Who said anything about an extra key? You have a serious reading complex.
Read the description and you'll find out what it is! It's most likely the base game and extras as it states "Early Access to Interstellar Marines including all future updates and expansions"
Are you hungry? I have a bit of time and could spoon feed you if you need it.
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Interstellar Marines - Spearhead Edition
Early Access to Interstellar Marines including all future updates and expansions + Join the Spearhead unit (unique honorary game profile) + Your username in the Hall of Honor and your name in the credits of the game + Digital download of the Interstellar Marines: The Beginning soundtrack and all future soundtracks + Digital download of art book when it’s ready + Get 1 extra Interstellar Marines Steam Key to gift to a friend.
BUT QUESTION WAS IF IT'S UPGRADE VERSION or Standalone version of Spearhead Edition
UPGRADE VERSION would require you to use normal version key from 1$-tier first!
Where as standalone would not (netting you 3 copies of game, instead of 2)
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I told you to read the description, so you chose to read it, ignore the answer you're looking for and somehow get fixated on the last line?
I already pointed this out once in my last reply, but let's try it again. "Early Access to Interstellar Marines including all future updates and expansions". The important part are the first five words which are "EARLY ACCESS TO INTERSTELLAR MARINES".
You receive EARLY ACCESS to INTERSTELLAR MARINES. Does that sound like an upgrade for the base game which also happens to be called INTERSTELLAR MARINES?
Can you just admit that you've been trolling me? I'd feel a lot better about the world if I knew you were doing this on purpose and aren't just hopeless.
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On Steam, you have the Spearhead Edition and you have the Spearhead Edition Upgrade for those who have only the base game. He was actually asking if the key from the BTA tier was the upgrade (meaning you have to activate the key from the $1 tier then add the Spearhead upgrade) of if it was a key to the full Spearhead Edition, effectively giving you 2 copies of the game.
Crosshair answered, and it's a second full copy of the game.
Edit: I started answering before you edited your post, but I'm too lazy to change it
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I'll admit, I overlooked the fact that there was an upgrade available. Due to that and the fact there was no indication on the bundle that it was an upgrade, it seemed rather obvious to me it was a second copy.
At least I was right it was two copies and not an upgrade. :p
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I haven't been trolling, you are simply misunderstanding my question.
I was just asking if anyone has tried whatever
"Interstellar Marines - Spearhead Edition" on BTA-tier is actually full game or
just upgrade (Available as "Interstellar Marines - Spearhead Edition Upgrade" in steam) for version in $1-tier.
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My apologies! I did not realize there was an actual upgrade available to the regular game. As such, it seemed obvious to me that it was two separate copies.
At least I was still giving out the correct information, despite not actually understanding the question. :p
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^This. I decided to redeem the Spearhead key first and got the full game plus an inventory copy. So yep, the other key is a bonus :)
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I bought it for that. Pity I won a giveaway for it. Reroll. :P
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Putting a game in bundle is possibly the last way to make revenue. And this game is far from finish, to be honest, this game is still at the starting point. Even now, devs decided to put it in bundle, which could mean that devs running out of money for future development. So, IMO, it could probably be an abandoned project...
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Their official response on the Steam forums said they put it in the bundle for charity reasons and won't make much off it.
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By default setting, 5% of your money goes to charity. For charity? I don't think so. Also, I should give you more info about this game.This game was first shown on GDC back to 2008, and it had few maps and only few pieces of conceptual art and design. It was pretty much the same as it is now. Then the developers tried to get fund from large publishers, then they failed. Years later, they were still trying to get money so they tried kickstarter to get fund, then they still failed to achieve their goal, so hope on kickstarter was gone. Also, they found that they didn't have enough to purchase the commercial licence of unreal engine but this game was originally developed on unreal engine. Then they were forced to use a cheap game engine, the Unity engine. Later, this game was put on steam greenlight. Eventually this game was greenlighted and finally on steam because unlike kickstarter, greenlight votes are free. From all info about the developers of this game and the development through these years. I think they need money much more than other indie developers since their project is pretty huge. And when I saw they said they put game in bundle for charity, I couldn't believe. I thought they were part of charity that needs money to continue their business.
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I bought the 1$ one but actually now I do want the BTA, is there a way to pay more for BTA or do I have to buy the full again? ^^
Edit: just bought it again with the same email and got it :)
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lol, Interstellar Marines - Spearhead Edition even gave me Interstellar Marines Gift.
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Interstellar Marines: 0(45+14)R5-PBY(67+11)-(25+199+21)F8
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Thank you, looks like the other ninjas are bad at math!
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Cubicity (Desura): 0(4k+617)-XH5GR-A4ME7-5APH2-E07TQ
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Purchase Interstellar Marines and receive the following:
All In – receive all future updates and expansions completely free of charge.
The Spearhead Edition includes:
Extra Steam Key – You’ll receive an additional copy of Interstellar Marines to gift to a friend
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Before you redeem Interstellar Marines key, unlock the Spearhead edition first. It will unlock the game, give you a gift copy of the game, AND you still have the regular edition key. This effectively gives you 3 copies of the game.
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Join this group and wait. Chances are you'll be able to get the bundle for around 2$.
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It was one of the two games I was interested in when I bought the bundle and I'm very disappointed. Seems like you can't trust Steam reviews either. The game has no singleplayer at all and the multiplayer is just a bare-bones shooter without anything special. I read about the game on their homepage before I bought the bundle and the difference between what they want to do with the game and what is actually there is ridiculous. It's meant to be a coop vs AI shooter with a campaign, right now it's 1993 Doom multiplayer with updated graphics and only a single gun.
I hope Sang-Froid is better, otherwise I wasted 5$.
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Sadly Early Access has become an excuse for selling unfinished games that never get finished. And people like you who defend even the worst crap with the standard 'it's alpha' argument are a good way to deal with complaints.
Interstellar Marines was in development for 8 years already. And it is on Steam for 7 months. I don't mind a few bugs or missing features in an early access game, but if a game is so far away from the promised product after such a long time then it's not unfair to complain, don't you think?
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Developers gives a chance to players watch how their games grows. You think that, for example Assassins Creed 2 was made in 2 years? You are wrong! They made it in more than 4 years, working in huge groups! They realised it so fast because of they were working on 2 games at the same time with two subdivisions. There is difference between huge and small game developing studio. If you want to play game that was made in less than 5 years go and play "Day One: Garry's Incident", i hope you'll like it.
ZPS is making this game on completely new engine from beginning for just 3 or even less years. So stop telling bullshit about 8 years (yes, they started to thinking on it and sketching things up 7 years ago).
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No need to become defensive. The point is if you are a small development studio and if you can't make Assassins Creed 2 with your small group of people you shouldn't even start developing it. And that is the problem here. They quite obviously don't have the funds/manpower to pull off the game they want. If you want to make a cool, unique coop/singleplayer shooter with a campaign and open level design and after three years, a failed kickstarter campaign and 7 months on Steam all you have is a bare-bone multiplayer pvp only game with a single game mode and a single gun (and not even basic 1st person shooter movement like crouching implemented) then it's maybe time to think smaller.
Giving away 3 copies of that game in a bundle (including a version that includes a 'season pass') will certainly not help sales in the future. The money from Indie Gala will be the last larger sum of money they will ever get and when I look at the game in its current state I'm 99% sure it will not be enough to make the game they talk about on their homepage.
EDIT: Oh, and btw, Legend of Grimrock, one of my favorite indie titles, was made in one year by a team of four people. And I could give you a huge list of successful games that were made in less than 2 years. It's all about having a realistic, achievable goal.
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I'm totally with you on this, But I believe I heard that the developers of Interstellar marines were looking to do a bundle with their game so that they could help out one of their own who had some sort of accident and was hospitalized. It was on this forum a while back, Maybe I can find it and link it.
Still if that is what they are going to do with this money, it is a more bleak future for the game, maybe not so bleak for the guy.
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Finishing Interstellar Marines will be a miracle. I am serious here. You took assassin's creed 2 as an example. I believe it was in development for over 4 years. However, I also believe that the first 1 or 2 years of development only included conceptual art, background settings, plot and stories and libraries of models, textures, and materials. The actual development of it could probably within 3 or 2 year. 2-3 year development cycle for a game is probably an industrial standard. If you take too long to make a game, especially 3d shooter or 3d action game. you are gonna have trouble. The game engine and graphics don't stop to wait for your development. The longer you take, the harder you could catch the industrial standard. Also, putting it into bundle so early could decrease the future revenue. And their project is really huge even the prologue part of the game. Without big publisher's fund, this project will die sooner or later and putting it into bundle only makes it die sooner.
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I agree that people need to realize that these games are in an Early Access/Alpha/Beta stage and stop criticizing them as finished games. However, my understanding is that this game has hardly progressed much (an appropriate criticism of a game in development) despite the developer's big plans for it. It was very bare-boned when it was released and still seems to be so. Chlbrn says they've always had issues with funding and if they're already resorting to a bundle, who knows if they'll ever get funding to complete their goals. (Disclaimer: I have not played the game nor closely followed it's development, but I've watched gameplay footage at different times since it was released.)
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That BTA looks decent for $3.99 .. Sang-Froid was on my wishlist.. Beast-Boxing Turbo looks like an alien Punch-Out and Pixeljunk Shooter seems to have some interesting gameplay. Interstellar Marines - Spearhead is normally a $40 package (and gets you 2 regular copies to give away) :P I'm almost sold..
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Putting your game in a bundle as an indie developer after some time ofc, is a great idea. Actually the best idea. You get some extra income after your main sales are over, so you can develop your next game or whatever.
However, on the other hand, putting 3!!! copies of the same game in one bundle is an incredibly stupid idea, imho.
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Is anyone else having problems buying this bundle? Earlier it was telling me they were having system maintenance, and then once that cleared up I bought the bundle for the early BTA price. But I can't log in to my account, I don't have any emails (except my Paypal receipt, which confirms the payment has been sent and that I entered the correct email when buying), and the key re-sender thanks me for buying but doesn't send anything.
I've never bought an IndieGala this early into the sale before, so I was wondering if maybe they're just completely swamped? I don't want to harass their support unless I'm absolutely sure the problem isn't temporary.
EDIT: I checked their Twitter for a status update and apparently I'm not the only one if the comments are anything to go by, so we'll see what happens. Probably should've checked there first, but I'm not exactly a Twitter guy.
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Was gonna get this bundle but a good friend of mine gave me the two games I really wanted from this (IM and SF-ToW)
Thanks diablo!
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141 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Zaugr
Well, as the title says, new IndieGala Bundle is now over.
Tier 1:
Cubicity Desura
Interstellar Marines Early Access
Rush Bros. +cards
Tier 2 (BTA):
Beast Boxing Turbo
Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves +cards
Interstellar Marines - Spearhead Edition Early Access
PixelJunk™ Shooter +cards
Finding Teddy +cards
Pixel Junk Monsters ULTIMATE +cards
Dynamite Jack no cards
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