Lume Humble Bundle Link Redeem:
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im in same situation but i get 16 hours a week with $8.50/ hour. dont give up and keep looking for jobs.
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... This depresses me; like actually, no joke.
Fairy Bloom Freesia Steam Key: 9RFHJ-B466M-F6P2A
Hamlet Steam Key 78IM0-LREBM-JZZZD
Stealth Bastard Deluxe | Steam Key: G06RJ-65A0E-F8PEY
To the Moon steam link redeem:
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sorry again.. ;) they're all gone
maybe this will be better, music helps me alot :)
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Darkout Steam Key: MXZGG-GBNJK-KBVHT
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive Steam Key: 8ZI37-P33BP-MVE3L
Heroes of Annihilated Empires Steam Key: 5CQDB-KI79X-HAFHJ
The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 Steam Key: 477CX-K9H0B-20MQP
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 Humble Bundle Link:
Little Racers STREET Steam Key: DV77L-K5VXV-E0JML
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If you like cheesy, self-aware anime, The Slayers is as cheesy as cheesy gets; it's a parody of classic ADVENTURE! model, though it does take itself a little more seriously in the second and third seasons, which were pretty good.
It, uh, came out mostly in the 90s, though.
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It's a long road when you face the world alone, when no one reaches out a hand for you to hold.
You can find love if you search within your soul, and the emptiness you felt will disappear.
Take your time; don't live too fast. Troubles come but they will pass....
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I'd say, get another job but when you look at it if you do have a job already that takes up your time the only other thing you can do in your spare time is to do something you love (for example if you play the guitar you can give classes as an extra source of income to help make ends meet). As for the anime you can try Attack on Titan, Knights of Sidonia and Blue Exorcist to name a few. =)
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+1 for Attack on Titan. I went in after SO much disappointment with anime in the past few years and was pleasently surprised as how good it is.
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Well our situations differ a bit, despite being both bad and uncomfortable in their own ways, so I can't give you much of advice...
The only thing I can say is that you could try to use a bit of that free time (since some people already recommended you to search for another job, and that's not a bad idea) to develop other skills and/or interests you might have, and try to start something from there. If you can't afford classes, just try the internet and you'll probably get exactly what you want, and for free (hopefully!).
EDIT: Oh, and answering your first question: I don't know, probably watching series/movies and playing old games - because I'm still searching for a job.
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I just do everyday normal things like average people to lift the burden of figuring the purpose of life. It is a great way to distract myself from realizing how everything mean nothing, all things will turn to dust. I used to think about a shotgun murder rampage or maybe plant a bomb somewhere to show people that what we are doing are just a futile attempt at delaying our own certain end - but on further thinking of the idea, I think it was just a mere selfish thought. You cannot decide what to do with other people's life, just let them be to do whatever they please so long as they don't hurt others. And so here I am typing this while reading peadiatric textbook for tomorrow exam.
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No. I haven't seen that movie. Sounds interesting.
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The fear of giving up.
I'm afraid of one day waking up and not finding the strength in me to keep on going, to push on in my life and to try to achieve everything I want. I realize you can't have everything in life, you will lose and there will be times when you feel down and just want to give up and stay down, because it's so much easier than to get back up and find the right path for you. But where would be the point to life then? I don't want to look back and realize that I missed a lot of opportunities just because I gave up.
Everyone has to find something they want in and from this life and then you have to try and achieve it. Don't try living up to someone elses expectations of you, the only important thing is that you live up to your own. In the end you have to live with your decisions and their consequences.
Horrible and bad things may happen, they always happen, they will pull you down, but just saying "fuck it" and giving up, denying yourself all the hapiness and excitement that could come around if you just keep on going, is not really worth it. Nobody will be able to hold your hand and safely lead you through life, no, that's your job, but family and friends can aid you and that means a lot.
So yes, this is what keeps me going everyday, no matter what happened in the past or will happen.
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First its wise to never take a huge loan you can't pay off,even if you want to repay a loan,best thing is to save up and not to spend on stuff that is expensive ; to work like hell(to earn more money...obviously).
Family is what keeps me going,the things I love and so on...basically like the rednecks say DTA - Don't trust anybody so yeh everyone has his own morale and stuff,you just have to find a way to be happy in life and keep going.
And don't reply with steam keys to me because I don't need them and you're feeding ninjas...You should find another way of giving people keys :P.
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What keeps you going everyday; Why?
How the hell does one pay off a $12,000.00 loan (4% yearly interest), with a job that gives roughly 10 to 20 hours every week with 10.00 pay/hr?
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