Apparently, it isn't that uncommon for gifters to blacklist their winners in order to give others a chance at winning future giveaways.
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yeah, sorry about that, it was quick reckless decision after i see you done only group and region locked giweaways. I decided it a bit un fair because you give chance only to small group of people but take part in public giveways. It was a litlle un fair from my side and you were curious enough to make topic in forum so i un-blaklisted you. Sorry.
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only ask you to give chance to biger group of community if you may :)
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Yeah, i remeber now you are region locked in steam store. It was good way to handle, I just sometimes do rush decission when im in stres or angry for unrelated reasons. Now we good, soo have nice time with this game and congratulations for winning it :)
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Usually i blacklist someone when he create giveaway for free game and don't respond when users tell him thats it against rules or changing tittle and use eg "Puzzle Anime" but is free "Puzzle Japan".
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+1 to this.
Seems a common practice, even though the odds of you winning another public GA from the same person is improbable, people do blacklist winners here. Don't ask me why.
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Oppenh4imer does it everytime, even I am blacklisted, eventhough he is on my whitelist :D
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I never BL'ed a user for winning my GA. I have BL'ed my winners if rerolls were necessary.
You are on my BL category misleading/fake/free GA. If my memory does not trick me, it was when you were new here. Seeing that you seem to be a decent member, try again to enter a GA of mine.
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Two of my GA have been cancelled, one was when I was giving away Hero Academy Gold pack DLC which had to be first activated on the devs website from where one would get steam code. I could not do the first step myself as I already redeemed my copy on dev website and it didn't allow multiple redemptions. So I cancelled the GA.
The other one was when I created a GA for 8-bit boy (got it for 98% off sale or something like that), during same period pcgamer started giving away free copies to people and hence GA got cancelled.
Neither times did I try to trick anyone (should be apparent from my overall activity at steamgifts). I really do not mind being on peoples blacklist as I am not here to farm games but to share. I add people to my whitelist simply based on their ratio, activity, or good nature. Never do I care to dig deep into rerolls or stuff like that. Its a personal choice though, I never said you offended me by blacklisting.
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Oh, I didn't know that. Good stuff. Thanks for the info Bond!
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if i were to guess, i would probably go with how the giveaways you make are region restricted
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looks like every giveaway since its implementation, minus the one for this thread, obviously.
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you werent allowed to make them before. It looks like he made some giveaways for a russian group on steam, so that sort of thing (groups for specific places)would have been one way to get around the rule, since the only people entering would have been able to activate.
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I was just providing what I saw as the most likely reason someone would blacklist him.
think of it from their perspective too, the person literally wouldnt be able to enter any you make, so they are effectively blacklisted without being actually blacklisted.
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People blacklist for the strangest reasons.
Maybe it's because your won/given ratio is too close to 1:1, maybe it's because you're Russian, maybe it's because of all the region-restricted GAs's, maybe the creator doesn't want anyone to win a second GA from them, maybe they don't like your avatar, maybe it's because you didn't leave a thank-you comment. maybe they don't like you making critical statements targetted at Valve.
Or maybe it's one of the other weird reasons that I've heard before, which I can't apply to your steam profile or the GA itself.
For what it's worth, it doesn't seem to be due to anything that you could actually do something about. (Well, "not commenting" could be, but then you'd risk getting blacklisted for leaving a comment instead...)
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Boo hoo, you've been blacklisted. You won a game and this is your way of thanking him? How about adding him on Steam? Making a public affair out of it plus saying who it was is not really showing any gratitude, but seems more like you want to victimize yourself publicly. The wording is also important. "Thanks, I guess" doesn't sound all that enthusiastic.
Everyone has their own reason for blacklisting people. Sure, it sucks, but this is not how you should handle it.
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You can acces the giveaway by being logged off. Also you can see who made the giveaway on the wins list on your profile.
So it really wasn't necessary to make a thread for this.
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29,790 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Lugum I was blacklisted for reasons unknown but, as a gent, still have to express my gratitude guess I'll just say it here.Thanks. Here you go. Could as well just ask for a re-roll, I'd never know...Now, could someone possibly click that link above and tell what I did or didn't. Just curious.Also, first time blacklisted. Yay?Case closed everyone, thanks for your response. There's still a giveaway hidden somewhere, so I'll just keep the thread open until it ends.
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