Add extra tier to Patreon or btc or whatever donation that enable people to create personalized links for giveaways
for example

BUT specify in rules that link will expire after 31 days max that this will NOT GRANT to the user the use of the link forever,it will be something "temporal"
and that sg has the right to delete,modify or disable the link if when it not respect rules or netiquette of internet (bad words,spam etc)
specify also in rules that this not must be name of real people,brands,websites etc. and that user is responsable if for legal problem offensive words etc. not sg. etc.
also create some sort of automatic filter that filter\not enable use of bad words (for this link feature only)
and also NOT enable people to use special characters\signs (*# or like this because i has doubts that this ccan be used for damage sg database\website working or sort of hacks bugs etc.) limit it to use only standard letters.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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hahaha because it's something funny and positive,and top of this can incentivate people to donate\support , anyway thank you for your reply it make me smile laugh much🀣

p.s. WHYTF link would be very funny to use too hahahaha you nice idea haha

2 years ago

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I dunno, links should be permanent, how do you access the giveaway page after the personalized link expires?

Maybe a better idea is to have a separate link shortener domain (like twitter's or microsoft's

2 years ago

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I don't really see much reason to want this and it would probably cause issues.

The site keeps records of all giveaways, so you either can't ever reuse the same URL or it would have to be changed to a different URL after it expires. Changing the URL would be confusing for users and might cause issues on the site. If the URL expires and then someone else can use it, certain popular words will get used over and over, so they won't be secure for invite only giveaways because people will probably just check them or have a bot check them on a regular basis. If you post a link to your GA in a thread and then it expires, anyone who visits your thread in the future will either have a dead link or a link that will go to someone elses GA if they are now using that custom word for their GA.

It just sounds like it would be confusing and end up causing issues.

2 years ago

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"The site keeps records of all giveaways"
only this,is enough for destroy my idea,and i think is not good for database or things size too,srry i dont know this.
" or have a bot check them on a regular basis"
this is pure horrific right too..
i not think this 2 things before... if i think not open thread,very bad 2 thing yes.

p.s. your brain same computer\ia 🀣 you know\thing many things

2 years ago*

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GA links are individually identifying GA. Just like say your SteamID identifies you all across the internet. Steam, SG, SteamDB, IsThereAnyDeal and any other site that uses Steam Log In knows it's "you" because your number is unique and can't be used by anyone else.

It could work if we'd have fixed list of "good links" like custom car plates and you pay for "ownership" of specific link. But it would divide users on better and worse as not everyone would be able to pay for access.

2 years ago

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thank you for explain,i dont know about unique id sorry.

2 years ago

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That's like standard on any website. You must have part of link that identify the web page.

Like in this discussion. /jjHb1y is unique thread identifier, it will never change.
/idea-personalized-gw-links-after-donation is part that will change when you edit the discussion title. But as discussion code is unique people will still be able to find discussion if they bookmarked it. Otherwise you'd get 404 if you'd go to website you visited year ago, and they changed typo in the title :D

Well some pages do use page title as "identifier" but it's a bad idea for the reason I mentioned above.

2 years ago

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yes i remember this 10 years ago i use sort of wordpress and it create unique links like this too when create new posts,i understand.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Fun fact: there was a once.

2 years ago

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And, it's invite only with a game that somewhat fits the theme.

2 years ago

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it work! :O at me how Cake Mania Main Street game!

2 years ago

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Account - Settings - Patreon

πŸ‘€β€¦There is a function that can be unlocked by making a donation to the "Community (CG)", although it is a little different from that.

However, the number of users seems to be very small, as far as I can tell from the information displayed.
The world seems to be poor, including me.πŸ’ΈπŸ˜₯πŸ₯

πŸŸπŸ’°πŸ˜ΈπŸ’³(ideal) πŸ₯«πŸˆπŸŽ£πŸͺ™(reality)
I think you should use it if you can afford it, because I think you will be able to do a lot of things when you have a richer CG.πŸ™„

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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the real question is how long must we wait for dark steam gifts theme. this website is BRIGHT AS HELL!!!! the extensions that give steam gifts a dark theme lag the website ever so slightly

2 years ago

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A story I recall recently.
I have a feeling that it is probably far, far away scheduled for renovation as each of us is trying to devise a way to make it work.

Another means is for Windows users to press "Shift + ALT + PrtSC".

2 years ago

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didnt know about the Shift + ALT + PrtSC. now theirs 1 more thing in the world i hate. thanks for the info tho

2 years ago

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I honestly only want to use this feature in Windows if it is "unavoidable".... I can understand why you would dislike this feature.πŸ€”...

2 years ago

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Alternatively, Firefox can override any website color scheme with your chosen system theme. So it will turn SG (and every other site) into dark mode if you use your computer in a dark theme

View attached image.
2 years ago

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im in dark mode on fire fox, just doesnt work on steam gifts

2 years ago

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There's an addon for Firefox called Stylus
I must have installed it years ago but my SG is dark blue. There are plenty of options but I set it ages ago and never touched it again.
Edit: Steamgifties Blue. There's another one I could use called Steamgifties Black.
Edit 2: IIRC it was a recommendation from Mully

2 years ago*

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it works for me using the settings shown in the screenshot. Is your Windows set to systemwide dark mode?

View attached image.
View attached image.
2 years ago

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available for Firefox

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Nice, thank you

2 years ago

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