Including the base game, Season Pass and Deluxe bonus content! It says it on the Steam page and shows what is out.
Season Pass:
4 campaign DLC packs featuring new stories, missions and challenges
DLC 1: Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot is available now
DLC 2: Guns, Love, and Tentacles: The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock will be available on March 26
DLC 3: coming Summer 2020
DLC 4: details to be announced
Butt Stallion weapon skin, weapon trinket, and grenade mod
Deluxe Edition Content included in Super Deluxe:
Retro Cosmetic Pack: Vault Hunter head & skin, Echo Device skin, weapon skin
Neon Cosmetic Pack: Vault Hunter head & skin, Echo Device skin, trinket
Gearbox Cosmetic Pack: weapon skin, trinket
Toy Box Weapons Pack: 2 Toy guns, Toy grenade mod, trinket
Equippable XP & Loot Drop Boost Mods
DLC pack 1 & 2 are out pack 3 is this summer and pack 4 has not been announced.
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So, is this basically everything? (except Gold Weapons, as other user mentioned)?
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Sounds exactly like the Borderlands 2 Season Pass setup, and we all know how comprehensive that ended up being.
That aside, they've a habit of being unclear with their Season Pass content, as it relates to their overall DLC plans.
As such, trusting Gearbox to provide meaningful "all access" passes early in a game's release cycle seems to have some pretty steady risk associated with it. :P
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I don't trust Gearbox since they sold themselves out to Epic Fail. How many lies were told back then... Nobody can even count.
I just want Borderlands 3 and all its content.
But I think I will pass on this anyway. It will be cheaper in few months anyway and I'm not going to play anytime soon.
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But is the stuff everything? That was the question. I said it myself - it says what it includes. But it doesn't say what it doesn't include.
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Then, beside the gold skins, it has everything else, right?
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depending how long they will support and extend the game. They said 4 dlc in season pass. But what will happen if in 2 years they will bring dlc 5 thru 8, they could say that is season 2. But ime will tell with borderlands 2 they delivered a lot extra for the season pass but the past is no guarantee for the future (see epic store deal for example)
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Yeah, I figured this out. There could be Season Pass 2. But it's everything that is already done or is planned right now, like that?
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dont know about this
but in BL2 they added headhunter DLCs way later that was not included in season pass or GOTY
so,, you never know
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it's was far worst than just that .
Game and Season pass at launch time . After we have two new classes not includes in the season pass so pay again . Or if you didn't have anything the goty came after that BUT still have a dlc not included : the Ultimate Vault Hunter pack upgrade 2 . And it's a important dlc , i mean +11 level max is huge , should be a free update .
So who knows ... we can have a similar scheme in B3 ...
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yes now it's a package but not at the begining . An early buyer of the game and SP has a complete version until the Mechromancer pack , psycho pack and UVHU2 . Even if you bought it in goty version long time after the game was release , you version was not complete coz if UVHU2 (i don't count cosmectics dlc even Headhunter dlc ) .
So it could be the same now . Maybe in 2021 we will have a +10 level dlc or a new classe to pay if you want to have the game in integrality . I'm not fan of SP and other stuff but it's in the normal way now . BUT editor should be totaly clear " hey we have xxx things to release after that's all " and not be shady and making more things or be kind . Like for the last dlc to make a transition between the 2 and the 3 he was free at release .(but only release and not in any pack now )
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It"s an answer for the thread that's all . Yes super deluxe includes everything for now maybe not in the future . Some people don't want to pay again for new contents , others don't care but having the information is important . We knowthe past of b2 so we can't affirm this question will not have a different answer later .And chances are higher than other games . only few games made this kind of things . Honestly i think if more dlcs come they will be in a new pass . Multiple pass seems to be a common thing now (specially in VSF game like tekken , db fighterZ etc ) .
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As far as I know it includes everything...
But if I remember right it was the same with borderlands - and then they added like 100 dlc's and GOTY didn't include them xD It took like 2-3 years when they made final pack that included all stuff and also was quite cheap..
So do as I did with borderlands 2 and wait 3 years with purchase xD
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It's really uncool that this is even legal. Season Pass should include all DLC that will be ever added to the game. And there should one Super/Deluxe/Ultra/whatever called edition that includes everything, from the base game, to DLCs and everything else. But well... it's worse and worse every year, every month...
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Well - it could be worse... Look at Payday 2 for example xD
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There is many different abusing DLC/SP tactics in the game industry. Unfortunatelly. And they still try to sneak pay to win content to premium games, which is unforgivable. But it's still gaming community's fault. They allowed them to step closer and closer into making games a money machine. They lulled people into a false sense of security by making small steps towards it for decades. Something like DLC wouldn't even pass back in the 90 or even 00, when the gaming industry became big at the first time. And now we have really baaaad politics.
I can even be okay with DLC's. But with being fair to players. Season Pass should get every single additional content, created in the future. And there should be more communication what is or isn't or won't be in the Deluxe editions of the games. Because You buy something, You think You have everything, zonk, nope, You just got half if You are lucky.
That's why I mostly buy games with 90% discount. For about 12,5 dollars. Yes. This is a regular price I pay for the games. And I mean AAA games, the biggest fishes. Sometimes it's twice that, when I really want a game. And that's the reason why I hesitated and changed mind on buying Borderlands 3 now. I won't play anyway, since I need new PC, because my is all rust now. It's powerful PC, but too old now. It even has issues with sound and Windows update. Can't reinstall Windows etc. So I rather wait for new PC, then wait for maybe even bigger off. Who knows? Maybe at least base game will be on some Humble Choice? It will be a whole dollar for a base game.
Also... I don't really respect developers. Or should I say publishers, as they are the meanies, usually. I respect those, who play fair with me, not those, who use uncool politics. Some people say EA, some say Bethesda. But I see actually most of them to be like that. Not all... but really could be more player friendly.
Sorry for long text...
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So true. Because what you wrote above - I'm doing just the same. Exception was W3 but so far CDPR is the only one dev/publisher that I know who keep their promises. I have respect for publishers who behave like CDPR with Witcher 3 - they said about couple of free small dlc's and two big paid dlc's. Later it turned out that that paid dlc's were what we used to call "expansions" - because how else you can call something that adds new plot line and quests for more than 40 hours of gameplay?
In the meantime blizzard sells Necromancer for diablo 3 for 10 euro xD
Also add some vague descriptions of what's inside certain game edition on steam store page. Like there are 4 editions and you don't know which one contains dlc and which one contains soundtrack or wallpapers and then you go to forums to find out that none of those editions (even the most expensive one) includes dlc (just some stuff interesting for fans only like commentary and so on).
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Sorry for late reply.
Umm... yeah, the problem is with confusion now. And I think they are even making that confusion on purpose. Just look at the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Steam Store page. It says Definitive Edition. And that's just a base game. Not only it sounds like special edition, but there IS a special edition that is literally called Definitive Edition. So basically one name is for the whole special edition and just the base game. You buy the base, thinking it's the whole package. This should be illegal, tbh. Because You promise something You don't actually give.
And when there is 3 different editions and none of them contains all or at least DLCs...
I think I'm gonna buy Borderlands 3 only if I got it from Humble Choice. Because for now it's too expensive and I can't be sure if I get everything if I buy it now. Who knows if they just add another DLC that won't be in the best edition sold now?
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The super deluxe has the season pass which will give ALL the dlc's. Including the two upcoming ones. When I bought it, a couple of days before the 50% sale ended on steam, the second DLC wasn't available yet. I just beat it tonight.
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Yes, I know that. The problem is, we don't have any idea if there will be 4 or 40 DLCs. They can do more than 4, to sell another SUPER EXTRA DELUXE EDITION. This is Gearbox/2K. They did things like that in the past. And sice Gearbox proven they are dicks, I don't trust them at all. Borderlands 2 is the perfect exapmple of the DLC mess and all the confusion they are making. I don't have guarantee that they won't do something like that with 3 too. Hah, I BET they will.
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Or is it a scam name, that gives You some things and You still have to buy the rest?
Because today You never know. back in the days were no DLCs and everything was fine. Then they started to make them. But there came Season Passes, that meant to give You everything past and future made. And they don't give everything now. There are Gold Editions, GOTY, Deluxe, Super Deluxe... You never know if they really give You everything
So do I get everything that has already released? If not, what is left?
Does it give me everything that will be made in the future? If not, do we know what is being created that this bundle doesn't include?
I just got info what does it include. It doesn't say what it doesn't.
Thanks in advance.
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