This was just changed today and cg didn't make an announcement about it, but I feel like it's a somewhat major change and deserves its own thread instead of being hidden in the change log.

From the change log:

  1. We no longer log previous usernames, since they're personal data. This means you can now change your username to one that was previously used by another user.
  2. Usernames can now be changed every 30 days, instead of once a year. This is done so users can more easily modify their personal data.

After all this time suggesting the limit to be reduced, it finally happened! No more having to wait an entire year to change your username.

I still think the most previous username should be logged for at least 31 days though, if you want to go back to your previous username after changing it and regretting that.

And this confirms (as I already suspected) that your previous usernames were locked to your account in the past (some people claimed this was not true).

Also, I don't know if you guys saw the announcement on SteamTrades, but you can now change your username there (and view your comment history).

6 years ago

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What do you think about these changes?

View Results
I like both of them.
I like only change #1.
I like only change #2.
I dislike both of them.

This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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I can see how the first one could, because it will be extremely confusing seeing users using usernames that were previously used by other users.

And now that I think about it, this could be used for impersonation.

6 years ago

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this could be used for impersonation.

My first thought

6 years ago

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I think SteamTrades should use the Steam username rather than a site specific username in the first place...

6 years ago

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Why? The two sites are not related at all, despite being made by the same person.

Edit: Nevermind my inability to read, I though you meant SteamGifts username. Yeah, I think I agree.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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  1. It's still possible to block old usernames; you can keep a log of used names without linking to a specific account... but whatever :p
6 years ago

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That's actually a very good solution to deal with potential impersonation.

6 years ago

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Yeah I just posted about it in the changelog thread, hope he'll consider it :)

6 years ago

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Even disconnected from the actual accounts, usernames still could leak private information.

On the other hand, you could keep a log of username hashes to block them. It would not be possible to recover the original names from the hashes, but it would be easy to check hashes of new usernames against an existing hash list.

6 years ago

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I won't use these new features myself but some on SG will be very happy to change their SG nick twelve times a year instead of once to cause confusion and so to be dropped from BL while some will be happy to use the nick previously used by another user. ^^

6 years ago

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to cause confusion and so to be dropped from BL

Can't it just be because you want a change? I really hate this assumption that everyone who wants to constantly change their usernames are doing so for bad reasons.

6 years ago

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Not everyone does but some sure do as I have seen within my own BL.

6 years ago

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You really think that people are changing their names to get out of your blacklists? I mean, maybe, but that seems like a stretch to me.

People seem to just be interested in changing their image, not much else. Like when people change their profile pics.

I could be wrong here though.

6 years ago

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Well, at least speaking from experience, every time I've changed usernames in the past (on all of my social accounts) was because I got bored/tired of my current username and wanted something new or more creative. Not because I wanted a change of image.

6 years ago

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All I can say is that in nearly 4 years on SG I have seen those within my BL change their SG nick and SG avatar to something completely else, multiple times and this can't all be coincidences. So yes I think that some on SG use this feature and will use it now more to premeditatedly cause confusion so to be dropped from BL or not recognized for previous things like SG comments and specific behavior on the SG forums.

6 years ago

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Is your blacklist small? (Under 50 or so) If so, then there might be a correlation there, but right now I don't think correlation would necessarily equal causation.
I've seen people changing their names and profile pics a fair few times.
But yeah, some people might've changed everything just to seem like a completely different person, yeah.

6 years ago

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It's larger but I don't BL for things that can be handled by SGTools like non-activated wins. Also not all are alike on SG. For example (and I have already posted this in my train threads before and after the train ends) some purposely drop their BL so they can enter the train and the giveaways and then when the train ends pull their BL back up again. What I mean with this is that there will be some on SG who will use this new feature to slither away from BL by means of chaos and confusion.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I agree. The only disagreement seems to be the ratio of bad/good apples. But overall, there shouldn't be any bad apples and I don't like this change at all.

6 years ago

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cg admin please add an option to show steamID64 instead of names. if they are so random, then they are useless.

View attached image.
View attached image.
6 years ago

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Anyway I can't help but feel like these changes are opening the door for new abuses.

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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Not even sure how I feel about this. Been using breadman or some combination of bread in my IGN since the early 2000s, and can't imagine how confusing it would be to people on here who have known me for a decade if I just switched up my name one day to something that has nothing to do with bread.

The world would probably end if such a thing ever happened. -_-

Also I've ran into other breadmen, mainly back in my left4dead days, so I know it's a common name that I definitely don't want to lose on steamgifts. :(

6 years ago

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Well, that was always possible, though, you just had to wait a whole year to do it.

But if you mean someone else using your username instead of you, yeah, I think that change does more harm than good.

6 years ago

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Yeah I'm alright with people changing names, but for obvious reasons not okay with someone being able to use the name I've had on here for close to 5 years, if I ever did change my name. And this sudden change only strengthens my opinion on the matter.

6 years ago

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NO and No. Don't like either. Confusing enough with names and profiles being changed regularly. Makes it easier to impersonate someone.

6 years ago

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If only change #2 was implemented, there wouldn't be any room for impersonation, though.

6 years ago

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One more way to destroy any sort of accountability on both sites.

6 years ago

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Accountability by whom, though? Because if you broke the rules, then you will be suspended no matter what your username is. If you mean accountability by SG users, then sure, but is that really important?

6 years ago

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If you mean accountability by SG users, then sure, but is that really important?

It's part of the system of checks and balances.

6 years ago

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But 30 days is a pretty long time to hold accountability, isn't it? Or do you think that someome who has done something bad must have that held against them for the rest of their lives?

I think the change on SteamTrades is a horrible idea, though. I didn't see any indication in the settings page of the time limit to change your username there. My impression is that you can do it at any point.

6 years ago

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But 30 days is a pretty long time to hold accountability, isn't it?

For some things it's fine. For others, it's not. And it allows repeated abuse - every 30 days rather than one year.

6 years ago

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Maybe a good solution to satisfy both those who would like to change their usernames every once in a while without an agenda behind it and those who want accountability would be this:

  • If you want to change your username, you have to go through support first.
  • Support will then review your suspension history and deny/allow the change based on it.

Would increase the amount of tickets though, so maybe not a good solution after all.

6 years ago

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Suspension history isn't personal accountability - users don't have access to that, and let's face it, we often see much more (as a group) than support does.

Suspension history is just official accountability.

6 years ago

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I don't know what the solution is then.

But it's sad that good-standing users should be limited to a feature that they want because it's used in a bad way by other users.

1 year is a really long time to be stuck with a username that you don't want if you regretted changing it.

6 years ago

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But it's sad that good-standing users should be limited to a feature that they want because it's used in a bad way by other users.

I agree. But it's usually the bad eggs that spoil the basket for the rest of us.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Yeah, maybe ST should use the Steam username like someone mentioned below.

6 years ago

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But 30 days is a pretty long time to hold accountability, isn't it?

One can do that every 30 days without a single day of accountability, by for example changing names, and starting shitposting 29 days later, and change the name afterwards, within a name.
While it's obviously an over the top solution, it's getting a bit weird that at this point one can just delete their comments so not even the staff can read it, and just change the name so even screenshots are useless because can be. Basically if support doesn't find someone red-handed, any consequence can be avoided.

6 years ago

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Well, but these changes do need to happen, right? I haven't read anything about GDPR, but is cg going overboard with the things that he needs to change?

6 years ago

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IMHO linking to someone's Steam account from SG is much more personal than a simple username

Edit: Just to clarify - No, I am definitely not advocating getting rid of that feature.

6 years ago

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Don't put ideas in cg's head!

6 years ago

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I've seen users who broke the rules many many times and still are not banned.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I'm going out to get a cat today so I can be jims9360.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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konrad will revive!

6 years ago

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Maybe we can have more than 6 this time!

6 years ago

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Every 30 days? Rlly? .........

6 years ago

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So scammers can scam more easily?

Why was this change implemented?

6 years ago

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Privacy! On the Internet! Crazy!

6 years ago

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Use PGP/GPG if identity traceability is such a concern to you.

6 years ago

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We should be locked to one username and one avatar.

6 years ago

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A bit drastic, don't you think?

6 years ago

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I lead by example.

6 years ago

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why?.... avatar same as steam, and nick locked. is good :p.

6 years ago

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Same as Steam is different than being locked with one avatar forever. You can still change your avatar on Steam.

6 years ago

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Once again, thank you GDPR. It's sad the lawmakers had to force such obvious common sense onto those totally irrespectful companies who would sit on personal data forever...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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This change is useless for me, though. I already went back to revilheart last month when my 12 months expired. I wanted this change 10 months ago. xD

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yeah xD

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I FINALLY corrected my mistake and added the "u" :p. Thanks for the heads up!

6 years ago

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No problem!

6 years ago

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Meh. Using inactive usernames can be good, but both changes do need an username history.

6 years ago

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Pretty sure since cg is changing all of this because of privacy that he's not going to implement a username history.

ESGST (it's a script) has a feature that tracks usernames of about 9000 users though, so at least it helps a bit.

6 years ago

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I have an extra letter in my nickname, because what I wanted was previously taken. But I assume, that I still can't change it because that user is just inactive for 5 years now?

6 years ago

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These changes do not reflect inactivity of users. Unfortunately usernames currently being used by inactive users are still unavailable.

6 years ago

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Renaming is okay. But the complete eradication of one's previous names should be optional and come with a price.
So if people would want to get rid of their history completely, which is their right, take their CV too. Or maybe 50%? Or two levels?
That certainly would prevent the worst abuse while it still grants the people their GDPR.

6 years ago*

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Even optional wouldn't prevent impersonation.

Suppose you change your username right now to Golwar2, you optionally decide to eradicate your history, someone comes along and changes their username to Golwar with the same avatar as you (and let's say they joined at a similar date as you and have a similar amount of comments as you). How would we be able to tell who's who, since there isn't a username history? One would think you're actually the impersonator by being Golwar2.

I realize this might not be a big problem here, since we're not talking about trades, but still...

6 years ago

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Impersonation certainly isn't the only problem we will see. And while my suggestion wouldn't solve impersonation, it surely wouldn't do any harm if deleting their history would cost them.

6 years ago

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Can you list another problem? I can't think of anything other than impersonation that can come by using a username that another user has used.

Well, confusion as well, for sure, but other than that...

6 years ago

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Ahem, you have been all over this thread and you have only registered impersonation?

6 years ago

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Yes, I don't think anyone brought up another issue. Maybe I'm just too dumb to see it, but impersonation and confusion are the only problems I can see with the locking change.

6 years ago

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Oh no... Yeah, this will most definitely be easy to abuse, it's unreal. Plus, it'll make the support's job harder by having people just shitpost for a day or break some other rule, get a warning and then change their name to get a clean slate. This is bad... really bad.

6 years ago

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Changed my username about 4 months ago and now I can't change it, I still have to wait one year for a new change?

6 years ago

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Odd, I can't change mine either (and I changed it a month ago). Maybe for those who have changed it in the past 12 months the clock hasn't been reset yet? I don't know.

6 years ago

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Houston, we have a problem! Someone get in touch with cg please and explain him our problem, thanks! ^^

6 years ago

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I don't know if cg is reading this thread, but you can post here and hopefully he will see it.

6 years ago

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It should be fixed now.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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cg fixed it.

6 years ago

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Each update kinda is getting worse and worse. Oh well...

6 years ago

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Is it? Despite the privacy stuff, many recent updates have been bringing a lot of good things (especially the latest one with comment history on SteamTrades, which I'm hoping will come to SteamGifts as well).

The only recent updates that have been problematic were the deletion of comments/threads and now this.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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And they are exactly what I've been referring to, yes.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Yeah, you still cannot change to usernames taken by inactive accounts.

6 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by rafaelgomesxyz.