You can just leave this thread, I've had enough of you.
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Ok, 3 things... You've finally got a raise out of me
One: I've had enough of your trolling shit, Insult me once fucking more, Say one more fucking thing that makes me feel bad again, ONE MORE DEMEANING WORD AND I WILL FUCKING FIND YOU AND FUCKING DESTROY YOU.
Two: You seem to think you are immune to punishment, Well your not....You can enjoy what will be coming your way soo enough...Non-sg related.
Three: Goodbye, Probably going to get a ban myself now but thats ok....Atleast i wont have to put up with anymore of your shit.
As for the rest of sg....Your Still Awsome
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Sorry dude, I'm just at the end of my tether with it
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Just so everyone is clear, OP is apparently mad because I suggested that visiting the dentist more than two times in twenty years would be an upgrade for his oral health. But hey, congrats on trolling your own thread complaining about trolling.
Also, lol
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Thats not why i am mad,
I am mad because you keep insinuating things that are not true, you keep putting me down. That is Trolling and Actually cyber bullying....Ya know what the police can deal with this.
And like i've already told you, going to the dentist is to fix issues, I did not need to go to the dentist in 20 yr because up untill now i have had No Issues with any of my teeth. Due to Immaculate health.
Also: FUCK YOU you lying piece of shit
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Maybe you should just stop feeding a troll? Because those who feed trolls are also considered trolls. At least by me and others I know.
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Its fine am leaving now, Wont be back...Except to post out the last key for the giveaway am running.
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That's not really trolling... He's just being slightly dickish. And he's right. You need to go to the dentist more regularly; dental health is very important.
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Hmm, I am not quite sure if you are being serious yourself, but you know you can expect answers like that when you pust stuff online right?
I just had a really quick stroll through that topic, didn't really see anyoneputting you down. Besides yourself probably by taking it all too seriously.
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as Gear say above, if someone want to troll, pissoff you, just consider those like, wind blow beside your ear,don;t care, don;t notice, no one can have fun to see those that he/she say have no effect
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"Insult me once fucking more, Say one more fucking thing that makes me feel bad again, ONE MORE DEMEANING WORD AND I WILL FUCKING FIND YOU AND FUCKING DESTROY YOU"
You really don't get to play the "cyber bullying" card after you just made a death threat over the internet, dude. Yeah, he's being a bit of an asshole, but that's more of a taunt at himself than to you. It's like some asshat who yells across the street "UR MOM IS FAT OLOLO", instead of feeling insulted, you should probably feel sympathy for the mentally stunted babby and join everyone else in cringing -for- him.
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a hippie on high ? or a hippie on hyper mode (dmg +200%, crit +50%, def +200%)
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Who goes to the dentist twice a year? You must be a masochist.
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Yes, but I was under the impression that once a year is the norm.
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Your dentist will usually set the schedule. Some people need scaling more often than others.
Personally I see the dentist once a year and the oral hygienist every 6 months.
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The thing is... You consider this trolling... '_'
I don't think it is, but if it is I see no reason for you to get mad at it.
Unless of course his reply actually gets you banned for some reason.
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Yeah sure, trolls are everywhere. Are you telling something new? nope.
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Just a while back you created a thread about how awesome this community is, generous and helpful.
It seems you were dishonest.
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And the Community is awsome, Its a Shame certain members are letting it down.
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You have a certain point but the world ain't no sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place...
You should know the rest. The world(and in this case, the internet which is a "new world") is a terrible place and there is nothing we can do to change. We can try but we will never get success.
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Or report the ENTIRE Internet to the police for cyber bullying.
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I cant win, I give up, My Opinion is shifting and wait till this happens with someone else and it will.
Really is no point in trying to get this fixed so i will just leave.
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Remember kids, the only way to beat a troll is to not respond at all.
A fight with a troll is like a game of tic-tac-toe in Wargames: "The only way to win is to not play at all".
Trolls are attention whores by nature, any response will only empower them. That's why they will keep it up longer than you - it sustains them while it wears you out.
Don't give them the attention - even if it takes effort to hold back your replies.
Don't feed them and they will starve or move to a different territory.
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Yeah, can't see anything else in this as well.
Too general speaking to actual make sense (the dental thread should not be it, but all over SG, well, I see no examples :P), too sepcific denying it has anything to do with the denthal thread, talking about not wanting to return to setting things right again. Well sorry, I don't sometrhing put right, I see only a bunch of users being confused about this is legitimate trolling, or something else. :P
throws a bone, in case the troll is hungry
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I think it boils down to the fact that it's kind of hard to prove that someone is trolling in a lot of cases? Most of the time you can just ignore it, too. Pick your battles.
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Since when is telling people about my day trolling, the giveaway was only added in the text so that those who actually took the time to read were rewarded.
That is not trolling but common sense and decency.
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It's called sarcasm. Basically they're letting the OP know that their hidden GA was appreciated without giving away to other users that there is a hidden GA. It also raises awareness of ill behavior for people who actually didn't get it was a hidden GA.
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Hey, I understand what you're trying to say there, but that's pretty much like taking people's freedom of speech. SG isn't SOPA. OR IS IT
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I don't understand if here is a hidden giveaway or not... Because i can't see it with all what i know to find them but... Well... If u feed the troll is your fault... I don't give a f*** of them when they talk to me... Im like this
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I think I'd like to see a specific example OP. Just so we're all clear.
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Your definition of a troll is very lax. If you hide a giveaway too well within your opening post, your thread looks like spam and will naturally be met with a degree of appropriate negativity. When you hide a giveaway in a link under a period, or when you even go as far as to totally snuff the link and force people to open the page source to find it, you are doing it to yourself. There is no need for people to constantly hide the giveaways like that.
The endless threads titled "NO GIVEAWAYS HERE NOPE DONT CLICK I'M SO ORIGINAL HAHA SRS" with three words in the body, a source-link to a badly thought out puzzle with misspelled answers, that links to Fortix or Trine? They're pretty grating and just serve as a slow flood pushing the other subjects away.
While I agree that a certain degree of moderation is necessary, banning people for your definition of 'trolling' is a fast-track to having simple disagreement turn into a bannable offence.
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My Thread has absolutely nothing to do with it, The reason for this thread is as stated, trolls Baiting people all over Sg, People are Deviating left right and center with posts here.
The troll who has singled me out since i came here has been pushing everyone towards my last thread to derail the entire argument and everyone is falling for it.
Infact his previous comments on my last thread were not a problem, but his constant abuse towards me has gotton to the point of no return.
For everyone else, i dont wish to have to return to set things right yet again, Just stop for a second, Stop bitching about trivial things and stop being played like fools over a dental thread with a giveaway that has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS.
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"banning people for your definition of 'trolling' is a fast- track to having simple disagreement
turn into a bannable offence ."
There is already. They call it blacklist.
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Am I the only person here who's actually okay with proper trolling?
Like they say, trolling is a art, and it's actually really entertaining to watch a (proper) troll executed, especially when people still fall for it.
I'm all up for banning flaming though. That's just stupid and immature.
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Certain Individuals Baiting Others into arguments, and Diminishing the forums and community
Example: You Create a post asking a question about a game, and hide a giveaway, then strolls along a troll who starts covertly insulting the thread maker
Something seriously needs to be done, I've experienced it myself, i've seen others have it done to them and Everyone of the people that do it are still around, its getting to the point where i just feel like leaving, Seriously am sick to death of it, and they are untouchable apparantly.
I love steamgifts but a serious cleanout it needed.
Detailed Problem:
Some will Say this is the state of the internet and i agree, but when i troll is not being banned and is allowed to continue what he is doing it tells me 2 things, No one Cares and No one is Trying to Prevent it.
Now People are banned for other reasons so why not this, lack of knowledge of the trolls, Lack of care...I dont know but What it seems is that people who have contributed a little bit seem to become immune to bans. They can walk all over someone in a post and then when that other person gets offended and hits back, Wham the victim is banned.
I expect alot of abuse and i welcome it, Because i want a better experience for future users, its worth the risk.
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