That gif was originally from Armaggedon wasn't it? Or was it some other post-apocalyptic movie?;)
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Lol I got a couple BL for no GA and the topic is PewDiePie its been kinda low sofar thought would be more
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I find it dumb that people blacklist for not having a giveaway in the DISCUSSION section. Like, you entitled much?
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I think, except when people are being legitimately peculiar in their decision-making, the actual premise for the blacklisting is that someone is making a spam post (which is against site rules, mind you: "Spam: 3 days suspension"), and not putting anything of substance into it, giveaway or otherwise.
Which is an entirely reasonable outlook, whether or not you or I agree with it fully.
Of course, on the other hand, plenty of users are just crazy entitled. -.-;
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i never knew that law enforced except in serious cases...
my post has substance. i'm letting the good people of sg i'm happy
we need some more fun in this place, like it used to had
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i never knew that law enforced except in serious cases...
Sorry, to me that seemed a clear distinction; I realize now it wasn't. Obviously, I'm not comparing this (admittedly content-empty and vaguely expressed) thread to the more intensely or offensively spammy threads. I was just trying to clarify that there was a stigma against spam that extended even to listed rules, and the fact that threads like this aren't actually punished may make some users feel frustrated [by their cluttering up the discussions forum].
Also, if that's your intent, rename your thread "I'm happy now" (or better yet, "I'm happy right now"). Now I'm happy indicates a transitional sentiment, meaning you're happy because something occurred, the details of which you don't clarify. It admittedly does feel rather spammy. Hardly anything I'd personally go for, but even after the edits I just proposed, I wouldn't really fault someone for choosing to blacklist over it, if spam is a peeve of theirs.
Please, don't think I'm criticizing you [you really have nothing on TreeB, anyway :P]- I'm just trying to indicate that entitlement isn't necessarily the reason someone would blacklist over a thread like this one.
Edit: Actually, jbond's post below really does a good job of covering what I was intending to express. :P
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yeah, treeB post are great ;)
and the topic refers to my previous post:
as for comparing, didn't though so. =)
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That one really is total spam though :P
But yeah, you could redeem this one a fair bit just by linking that previous one in the OP (to give context to those of us that missed or forgot that thread [or blanked it out of memory because it didn't have anything worth remembering :X]).
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As Sooth said, it may be considered spam if the thread is neither useful, interesting or engaging, and doesn't contain a giveaway either. Generally, a giveaway in a thread is a good excuse to justify your shitposting. "My thread has nothing useful to say, but it was for a giveaway".
Now, I don't personally blacklist for such silly reasons of course, but some people may feel like the thread creator is trolling/spamming unnecessarily. Just as someone may blacklist for creating a giveaway thread, others may get blacklisted for NOT creating a giveaway thread - there are many different people on this forum and a shitload of different reason to blacklist - of which few hardly ever seem fair to other people who think differently.
I think that the best way to think of blacklists is not to care about them too much since anyone can blacklist for really absolutely no reason without giving an explanation.
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I always figured Off-Topic would be allowed for what people consider (as spam) neither interesting or engaging. Though it's almost completely up to interpretation unless it's actual spam (as in unwanted to the point of repeatedly posting the same thing)
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Off-Topic just means it's not related to the site or gaming (with the exception of niche topics like console-exclusive gaming discussion). But, of course, talking about how pretty your dog is would fit there, and that'd certainly feel like spam to many. Then again, that does still have a bit more content than this thread, which could have had a few sentences clarifying the OP's feelings and sentiments. As per the example, it's like posting a "MY DOG IS SO CUTE" thread, and then only having "No GA, will I get blacklists?" in the description. Forget lack of content, it actually comes across like the OP is intending to provoke blacklisting- which many users will certainly take up the excuse for.
There's certainly a difference in posting something with a lack of engaging content (or even with a lack of ready coherence of topic or phrasing) and just posting something empty and somewhat abstract, especially when what little you post is what brings up blacklisting in the first place. By way of its lack of depth and its structuring, a thread like this definitely seems to head firmly into the territory of being spam- though, of course, everyone has their own perspective on what constitutes spam (and at what point it's worth blacklisting for).
In any case, plenty of giveaways/etc get slotted in off-topic as well, so it's certainly not separate from the discussions forum in anything but the topics it covers.
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Off-Topic just means it's not related to the site or gaming
Not really.
According to CG only Steam & Steam gifts topics fit in the General category. Hence anything from Ps4 gaming to Origin or Uplay falls in the Off Topic category (unless it's better served by the Deals category)
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Oh, it's most likely probably always allowed as per the rules on SG, as long as not excessively posting useless stuff which causes the forum page to be filled with multiple of your unnecessary threads. Whether or not it's a good excuse to blacklist is the question, and the answer really differs from user to user. By the look of it, blacklisting for threads such as this is not very common, so there's probably only a small handful of users who deem these threads spam.
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I deem it spam, I just don't think it's negative, or worth blacklisting for. Besides, one cardinal rule of forums is that anything can lead to a good discussion, since tangenting is common. So long as the thread doesn't seem to intentionally counter-constructive, there's no harm to it, and the chance for benefit.
So I imagine the proper phrasing would be "only a small handful of users who deem these threads spam worth concerning themselves to any degree over", or similar. :)
Of course, if we want to go off the most integral definition of spamming, there'd have to be a notable repetition of the act for it to be deemed as being spam [most social guidelines I've interacted with don't deem anything under 5 repetitions to be spam], so by site rules and most user conceptions, I doubt something like this thread really registers [and, rather, "shitposting" does seem a more suitable term, in that regard, though I personally lump that under the umbrella of spam].
In any case, what people do with their lists is never a worthwhile thing to waste one's attentions worrying about.
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Thank you for letting me know.:)
I own an Alienware computer, but I don't have an account at their site.
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It was from this thread, but you would have had to be active to be Level 6 for it (which would probably require you to have been actively trying to get to level 6 for a few weeks based on the max points you could earn in 1 day)
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Dang. No Wuppo for me (at least for a while anyhow). Thanks to your short video, I have now added it to my wishlist. It looks like it will be a fun game!:)
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Glad to hear that you're happy. Have a great weekend.:)
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Sounds like someone needs to adjust their monitor. :X
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I am not a policeman a don't have either time or mood to do any detective work instead of SG with every GA I make .
Things like not activated wins or multiple should be solved by SG itself (I suppose it is not so big deal for SG when no one have added a damn trivial check for it so far) and I use level requirement for all my GAs so people who have never given anything cannot entry them and If I wanted to make my GAs only for people with good ratio I would use SGTools.
Nowadays I do most GAs only for WLs or groups so I don't need to BL someone there. The only problem is that I don't want people who BLed me to entry my GAs but I cannot do anything about it since blacklisting is just one-way here.
I would like sometimes to BL an user who BLed me but I hate this feature and the BL abusers so much that I "cannot" use it even for the abusers. I don't want to be like them and BL people who I didn't know and people who didn't break any rule. It's a matter of principle. It's hard sometimes but it is worth for me.
It's much more pleasant to think only about whitelists and forget about BLs. To don't give any blacklists and also "to do not get them". I hid all information about how many BLs I have got so far, so that's why I wrote that "I don't get them" - in fact I get them but it looks as if I didn't get them because I don't see them and luckily, most of people who make private GAs are not BL abusers so most of time I don't have any problems and I don't think of this feature at all.
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Well, if you're creating level-based giveaways and don't check your winners I can see how the need to blacklist won't come up. Your only chance of finding "candidates" is in the forum, but only few people allow themselves to be rude or spew hate and be completely oblivious to blacklisting.
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I'm happy you are happy :3
I'm in the process of being happy again :)
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yeah, no GA here as well
last one got me 3 bl, lets see what happens now
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