Whoo! What should I post for my entry?? A song?? YES A SONG!
I'll spare you guys Taylor Swift because Love.
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This is the first time I've seen this particular thread (and it's ancestors). I like it. Have yourself a fantastic day.
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Heh, this is a really nice idea =).
I'm not sure what to post here right now, so I'll just tell you about the Greta Oto:
It's a butterfly with see-trough wings! =D
"You might be wondering why any butterfly would want to be invisible. Well, it turns out that the life of an insect that is prey to birds, toads and rats is greatly improved by being difficult to see. Birds, in particular, struggle to track a glasswing butterfly while it is in flight.
The property of the wing tissue that produces the butterfly’s transparency seems to go against nature’s instinct. The nanostructures on the surface of the butterfly’s wings are completely random, researchers report in Nature Communications. They seem to be scattered onto the wing surface with no regard for regular size or structured distribution. This means that when rays of light strike the surface of the wing, one or two rays are reflected, but the majority of the light can pass straight through the wing, unhindered by the surface." - http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/invisible-butterflies
Edit: I'm not entering, though :/
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I was worried it was going to be another mindless male machismo like Fist of the North Star, but it starts out a bit quirky and comedic, and charming. Then, rather than being a generic episode-to-episode sketch show, it quickly picks up momentum in story and character development. Which, for the genre, is pretty darn impressive.
I'm looking forward to it, each week :)
On the non-animated side of things, Killjoys is just pure awesome, if you're into space sci-fi (ala Firefly, Farscape, etc).
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Ah yeah, I should have clarified that. Of course you can keeping adding whatever you want, I'm just not gonna count anything that's been added after December 6.
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Tomato tomato (this would sound different if you would hear me speak instead of reading it, since it looks like I'm pronouncing both of those in the same way. But I'm not)
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Yay, the xarabas postcard event again , i want a postcard , so im gonna enter! :3
TLDR : ↵
Have a song
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This is really kind of you! Happy holidays :)
Also, every US citizen lives in an Obamanation.
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I've been vaccinated as a child and I caught atheism immediately.
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I knew you were gonna post that question, with that specific order of words in it.
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I remember your last postcard thread, I thought it was awesome and the winner got a great sg souvenir and a very nice game (Borderlands Pre-Sequel iirc).
So ofc I want to participate, I'll try my luck :D
My comment in order to eligible: did you know that the "Moon" Director , Duncan Jones is David Bowie's son? I found out about that today and it's very interesting because David Bowie is one of my favorite artists and "Moon" is one of my favorite movies ever
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I'm already excluded because I added something to my wishlist just hours ago :D
Best luck to those five.
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But you are only excluded for that game, not all of them.
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I like sending physical cards at christmas too :D Though they don't include steam games
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Now with one extra exclamation mark compared to the previous topic. Seriously, I counted.
Anyway, I wanted to do something even better this time than giving a mug. I actually had this neat idea of making a T-shirt with SG logo and having that as a prize (together with a postcard, of course) but it completely slipped my mind that I won't be here in last two weeks of December, so I'm kinda making this in last minute but it's better than doing nothing at all, right? The T-shirt plan stands but I'm just postponing it for summer (and it's somewhat useless wearing that in the middle of winter, as yo can imagine).
So what are we having here now? Well, instead of one I'm sending five postcards for Christmas to anyone in the world from SG, but you will also receive a random game from your wishlist. To be eligible for this you must not add anything to it after December 6th, which is fairly difficult since we are now in 7th, so unless you have a time machine I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Also I imagine one could make a better use of that device than going back in time and adding a game to their wishlist only to participate in a giveaway that they're not guaranteed to win anyway.
But hm, where was I.....Well, as you might notice, none of these look like they're from Bosnia at all (especially that lowest one with something that looks like the Eiffel Tower) but you can contribute that to my laziness. In any case, this is where I'll be sending them from and I can't really work my way around that.
Long story short, I'll be sending 5 people from here a postcard + one game from their wishlist of my choice (unless you have Bad Rats there somehow, in that case I'm not considering anything else). To enter, you only have to post in this topic anything but generic "thanks", like anything at all. A funny story, some random wikipedia tidbit that you found interesting, you can even tell me if vaccines cause atheism or not, whatever. For everyone else who would like to post but don't want to enter, just be sure to add "I'm not entering" somewhere in your comment so I can cross you out. Oh and this is obvious, but you will have to provide me your real life address in case you are picked, so refrain from entering if you are not comfortable with that.
The giveaway will be open for 7 days (ending on December 14), after that I'm picking 5 people from this topic and sending everything by the end of the next week. Good luck!
tl;dr: enter, win postcard, also receice a wishlist game
even shorter tl;dr: entr,wn pstcrd, als rcv a wshlt gm
Oops, forgot to mention that I'll assign everyone a number according to the order of comments and run them all through random.org once it is done so I'm not actually picking people on my own, far from that. The power of internet is doing everything for me.
In order to prevent more confusion, I should clarify that you will not be excluded if you add anything more to your wishlist since yesterday, I'm just not gonna count games that you added after December 6, everything else is fine.
OMG reddit gold thanks kind stranger!!111 *tips ushanka*
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