I recently got the controller and I'm looking for games that you can enjoy playing using the controller mentioned above.

So far I tried few games :

Bioshock Infinite : Can't play it or needs time. Very hard to control in fights.

Borderlands : The same

Gta IV : It's ok so far, need more practice with camera control

Mark of the Ninja : It plays really nice with the controller, nice and smooth. Best game so far using the controller.

Far Cry 3 : It's better than GTA IV when you drive a car. Still need practice in combat but it's far better than Bioshock and Borderlands.

Witcher 2 : Could not get passed the tutorial :D . Had some button to press, pressed all but nothing happened. Maybe will try again some other time.

The Walking Dead : Plays ok but the camera movement for when you need to select or start actions feels clumsy.

That is all I tested so far. If you have more ideas, feel free to comment here.


10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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Gears of War, Ace Combat Assault Horizon, Assasins Creed Series, Hitman Absolution, Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Metal Ger Revegance, NBA 2K, Shank 1 and 2, Reemeber Me, Renagade Ops, Transformers, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon Future SOldier, Valiant Hearts, fighting games, pretty much any 3rd person games.

FPS games with controller kinda suck I complete Medal of Honor and COD Black Ops 2 with it and it was pain in the ass.

10 years ago

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FEZ, Broforce, Dust: AAT

10 years ago

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Dark Souls: PtDE and Dark Souls II. I bought 360 controller specially for these games and enjoyed very much.

10 years ago

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Platform, fighting, racing games for example, not shooters or RPGs (except Dark Souls maybe or some turn based RPGs), I tried GTA IV, SR3 with controller, and I only see driving improved and maybe faster reaction when fighting, but when shooting is bad, so I prefer playing this 2 last games with keyboard and mouse.

10 years ago

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devil may cry, giana sisters, battleblock theatre, castle crashers, foul play, dark souls, trine

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Castle of Illusion

10 years ago

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Batman Arkham Asylum, Arkham City (and Arkham Origins too I belive); Dead Island is not so bad when you get used to it; almost every racing game

10 years ago

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Definitely the Dead Space, Assassin's Creed, and Dark Souls games.

10 years ago

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I use it for racing games, when I'm too lazy to take out the racing wheel, or when games don't support them. Assassins Creed and Tomb raider are also good with controllers.

Personally, I've always played GTA with a mouse and keyboard. I prefer to aim with a mouse, and I can drive pretty well with a keyboard.

10 years ago

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Try Steam Big picture, it adds controller functionality.

10 years ago

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I use Better DS3, i find that easier to use

10 years ago

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Payday 2 works great with an Xbox 360 controller, even the Xbox One controller works great on the game. Of course, with it being a FPS, I find the mouse/keyboard is best, but when I play on my TV, sitting back on my couch, I find the 360 controller works like a charm!

10 years ago

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You... play shooters with a controller? o.O
Anyway having just completed the witcher 2 with my 360 controller I'd say its a much superior way of playing than kb+m
Also any platformer I have tried so far has been better with controller, especially enjoy Spelunky.
Kingdoms of Amalur is also better with a controller.
If you need precise and quick cursor movement go kb+m
If precise movement and the ability to select intermediate movement is important (platformer+driving/flying) go controller.

10 years ago

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I was just testing the controller. Now of course I'm not playing FPS games with it.

Thank you everyone for ideas. Game on!

10 years ago

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Resident Evil 6 would probably be better with a 360 controller than kb/m, despite being a shooter. In many cases, buttons have multiple uses and require holding down the triggers, and pressing two or three combinations of buttons at the same time to do the desired action (ie. draw your gun (LT), press a direction (thumbstick) and the A button to dive to the ground).

I can imagine this is VERY uncomfortable with kb/m, if not borderline impossible, since your one hand is completely restricted to being on the mouse... but it kind of comes naturally with a gamepad when both hands have access so to many buttons.

10 years ago

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I recommend those games if you want to play with a XBOX 360 Controller for Windows, playing those games without a controller is almost impossible:

All games with Full Controller Support on Steam: Click here!
All games with Partial Controller Support on Steam: Click here!

10 years ago

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Bioshock Infinite has full support but I don't know how anyone can play it, successfully. :)

10 years ago

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Battleblock theater and castle crasher...??

10 years ago

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i recommend this game: Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages and it is 75% off, at the moment

10 years ago

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Any single player games = 360 Controller

10 years ago

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Most third person games should work well with the controller, first person requires a lot of skill, which takes a lot of practice.

10 years ago

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any game ported from consoles will pretty much work them

pretty much any fps that has been released since the controller was supported for the pc

still some games do not use it and some need it but do not

what i do not get is the lack of even some games not even supporting controllers at all some do not support it out the box but will work with like xpadder

pretty much any game offline i play with a controller unless it is a game i play online a lot

and games like borderlands 1 or 2 or games like that really do not matter wish games like payday 2 had better controller support since it is not vs mode as i prefer games that are not vs with a controller just because in most cases you do not need the precision the mouse gives you to beat the computer A.I.

GTA IV will but anything below that will need Xpadder but still not perfect because they do not support the analog stick likes they should

all i can say is do a search for the games you are not sure if it is important before purchase

10 years ago

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Super Meat Boy, Battleblock Theater, any sports game, any racing game, Castle Crashers, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Brutal Legend, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Shank, Shank 2, VVVVVV, Worms games.

10 years ago

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I suggest getting a new pair of hands and maybe nerves, because I can play all those games you mention more than fine. I also manage to play a mean Payday 2 which needs quite a bit of accuracy and twitch play.

10 years ago

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Ye, very good advice. Cheers! I'm up for hands transplant anytime now.

10 years ago

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