After playing/watching/reading a bunch of MMO-like games and books (won't lie, more like Light Novels), I've found the urge to dream of the perfect MMORPG.

Obviously as per the category, this is gonna be the most off-topic I'll probably ever come up. Everyone's free to toss what their favorite features of an MMORPG you would like to experience, or have already experienced, here.

This is not meant to be balanced, or even make sense realistically. Hence the 'dream' part.

(Easiest way to start: "I want an MMO with...")

With that, ONWARDS!


I want an MMO with variety and classes. The usual DPS/Tank/Heal classes like Swordsmen, Rouges, Glass Cannon Wizards. But I also want support units that do provide support, like the Bard/Minstrel class whom provides passive buffs and can play specific songs to boost morale, and Alchemist class whom can provides class-only potions that also provides buffs. (I blame Varric from DA2 here; Expand his passive humming to have various buffs and give them semi-auto crossbows, and we'll have awesome looking bards that can deal damage)

I want a propaganda system whereby tales and exploits of your characters are passed throughout the lands. Depending on where the feat took place, tales of your actions would spread. Obviously large exploits like finding a famous treasure or slaying a very difficult boss would spread further. Also, feats performed in different locations would have different rates of spreading, and different methods of spreading. Small villages spread by word-of-mouth, while large cities would have heralds (like Assassin's Creed 2's heralds that shout out news at corners) and newspapers to do so. With more fame, you are more likely to be given tougher fights (as you are judged to be worthy), or ability to recruit more followers/minions to help you in battles.

I want open-world maps whereby the fog-of-war/darkness would always be spreading constantly in areas without civilization. Cities and villages would have sight radii that would create a buffer zone where monsters are weaker, and increase as you go further into the darkness. Large cities with daily patrols by trained fighters (a sure sign of a prosperous land) and strong concrete walls would have larger buffer zones - a necessity for your newbie characters to train up, while smaller towns and villages with wooden palisades and the townsmen acting as guards would have smaller sight radii, and may even be assaulted/raided randomly by monsters. The fog-of-war can never be cleared up, as it is impossible to be watching every part of the map, and will always spawn monsters.

I want civilized locations (villages/towns/cities) to be unique. Money is always the driving force, and based on the resources around, the location will be shaped accordingly. Features include Mining (for places near hills or resources), Coastal cities (for fishing and trading), Agriculture (Either a forest for lumber and hunting). The people that live in those locations would work based on the resources available, so you'll find blacksmiths (in every sense of the word - silversmith/goldsmith/weaponsmiths/armorsmiths/etc) more likely in mining towns and villages, and craftsmen and herbalists/alchemists in places with forests.

I want dynamic enemy tribes. (Anyone who has seen 'Log Horizon' would more likely understand this mechanic - i just love the idea). Enemy tribes (Goblins, Kobolds, fishmen, and other enemies that have the sense of banding together) would increase in levels over time, and even faster when a unique leader appears to drive them. Left unchecked, they would start raiding nearby villages and weak towns, and continue to improve. Ignore them even longer, and they'll become a force to be reckoned with, and large-scale wars would take place. Killing basic troops would only slow their progress, but raiding their places (ie Dungeons) and defeating their leaders would reduce their strengths.

Alright I'm done.

8 years ago

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Reserved... mostly because I can

8 years ago

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You forgot blackjack and hookers.

8 years ago

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Witty quote. I like it :-)

8 years ago

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Bender Approves!

8 years ago

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custom made classes and jobs are way too good but never found in MMORPG games.
like jesus guys watch log horizon and get inspired already.
in MMORPG where everything u can do gets u xp toward that skill and infinite classes where even real life items can be made.
u can become student, blacksmith, mercenary, engineer, or that one lazy guy who always sleeps under trees
always wanted to be that one OP assassin with double daggers, double pistols and the ability to channel long range magic :)

8 years ago

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custom made classes and jobs are way too good but never found in MMORPG games.

Ultima Online & The Secret World are more or less classless (UO completely so),. ESO only has a few core skills for your class, most of the skills are skills that all classes have access to. Guild Wars lets you mix & match classes.

8 years ago

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Loved how Log Horizon portrayed the enemy AI the most. Think of the replay-ability!

8 years ago

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An MMORPG like Sword Art Online ( and dont forget to remove the logout feature )

8 years ago

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gamers dont need to logout :)

8 years ago

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And the hidden features. Imagine the possibilities ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

8 years ago

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I honestly would be satisfied with that even if it had the whole "you die for real on character death" bit like in the anime. I guess I'm just that easy to please. ^_^'

As long as they don't make it "your character resets on death but you don't actually die". Holy crap, I'd rather die then!

8 years ago

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MMORPGs aren't at their peak anymore. They are not suited for casual audience and devs have to work hard. it's a lot easier to make something less complicated and popular and earn more money.

The only thing that's left is to dream of all the things that could made and how cool it would be. I like your ideas but imo the perfect MMORPG would be really close to a simulation of a fantasy world. We can only dream.

8 years ago

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I've thought a lot about features you could add to make a game more like a simulation. The idea of building a highly realistic game intrigues me, but I'm not sure how fun a lot of them would actually be to play with.

For example, a big way to make MMOs more like actual worlds would be to control information flow. Get rid of almost all the information that comes to you as text. Get rid of the names that show up above people you've never met, and any indication of their level and affiliation aside from what you can tell from their face and cloths. Cut all long-range typed communication. Limit "yelling" to the range your voice would actually carry. Cut out the built-in mail system too--in an actual fantasy world that would have to be operated by people so make it operated by players, with all the messiness that implies.

And speaking of things being operated by players, everything would be. Get rid of NPCs who are always there to do what you want, and get rid of automatic enforcement of civility rules. If you want to rob or steal you can, if you can get away with it. The law would also have to be laid down by players...

As I say, this seems like it would be really interesting to observe. I'm curious what people's behavior would be like in such a game. But I'm not at all sure anyone would want to play it.

8 years ago

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I've daydreamed about this too. Here is one of my favorite ideas:

A crafting system that's actually significantly interesting in its own right. I'd like crafting and occupation skills to be mini games, but really-really good ones with the following features: first, success would depend largely on skill at the minigame itself, not just on your rank in the craft. Second, each task could be done better or worse, so you don't just succeed or fail at forging a sword, if you succeed how well you do determines if it's a really good sword or an only so-so sword. Like a real craftsman your skill would matter. Perhaps for some items there would even be multiple dimensions to excel or be deficient on (making the sword durable but magically bereft, say). I'm envisioning games that are theme appropriate but that have features of the sort of puzzles found in Zachtronics games--specifically the open ended nature of the puzzles and the many optimization conditions--crossed with the quick flashy fun of a PopCap game.

Thus skilled craftspeople would be sought after in game, and crafting might be one of the primary aspects of play for many. Along with that, more of the better items in game would come from crafting rather than being bespoke.

8 years ago

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Have you seen Puzzle Pirates? Their crafting is based on minigames. The only problem is when it becomes too difficult/ doesn't match with their playstyle, then it'll just be something that isn't 'fun' anymore.

8 years ago

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I'd seen it in the app store, but always assumed it was just another second-rate puzzle game. I had no idea it was an MMO.

8 years ago

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I played it about 8+ years ago, everything is puzzle-related. There will be some puzzle types that you just don't enjoy (for me it was the bilging stations - it was never-ending and just annoying)

8 years ago

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Mabinogi with more players and maybe even more classes :]

8 years ago

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