oh noooooooooo :D i wasn't done and expecting 16th dec ...
have still lots o' sets to be completed ... 54 of 580 prolly
edit: thx 4 teh info
edit2.: seems like a headstart for cards to get trade-able (for now) *
Mysterious Card 4 - Holiday Sale 2015 Trading Card
This trading card has expired, and can no longer be used.
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The current cards might be placeholders which will activate (Tradable and Marketable) once the actual sale starts.
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Dammit, I wanted a few more coupons. Well I least I get to use the mobile authentication discount for some holiday badge crafting.
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thats because the dropped event cards has this info:
Mysterious Card 4
Holiday Sale 2015 Trading Card
This trading card has expired, and can no longer be used.
Received from crafting a badge.
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Craft badges. Probably more ways once the sale starts.
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Sell them first. Over the course of the impending Holiday sale, the price of the cards drop.
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thought so.... wont get me any game but its something xD maybe if i sell them all i manage to get a game? any way not gonna spend a cent from m money as i'm currently too poor for that xD so no sales for me for the 2nd year in a row either x-mas sales or any other xD
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Why yes selling more than enough cards than you can receive will allow you to buy [INSERT GAME YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO PLAY HERE]
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You can thank me for inflating the price of Foil Card #1.
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Use this link then:
If it won't open, then it's Steam servers acting up again. This link is the same as if you do a trade from a friend's menu, if you haven't seen a link like this before.
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Got two stinking foils already. What am I going to do with those?
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make a tinfoil hat, it will come in handy trust me ;)
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It's a desktop 'emulator' of the mobile authenticator for people without a smartphone: https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/3ug38r/introducing_the_steam_desktop_authenticator_beta/
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For the moment, I don't have much intention of using the authentication either. Maybe we should start a group for people in a similar situation who want to complete the badge. I imagine that the 3 day escrow will dissuade everyone else from trading with us.
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I believe that is Valve's plan with this forced mobile authentication. Valve doesn't make a profit from trades, so they want to make trading such a pain that it pushes more people to use the market. The forced mobile authenticator is going to split traders into two groups, those that can trade instantly and those that can't.
I don't know if there is a way to know if someone can trade instantly or not though. If someone with the mobile authenticator accepts a trade from someone without it, the items are removed from both inventories and put in escrow for 3 days. From what I understand, if you cancel a trade while it's in escrow, your account gets trade locked for 7 days. I don't know if this applies to both parties or only the person without mobile authentication enabled. We'll find out soon since it went live today.
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It's more about the hassle of having people whose accounts got 'jacked wanting the trades the folks who took over their accounts made undone.
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I still call BS on Valve saying this is to protect users from fraud. Around the same time they announced this escrow BS, they also started letting you permanently and instantly delete games from your account automatically through the support site. If someone hi-jacks your account, it's easier for them to wipe every game you own from your library than it is for them to steal a virtual trading card worth a few cents.
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Canceling a trade offer won't lock you out of trading. It's only once you've accept a trade and the items are in the 3-day escrow hold. Once the items are in escrow, the trade has been agreed to, so canceling now results in a 7-day trade cooldown.
I don't have a smart phone, but I'm using Steam Desktop Authenticator and I just got my first escrow hold. This is what it says on the trade offers page:
Trades that are on hold will complete by the date specified on each trade offer. If you did not make these trades or wish to cancel them, you can do so by cancelling all outstanding trades. Cancelling outstanding trades will begin a 7 day trade cooldown.
I send the trade through SteamTrade Matcher and had no way of knowing whether the other person could do an instant trade or not. The trade on hold is highlighted yellow and there is no way to cancel that individual trade. The only way to cancel that trade is to click the button at the top of the page which cancels all outstanding trade offers and places a 7-day trade cooldown on the account. If you're not using the mobile authenticator you don't have to worry about people canceling trades with you because if they do their account will get a 7-day trade cooldown. I'm sure some people are going to ask before trading whether the other person can do an instant trade and decide not to trade if they have to wait.
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This will be problematic for traders using the authenticator that want to complete their badge with less than 3 days left before the cards expire. They'll have no clue which traders will escrow their items and render them effectively expired right then and there.
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I may be wrong about being able to see if a trade will go to escrow. In another post someone said there was a yellow banner on the trade window telling them the items would be placed in escrow if you agree to the trade. I didn't see this trading through my web browser. I may have just not noticed it since there has been a yellow banner at the top of the trade window fore weeks informing people of this new escrow crap and I'm used to ignoring it.
If Valve doesn't want to farther piss off users, they will extend the expiration of these limited time event cards to allow time for trades to go through.
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There is a big ass banner showing up now warning that:
Trade will be held for: 72 hours
<username> has not been using the Mobile Authenticator for 7 days or has turned of trade confirmations.
It must not have showed up before because you can't miss it. Still, I'm not impatient and I'm fine waiting 3 days, even though it's still unneeded BS, but I'm sure not everyone shares my attitude.
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This banner doesn't always show up on trades that will go to escrow. It has only shown up once, but I've gotten three more escrow trades.
Earlier today I was thinking this wouldn't be as bad as I'd thought when they announced it coming, but now I'm finding it is as bad as I thought and maybe worse. Even though I can instant trade using the desktop authenticator and can do instant trades, the escrow trades are causing problems. I'm using SteamTrade Matcher to swap duplicates and various trade bots. I have three trades in escrow and since items in escrow don't show up in your inventory, SteamTrade Matcher can't know about them and you get false results. I've already accidentally traded for a card I already have that is in escrow, so in 3 day when it's released I'll have to trade it back for something else since you can't cancel escrow trades.
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card prices have gone down each year since they were first introduced, I suspect they will see a slight spike in price once the sale goes live and people know what you can do with the cards provided you can actually get something decent with them. Just steam levels and I suspect they'll sink pretty low. I was going to craft all my badges and cash out now, but think I'll wait till the day of the sale to actually sell the cards. This way I can get a slight boost in the amount i'm getting.
Last year I made over 100 selling the holiday cards, think I'll be quite shy of that total if the prices right now are an indicator. Anything short of giving free games for completed badges will wind up seeing this batch drop into the .10 - .11 cent range probably before the sale even goes live..
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im guessing they will host the sale longer this time around to try to make up for the likely poor sales they are getting by removing the "flash" sales.
i dont know about you guys but i saved a ton of money this last sale because of the lack of flash sales those things always suckered me into buying things i would have normally waited to buy, i usually spend about $250-300 per sale this last sale i spent $55 :)
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Happy crafting!
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