...Buttfuck it, Now Tell me your jokes of the day!

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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LOL, yes.

12 years ago

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Wtf, where is joke about meh?

12 years ago

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Oh cum on!

12 years ago

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I'm not a girl, but:
I was just about to tell a joke about my pussy, but you'll never get that.

12 years ago

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Gandalf walks in to a gay bar and disappears with a poof.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I was gonna make a cat joke, but im not feline it

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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An Irish man walks out of a bar.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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+1 love it, nealry as bad as an Aussie walking out of a pub

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Yeah, never heard of pegging?

12 years ago

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or a peg party, its peggle but oh so right ;)

12 years ago

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Peggle: World of Warcraft Edition?


12 years ago

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Peg parties get even wierder online, how does that shit even work, there are only so many holes

12 years ago

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No I haven't. I don't think I want to.

12 years ago

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did my homework

12 years ago

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hehe ^^

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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People still think gay/racial jokes are funny?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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What has homosexuality got to do with racism ?

12 years ago

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discrimination based on something the person is born with, probably

12 years ago

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Not too sure you can be born with a certain predisposition for giving rectal hugs to phallic objects.

I'm sure bisexuals and pansexuals would love to hear a theory on how sexual preference is somehow genetic.

12 years ago

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Homosexuals are born like that. Bisexuality is a choice.

12 years ago

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That has nothing to do with logic. You cannot simply say one person had a choice and another didn't. Your argument is invalid.

12 years ago

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All sexualities are somethingthat I would call a mixture of both, you are born with it but don't realise until much later in life, life teen age years

12 years ago

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Umm....I only like women.

12 years ago

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I'm sorry I can't take you seriously (for various reasons) :)

12 years ago

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I have known a lot of bi girls/guys...people are born that way just like homosexuals, nothing wrong with it :-).

Trust me its not a choice.

My cat was pretty bi also but thats another story...O_O.

12 years ago

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My point is, if you're attracted to one sex, why would you be interested in the other? :P It's like they want something different in their lives, or enjoy having a particular lifestyle.

12 years ago

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I know a guy who hated himself for years for like both girls and guys, honestly I feel that you have to be born like that because I find the thought of myself being with the same sex disgusting...like I could never do it O_o.

You can be attracted to both sexes...and interested in both, pretty much born that way, same goes for other animals really, I have seen enough cases to come to the conclusion its like that when you are born.

Edit: To be fair, I have meet A TON of fake bi girls also, but that was mostly in High school years ago to get boys to like them more(Gross tactic).

12 years ago

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The thought of being with the same sex is disturbing for me as well, but girls for example are naturally more comfortable around one another. The level of bi-sexuality for them is less apparent than with guys.

But like you said, people can be interested in both sexes, but to actually do something with both the opposite AND the same sex is where it really becomes bi-sexuality :P I don't have bi-sexual friends so I don't have the same perspective as you so maybe I'm completely wrong.

Your high school days sound like fun, glad I didn't have to deal with those girls!

12 years ago

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Yeah but even straight girls I have known will say "I think the female form is sexy, but I would never do anything with another girl". The level is usually higher though.

Yeah well thats being Bi :-P, not doing anything is just bi-curious. Yeah you might have not been around enough thats all, no big deal, but yeah I can't see it being a choice honestly, thats just my perspective though.

High school was full of gross emo "bi" girls...O_o.

12 years ago

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I know several straight girls who actually make out with other girls when we go to clubs or bars. That's their limit though, or at least that's what some have told me. Just a little bit of alcohol completely changes everything, thank god it's hard for me to get drunk :S

12 years ago

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They get down and dirty later, then upload it to the internet, one day you to will find these videos and be like "well then".

Or not :-P.

I honestly can't make out with random people, way to personal, more so then sex in some ways, then again thats why some prostitutes actually wont kiss.

12 years ago

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lol, there's nothing wrong with making out with strangers! Sex for me is far more personal and I don't think I could go all the way in one day after first meeting someone. It would have to be an instant connection and a couple hours of getting to know each other before I trust them enough to take it there.

I never understood why some prostitutes don't kiss, then again maybe it's just what we see in movies?

12 years ago

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I see it different then you I guess, heres how I work.

Personal = Kissing, Sex, Cuddling, etc..

Not personal = Fucking.

Fucking and Sex are different in my mind, sex is more sensual, fucking is not so sensual or personal, thats not to say I fuck random people also, but I find it less personal then kissing, really I need to know someone well to do anything.

I am complicated I guess... :-/

12 years ago

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Women... complicated? How unexpected.

12 years ago

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Who knows, maybe I am a man, or a women? Or a transsexual? or Dr.Tran?

World may never know.

12 years ago

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Does Bill know? :/

12 years ago

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If you're married, it's always the same sex. XD

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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You can't really say that homosexuals are born the way they are without admitting that pedophiles are too.

12 years ago

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I absolutely can say that homosexuals are born that way because it's scientifically true on a genetic level. Some males are born with less testosterone and some females are born with less estrogen. Pedophilia is a preference, genetics play no part.

12 years ago

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Can you show me the scientific research that absolutely proves homosexuality is determined by our genetics alone please.

Having less naturally produced testosterone doesn't make you gay.

How do you know pedophilia is a preference? What's the difference between a gay and a pedophile (besides one being acceptable in the modern world)? Both are attracted to what we're not naturally meant to be attracted to.

You can't claim that some peoples sexual desires are genetically determined whilst others aren't. That's unreasonable.

12 years ago

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Homosexuals have structural differences in their brains. This is a measured, quantifiable, medical fact. Furthermore, a man having several fertile women on his mother's side of the family (i.e., had many children) has been found to be a good predictor for homosexuality. I have better things to do than try and google for the papers. This was quite literally covered in my introductory psych course I took as an elective in college. Do your own legwork if you don't believe it. End of discussion.

12 years ago

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No proof means you've googled but not found concrete and uncontroversial evidence. Oh, and a quick google search shows me that pedophiles have also been shown to have structural differences in their brains.

You need to restudy because I will guarantee you now that anything you find on the genetics of sexuality may say "increased probability" but won't say "certainty"

End of discussion for you. Good day.

12 years ago

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Of course. That's how genetics works. Nothing is definitively determined where behavior is concerned. I also don't care about your bait-and-switch pedophile argument. The fact, which you've basically already conceded, is that there are inborn biological differences associated with sexual orientation, which is about as clear an indication that it's not some conscious 'choice' as one could ask for, which is the whole point of the discussion, unless I missed something.

12 years ago

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Yes you did. You also inferred something I didn't say.

The point of the discussion (the reason for everyone arguing with Jonex) was that either everybody's sexual preference is determined at birth or nobody's is. I wasn't claiming it was one way or the other (because there isn't enough evidence yet to say).

You don't care about the argument because you can't refute it. To concede a fact I would have had to reject the notion before hand. The fact that you and Jonex claim is that gay people are predetermined, I asked for (and haven't received) noncontroversial proof. Especially when Jonex also claimed that other peoples sexuality isn't predetermined.

You're contradicting yourself too now. If nothing is definitive where behavior is concerned then your assertion that homosexuality is predetermined is silly.

12 years ago

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I fail to see how I've contradicted myself when my argument is simply that homosexuality is not a choice, not that it is definitively determined at birth. You're trying to equivocate my position with a more extreme one. I also have no interest in refuting anything about pedophiles. I simply don't care. It's immaterial to the matter at hand. So what if it holds true for them? Irrelevant. My interest is in fact, not morality, which is an opinion by definition.

12 years ago

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Is it determined by genetics or not?

I don't think you understand what I was arguing with Jonex about. I don't know why you're bringing up a disinterest in morality either. Nobody is talking about morality.

The contradiction was your initial reply to me refuting what I'd asked for (research that absolutely proves homosexuality is determined by our genetics alone). Then admitting it isn't. If that's not what you were doing then I don't know what the point of your initial reply was.

I was arguing with Jonex about his claim that being gay is genetic but bi isn't. As far as I'm concerned everyone is in the same boat either way.

12 years ago

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Apparently, I misunderstood the context. Not surprising, since I'm doing a few different things and not focused solely on reading these threads. I got the impression you were making a case for homosexuality being a choice, and that's just plain absurd.

Regarding morality, my assumption is that drawing the comparison to pedophilia is supposed to cause the other party to abandon their position, lest it be used to justify a behavior they find morally objectionable in addition to one they do not. I, on the other hand, don't care about the implications as long as it's true. Just because a fact may not be welcome or pleasant doesn't make it any less true.

12 years ago

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I agree it would be absurd. I mean, I can't imagine losing interest in women. I think it's the same for all heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and pedophiles.

I brought up pedophilia because I thought he would agree that strong urges are not a choice. Who would choose to want to fuck a kid?
It wasn't intended for a moral debate.

12 years ago

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proof, ok: here's a recent study on some fairly revolutionary findings. It has a full link to the actual scientific article at the end too. Don't be mislead by the title, what it's saying is that homosexuality or heterosexuality is determined not so much by a "gay gene" but by how certain genes are made to express themselves very early in a child's life or during pregnancy. Which is still a genetic factor.

edit Just read your latest response to wbarton. I guess I misunderstood too. I'll leave my comment here though, because that article is a genuinely interesting read.

12 years ago

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Which is not definitive proof since it's not conclusive. It's only just gone up for peer review. But I still think it would include other sexualities.

An interesting read though, thanks for the link.

12 years ago

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Was that really a necessary statement in a joke thread? Jokes aren't offensive, but comparing me to a pedophile...? There are plenty of other words you could've chosen besides "pedophile" and still made the same point, minus the whole "comparing people who are in consenting relationships to people who are harming others" thing. This, left like it is, draws more attention to the homophobic undertones than the actual statement (which I don't have a problem with people debating; that wasn't the problem here).

12 years ago

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Nothing in this thread or even on this site is necessary. I don't know the point you're trying to make here.

I needed to make a comparison to something which carries a bigger stigma than being gay to get my point across. Had I said "If homosexuals have their sexual desires predetermined then so does everyone else" Jonex probably would have agreed without giving thought to the more disgusting parts of our society.

12 years ago

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The point was the rest of the thread was civil and/or funny, rather than turning to a debate started in a far more negative tone. Quite simply, why turn a joke thread into a debate that's only going to end in anything but laughter?

I suppose I have a much, much different debate tactic then. That particular wording drew my attention more to what came across as more an insult than the actual statement.

That reply was actually far more clear as to what your actual point was. And on topic with that: I'm actually inclined to believe everything, not just sexual preferences, are tied to genetics. There have been studies with blind children making the same sort of facial expressions of relatives they've never seen, people liking things that relatives they've never met liked/behaving like relatives they've never met, etc. There have even been theories about murderous behavior being genetic, which honestly, I'm inclined to believe as well. If a person can inherit his parent's anger, why couldn't someone inherit some strange desire to kill (that was perhaps a more dormant gene in the parent, or a behavior born of how two parents' separate genes reacted being together)? What's to say everything we think and do isn't genetic and pre-programmed (until we have more conclusive evidence one way or the other)?

12 years ago

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I wasn't being uncivil though, and I didn't start the debate. I certainly had no intention of implying that gay people shouldn't be accepted like pedophiles.

I don't think we know enough about genetics to determine either way yet. For example, the research that revealed a 'fat gene' some years ago led to many people blaming their obesity on genetics. When studies came out showing that lots of fat people didn't carry the gene and lots of thin people did, it turned peoples ideas around.
There have also been studies showing that genes can be turned off or on through lifestyle changes.

In the end I think it could come down to a mixture of genetic traits with environmental factors.
I don't think how we think is predetermined by genetics because I've seen people completely change in my lifetime.

12 years ago

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My apologies there; that was poorly worded. I meant that to be directed towards: "Nothing in this thread or even on this site is necessary. I don't know the point you're trying to make here." My point I was trying to make in that initial reply was that it appeared to be an insult and starting a morality war (rather than continuing the already present genetics debate), thus unnecessarily spurring a much different argument, not that the actual point (once I got it) was uncivil or starting the debate.

I agree we don't know enough beyond the obvious ("Oh, your eyes are green? That's genetic.") or whatever has actually been fully proven in studies. Just throwing another theory out there. I actually have multiple, and I'm not 100% stuck to one idea or another. The whole thing is fascinating, and I do love to hear all sorts of opposing theories on genetics to get new ideas about it all.

Environmental factors of course can play a part, but what if (big emphasis on "what if;" I have no idea) perhaps it's genetics that define how we react to our environment and how the environment will change us?

For example: Person A inherits an angry streak. Person B does not. Person A and B are bullied identically. The bullying causes Person A's anger to increase, making them a much meaner person and more likely to just lash out at others. Person B, however, does not have that angry side and instead becomes saddened by it all and less likely to speak out.

Just a thought.

edit: I think I remember the fat gene thing. What if it's less like "All fat gene carriers are fat" and more like "All fat gene carriers have a higher chance of getting fat?" (Unless I'm wrong. I haven't followed the study in ages). Could then be that the thin people with the gene have to work harder to keep the weight off than thin people who don't have the gene, and that heavy people without the gene gained weight from different behaviors rather than just the gene. Sort of like, the gene accounts for part of it, but behavioral patterns (which may be a separate piece of their genetics) account for the rest.

12 years ago

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Oh I see. I would reword it but I don't think I should now, with the replies as they are.

Genetics determining how we react to the environment? I don't know. I know that people respond to different learning cues better so school (as it is set up now) isn't effective for everyone. But I don't know whether it's a result of upbringing or genetics.
I wouldn't know how to test it in a conclusive way either.
Unless there are lots of studies on adopted kids to see whether their behavior is more relate-able to their parents or their biological parents as they grow.

With regards to the fat gene, it does make it easier to gain weight. It doesn't make you fat. Yes it's exactly like how you explained it. I remember when it was revealed, people were blaming obesity on genetics when in reality the obesity was caused by their diet and lack of exercise. The gene actually has a low level of significance where our diet and exercise routine make most of the difference.

12 years ago

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Sadly we often get compared to pedophiles even though they are completely different things. I don't think people realize how utterly offensive and hurtful it really is.

12 years ago

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It is. :( And it also adds fuel to the fire for extremist groups who preach it's "wrong" and "disgusting" behavior, by saying we're one in the same with people who are actually hurting other people.

12 years ago

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Amen to that :(

12 years ago

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Jokes about both are funny.

12 years ago

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Nothing. A lot of times people will use a backslash to seperate interchangeable words sush as: his/her, and/or, Sunday/Monday, and so on.

12 years ago

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But in this case it's a forward slash.

12 years ago

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back/forward I tend to confuse them.

12 years ago

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all jokes are meant to be funny

12 years ago

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Saying there is a difference between these jokes and any other joke made about any other person perpetuates racism and the concept of demographics. You need to let go of the small-minded idea that we should all be labeled in groups and treated as one entity based on our appearance, my friend. Only then will racism cease to be a serious threat and can be viewed lightly, as if it were all a joke.

12 years ago

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I don't believe in labeling sexuality or race. As far as I am concerned there is only sexuality and the human species. As far as being near minded I like to think that I am far from it. Racism will never go away. Neither will discrimination of any kind. History repeats itself, and has shown as time and time again that these are issues that will stay with us. My original statement could be read as: Do people still make these kind of jokes? or That is so 90s.

12 years ago

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You are being narrow minded to think everyone is the same. It seems as though you think people can't see differences without feeling superior or inferior.

12 years ago

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You are taking my generalization of human kind as a whole and assuming I apply it to individual people. I do believe everyone is different as an individual, but in groups people tend to fall into different categories. Examples: Southern states in Americans are Republican, Afghan/Pashtun people are Muslim, Baptist Christians hates homosexuals. While the majority of those statements are true they don't speak true for every individual.

12 years ago

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No I meant more to your point that there aren't differences in races, not individuals. When joining a new medical practice or filling forms for a treatment you are asked what ethnicity you are. This is because certain ethnic groups are more or less prone to some medical conditions.

12 years ago

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I am not saying there is no differences. If I did I would be foolish. The color of out skin is different, the gods/things we worship/not worship are different, and even the foods we eat and places we live are different. There are differences, but when those differences become a way to exploit another individual or groups of individuals, or used to demean them then there is no need for labels. As for certain ethnic groups being prone to medicals conditions you are correct, but another and often more important question that is asked "what is your family's medical history?"

Edit* Again my statements are generalizations. Doctors do not need to go to different medical schools for different races.

12 years ago

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Oh I see what you meant now. Yes I agree.

12 years ago

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What is not funny about Fa.. i mean gays?

12 years ago

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The homophobia surrounding the gay community, for starters.

12 years ago

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Actually i beg to differ here, it is not like people in general are homophobe, i've known quite a few homosexuals, for quite a lot of time now. Most of them are making worse jokes about gays than any hetero would ever dare to. I am definitely not saying there aren't homophobe people, but that those who are, get the most a ttention, everyone i know, does not qualify as homophobe.

12 years ago

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That actually wasn't meant to imply all jokes are homophobic. Hell, I make far, far worse (to the point I won't type them here lol), and this topic's been pretty damn funny; it's just that if I typed "lol" on everything in here I liked, it'd look like spam. ^^

People in general aren't homophobic, no, but I hear a lot of demeaning crap. Maybe it's my area and my old-fashioned family, but it's been pretty prevalent around me. Of all places, it's the internet, where everyone's anonymous and can say what they like with little to no consequence, where I've found the most polite, tolerant people.

And yes, the homophobes certainly get the most attention since they're usually off screaming somewhere or waving obnoxious signs, seeking that attention. Meanwhile, the tolerant people are just silently hanging out with everyone, thinking, "Oh, it's just another lifestyle. That's fine," and not needing to feel like they need to make some point (which they don't; the less hollering about different groups there is, the more likely we all are to become "people" as opposed to "gay" or "straight," as if it makes us all a different species).

12 years ago

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Nice to see we're on the same page here :)
Now we only have to get that genetice bull out of the way, because, as long as we try to find out where it's coming from or not, there will be some batshit crazy people trying to find a "cure". As you say, we're all people. No need to go any further.

12 years ago

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There's actually already some of those batshit crazy people, ranging from the good ol' "Pray away the gay" ones to the new ones who think they're adopting new beliefs: "If it's a genetic defect, we can look for a cure to their illness!" That's an almost word for word quote from some silly (although they were being serious) thing I read once. Can't place which group/crazy guy was spouting that one though, but I had a good laugh.

12 years ago

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I love this world... and all it's messed up folks.
if not for the crazy, we wouldn't have a good laugh at times.

12 years ago

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Vagina jokes are not funny either, period.

12 years ago

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A gender-based joke that doesn't actually demean women. I like it.

12 years ago

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I actually find them bloody funny

12 years ago

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women's rights

12 years ago

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women cant tell jokes. back to the kitchen.

12 years ago

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Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich, dudebro. I'm hungry and I don't have time to listen to your neanderthal moron antics.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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A man and his wife are driving down the highway having a fight over the
husband sleeping with another woman. The wife takes out a knife and cuts of the
mans penis and then, angrily the woman tosses it out the car window.

Driving behind the couple is a man and his 10-year-old daughter. The little girl is just chatting away at her
father when all of a sudden the penis smacks the pickup on the windshield, sticks for a moment, then flies off.
Surprised, the daughter asks her father, "Daddy, what the heck was that?"

Not wanting to expose his ten-year-old daughter to anything sexual at such a young age, the father replies,
"it was only a bug, honey"
The daughter sits with a confused look on her face, and after a few minutes she says . . . "That bug sure had a big dick, didn't it?"

12 years ago

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0 o

12 years ago

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made me laugh so hard

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Helium walks into a bar. The bartender shouts, "We don't serve noble gases!" Helium doesn't react.

12 years ago

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I sniggered. Marry me? We must have good chemistry.

12 years ago

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Your pictures disturbs me.

12 years ago

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Don't worry, it's only tape.

12 years ago

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I would make another chemistry jokes but all the good ones argon

12 years ago

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i would make a chemistry joke Butt iam 2 coeool 4 skoorl ;D

12 years ago

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It helps if you only tell them periodically.

12 years ago

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You win this round, Fandango

12 years ago

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Oh... I'm sure you can zinc of some more!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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What are you lovers going on abot

12 years ago

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We are not bots, we just like talking alot

12 years ago

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Two atoms bump into each other. 'Mate, I just lost an electron' says the first. 'Are you sure?' the other replies.

The first atom looks at him, slightly annoyed: 'Yes - I'm positive'

12 years ago

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I was like: He, He, He.

12 years ago

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I was gonna reply with a lesbian joke, but it's probably too tongue-in-cheek.

12 years ago

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So, a duck walks into a bar and says to the bartender, I'll have a slippery nipple, and put it on my bill -_^

12 years ago

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great joke

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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----------> :O

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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you were gonna say a gay joke, but then you blew it

12 years ago

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I was going to make a penis joke, but it's to long.

12 years ago

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I was gonna make a vagina joke, But you'll never get it

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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+1000 interwebs!

12 years ago

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Lol, nice one.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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That was brilliant :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Epic answer is epic!

12 years ago

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Win of the day.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Gay jokes aren't funny. Cum on guys.

12 years ago

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Last night I was having some wings and beer with a coworker after work. There were these two pretty, but kinda fat girls drinking at the bar and being loud. They had what I could have sworn was a Scottish accent.

I'm a big fan of girls from the UK, so I struck up a conversation. I asked them, "So... you two ladies are from Scotland?"

I could see immediately that I had offended them. The brunette scowled and said, hotly, "WALES!"

I apologized and said, "I'm sorry. Are you two whales from Scotland?"

12 years ago

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There is 2 blondes driving along a road and they see a third blonde rowing a boat through a field. So one of the blondes in the car turns to the other and says 'It's people like her who get blondes a bad name and lead people to think up these retarded blonde jokes'.
The other blonde replies 'I know. If I could swim I would go out there and drown her.'

12 years ago

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did not read.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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A lady walks into a chemist and tells the pharmacist she needs some cyanide. The pharmacist says, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?"

The lady then explains that she needed it to poison her husband. The pharmacist's eyes got big and he said, "Lord have mercy, I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband! That's against the law! They'll throw both of us in prison and I'll lose my license."

Then the lady reaches into her purse and pulls out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife and hands it to the pharmacist. The pharmacist looks at the picture and says, "Well now, you didn't tell me you had a prescription!"

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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In that case I dedicate this next one to you!

Two chemists go into a restaurant.

The first one says "I think I'll have an H2O."

The second one says "I think I'll have an H2O too" -- and he died.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Dexter97.