years ago

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How long does it usually take until I get the "random games" I bought? Also, how do I receive them? Via email?

11 years ago

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Hello , well the bot would normally give them instant , thank you for the pruchase. The keys will be normally send via email , and it's visible on the site http://randomgamekeys.eu/my-account/view-order/ . We must manually verify the each order to be ok via payments , emails and other details to avoid scams and frauds. But it is always the bot who picks the games.
Thank you again for the pruchase , out of curioisity what was it i didn't had time to check :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Sounds like an interesting idea, though not so sure I'd bother with the site myself. The Random thing could be fun, but while I know the popular games listed, I'd just end up with something I already own, most likely.

Maybe include a full list of the titles that up possible with a Random purchase. Some users might consider it a decent gamble, while others might just buy their games regularly to prevent getting keys they don't need.

11 years ago

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Yes we tought about that aswell , but for 1 euro you can either gift it to a friend , or exchange it with someone for a chance. We may thing of a buyback program , but that is a litle more dificult to make. This is a ideea.

11 years ago

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While gifting the key is an option, knowing the potential titles first is still something I'd prefer myself. For example, if I got eXceed, I'd have nothing but trouble ditching that on a user I know.

11 years ago

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Not so hard, if the key is hidden and revealable, could be returned without revealing it for some diamonds back.
Go increase that 140h ;)

11 years ago

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Nice way of making money with old bundle-keys. Respect.

11 years ago

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Well it's not actually only old bundles , or atleast i think so. Out suplier gave us a bulk of 15.000 keys. :) it's about your luck.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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registration with visible password? why?

11 years ago

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well, you can log in with steam

11 years ago

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apparently can't if tried to register :D
steam login just times out :(

11 years ago

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The correct answer was "I don't know, that's a weird oversight! I'll send our webmaster a note to fix it ASAP, in the meantime you can log in with your steam account."

11 years ago

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steam login for me just goes into timeout! and only this site. i can log in with steam everywhere else...

11 years ago

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I'm absotively certain that's just a weird coincidence.

11 years ago

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Seems like the only people winning with this are the owners of that site: they will always get paid regardless of what you get.

11 years ago

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The house always wins. If they didn't, they wouldn't stay in business.

11 years ago

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All I wanna know is before I made an account or anything... how much are diamonds? That's the most important thing. I don't see anywhere that tells you until you make an account and try to buy some... which is pretty annoying. So, I'd never make an account on a site like that without knowing.

11 years ago

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1 Euro = 10 diamonds.

11 years ago

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Ah, thanks. Seems like a good way to waste money, which is what I cannot afford to do.

11 years ago

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If any of us could, this site would be awash in better games.

11 years ago

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Just bought 5 random steam games to give it a test, guessing it will be previously bundled games that I allready own, but I will report back when I get them.

11 years ago

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Thanks... let us know dude.

11 years ago

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Thank you for the purchase Jokke , unfortunatelly i can't controll what hte bot gives you , there are some higher valued keys that bumb when they are given , and in one of the last order , a Hitman Absolution was sent.

11 years ago

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another hitman absolution jsut poped up :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I'm not saying that all the keys sold will be bundled games, all of mine was, and i am guessing many will be. But I don't even think you are allowed to resell some them if they came from humblebundle or something.

11 years ago

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Hey since you're here doing PR could you tell us in plain English what your policy is on gifting keys? If someone gets a game they already own can they give/trade it away or is that against your TOS?

11 years ago

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these are all being resold from bundles. they aren't really in a position to be having fancy policies about already shady shit.

11 years ago

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I respect your opinion, but I'd like to see an "official" statement on this.

11 years ago

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Got my keys really fast. And since I was right when I guessed that they would be previously bundled games that I allready own, you can have them

11 years ago

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Thanks, took Trine 2.

11 years ago

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Thanks for the Warlock game ^^

11 years ago

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Thanks! Took Command and Conquer :)

11 years ago

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Bought 5 random games. Mark of the Ninja, Hitman Abso, Red Orchestra, Showdown effect and Medal of Honor. Well, it could be worse.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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id like to see someone win something more valuable than hitman abs and i might invest

11 years ago

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i haven't visited the site yet but that would be a good feature on the site to see a feed of the latest more valuable games won on the site.

Like a list....game xyz won 12min ago by Herp**** (end blanked out for anomymity)

11 years ago

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Thanks for the sugestion we will definetly do that , we have tried to be honest but it needs more work in encoding.

11 years ago

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something like that would be awesome as well. Btw these fake customer testimonies aren't very attractive, that makes me more suspicious than if they werent there

11 years ago

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Why? Don't you trust me that I get 50% more value out of my steam keys since I started using that site and I even got more girlfriends since then ;)

just kidding :D

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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thought I would try it out here are the games I received
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter,
Syberia 1,
Warlock Master of The Arcane

11 years ago

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got just garbage (wich I already own) (most not even worth 1€ -_-):
Snuggle truck
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
Dark Sector
Space Pirates and Zombies
East India Company Gold

11 years ago

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Realy? SnuggleTruck? The "was for free from developer-page 1-2 days ago" Snuggle Truck?

no comment...

11 years ago

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i think that to make this site less frustrating getting bundle games all the time the site should guarantee at least a non bundle game if you spend something like 50 diamonds

11 years ago

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50 diamonds are "only" 5€ I guess if that would guarantee you a higher prized game they would go broke in a short time.

But yes, some sort of that should be there but 50 diamonds is too less

11 years ago

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non-bundle games doesnt necesarrilly means AAA. it could be an indie game (maybe one that has already been 75%) and 4 bundle games.

that way customers wouldnt feel cheated like i think people is feeling right now with so many bundle games being delivered.

someone has to win for the site to be trustworthy, like casinos

11 years ago

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I would try it out if it didn't have a minimum amount for purchasing diamonds. Exchange rate from Australian to Euros sucks.

11 years ago

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How many euros do you get for one kangaroo? ;)

11 years ago

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It's just over 7 kangaroos for one Euro. Frankly, I'd probably get more out of eating them.

11 years ago

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there should be a way of liking this xD!! lmfao +1

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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And all this was 1 euro together or 1 euro each or something like this?
Btw thanks for the hitman guy.

11 years ago

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isn't it illegal t resell keys?

11 years ago

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that would never be illegal, the only thing it CAN be is against someones Terms of Service like humbles.

11 years ago

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so the humble bundle company could sue these people if they didn't obtain the keys through the proper channels.

11 years ago

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Hello yrt , you are not paying atention, you are not actually paying for the keys , you are paying for diamonds :)

11 years ago

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Have you consulted an attorney about this?

EDIT: I don't mean "does the company have counsel," I mean have YOU personally discussed what you are doing with a lawyer?

11 years ago

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LOL, actually LOL
I hate, and at the same time love people like you :D

11 years ago

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We also bought bought the pack of keys from a suplier , so we don't actually know their provenience.

11 years ago

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I'd have just said they fell off the back of a truck, but then I'm old school.

11 years ago

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are DLCs inside the games pool? if they are that would suck pretty much...

11 years ago

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Hello , there are DLC coming only with the base game if it is that case.

11 years ago

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well...i've got a screenshot of an order that shows a DLC as a separate item

11 years ago

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So... are the keys all region free? That's really the most important thing to me.

11 years ago

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Hello , yes all the keys are region free.

11 years ago

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Cool... I'll bite. Just for the novelty and hey... minimum diamond purchase is pretty cheap. This can also be read as: "I just worked 16 hours and now I'm feeling bored and reckless."

11 years ago

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Randomgamekeys has just sent me a CDKEY for Call of Duty ghosts !! Thank you so much guys !! made my day !!!! <3 <3 <3

11 years ago

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Thanks Patapon , he was actually the first who won ghosts. ^^

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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Yeah...it's a good thing I don't "gamble" with money because it really gets a bit fishy now & combined with a comment a bit further up that you don't really pay for legal reasons for the keys instead for the diamonds is something which always lets me turn around quickly and run :D

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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they JUST sent it huh? explain how you have 11 hours on the mp already then rofl. Nice attempt

11 years ago

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getting a key for ghosts doesnt mean he coudlnt own it before... but yeah.. suspicious... and he has kamba as friends in the steam friendlist

11 years ago

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Wow 4 minutes = 11.6 hours. New time zone or something?

11 years ago

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Hey , thank you the key was delivered friday , he just saw the thread now , and i asked him to post here , and yes i have 350+ friends and over 200 of them bought atleast a 50 diamodns.

11 years ago

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thats all really fishy.
If he got the key friday why did he wrote you send it just now to him?
And why are you on his friendslist on steam if he is just a normal customer from the site, what an odd coincidence.

11 years ago

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well there are more customers from my friends list then from other places :) , so the ods are over 50% than a guy from my friends list would have won it :).

11 years ago

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He never said anything about not already having the game yet, maybe he's just happy to get something for his money :D

11 years ago

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no , this is the one he got on friday , is it wrong if i asked him to write here? or nowadays people just like to be to suspicious?

11 years ago

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How often does that site update? It's been saying "12 Orders Delievered" for ever.

11 years ago

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it's not real time , that was after 1 hour of the launch , we have to do it manually unfortunatelly

11 years ago

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The idea is good. There are a lot of people who would enjoy trying their luck. (well, its gambling after all). However, with no full list of games and other information about the chances to win or especially where these keys are coming from, what I'm seeing is "Selling old bundle keys for an euro each = PROFIT!"

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Kamba.